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 Jul 2012 Aj
B.P.D. Artistry
 Jul 2012 Aj
Here we go,
take your pick:

which is worse?
to cry and not feel
or to hold back the tears?

in public?...

which is worse?
living in a house made of glass brick?
or a house armored thick?

so no one can ever see you...
or harm you
or your house...

which is worse?
being in a body you cannot stand?
or being the person you said you can't

are you your own?
or are you being held captive
perhaps by a former you

are you your own?
or have you turned on yourself
lied and said that it was to protect the rest of the world

you are too clever
you are too violent
you are too... much,
or so they say.

yet its all on credit, an unregarded tab
and someone somewhere is keeping track

your words they twist and turn
they are vines and veins
whose blood they burn
you deconstruct meaning
transcending with every verse
it is a blessing, it is a blessing
it is a curse, it is a curse

oh but which is worse?

immediate classification no, judgmental interpretations?
descriptive deliberation of informative investigations
soon as the information is deliberately delivered
to the perception of my appreciation
artistic systemization


casting all this self manipulation aside in finalization
and choosing self mutilation
for the preservation of the rest of the nation
all the while, pleading through consideration

which is worse?
which is better?
to be everything is to be nothing

lack of identification.
Matter is a reflection of the nameless void.
Our physical bodies are reflections of our selves.

Just as we are products of our environment,
our environment is a product of our minds.

Ungraspable, yet useable.
Invisible, yet all we see.

Matter is the surface of the nameless.
The nameless transcends space and time
and connects all things;
the isolation of separate particular things
is like islands in the ocean;
apparently different, yet linked by what lies far out of sight.

Art is the language of Spirit.
Spirit is the pilot of Matter.
Matter is the vessel of the Namelessness.

Words fall short.
Experience cannot be conveyed.
Words are like signs along the path
but they are not the path itself.
(Ergo you must chose to heed the signs and follow your path)
This is something I wrote on the inside of the back cover of my newest sketchbook.. I thought I'd share.
The Tao gave rise to Te.
Tao gave rise to Chi.

We are Chi in Te in Tao.
We are Te in Chi in Tao.

Chi binds Te and Tao.
as Te binds Chi and Tao.

Our 'soul' is as a prism (chi)
to the light of the Tao
which scatters through our prism
into the spectacle of Te
which we observe and manipulate.

Through cultivation of Chi (T'ai Chi)
our prism becomes more pure and
our spectrum broadens and comes into focus.

We become all
all becomes one.

It is only once one sees that all is connected that one can become detached, yet one with the all.
A poem I wrote for a T'ai Chi journal when I was taking a class at the college.

Tao: Infinite, ineffable energy probability field thing
Te: Manifest Tao (we call this 'matter')
Chi: Personal/universal energy ('energy')
 Jun 2012 Aj
Untitled No. -1
 Jun 2012 Aj
sometimes no work of poetry or art can describe
a feeling of just simply wanting to say*
 Jun 2012 Aj
let's go back to basics
i'll punch you in the face
i'll rip out your hair and eyes and teeth and use them as jewelry around my sleeve
oh how much i love you! every part of yourself you've given me! your brown eyes and bleached teeth - you make me look so chic!
i don't care that your veins and enamel and sticky hair styling products are ruining all my long-sleeved clothes
i'd rather wear you now and save my expensive jewelry for more formal and important events -

                                                              ­                                                                 ­      my heart's made of gold
Trial/Error, etc. etc. etc.

— The End —