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Ailish Ryan Jul 2015
I have dreamt you away now and gone into the sea where they tangle about my legs and drag me to the pressure bent bows of the night ship.   
All at once you cradel my falling face, and dance into the air that eludes my lonesome laced dreaming. 
I cant even cry, as crying in water cant even be so.
Ailish Ryan Dec 2014
crackling, burning skin, itch.

Mine iris, Mine, Irene.
The swing in the dark, a spot light.
But dulling, finally, dulling.
A can in your pocket for later, where you might need to destroy a memory.
Are you carrying me later? when i can't see.
Ailish Ryan Nov 2014
As if I could write you,
Like I knew you some other time or wanted to.

Drones of moisture, I feel it like heavy crafts of dew,
Poured, slow and over hours.
Open pourous capsules dripping with the thoughts of yesterday's ideas

Over, over, over, over, over, open, awe.
Ailish Ryan Oct 2014
I live inside an empty room,
lights configure a devilish stare,
every shadow a reminder of somewhere I could be
Would I be anywhere else, I would run and smile
But I can't say for sure, I am the only one keeping me here.
Ailish Ryan Apr 2014
I am alone now.
The sound of your smile in the dark irks me.
Even if I never hear it again,
the soft crackle of your lips to your teeth as you stress your skin and bunch your eyes makes me sick.
Your cold, medicated, coffee breathe.
Laced with death and the inability to escape it.
I wore your charms as graces, pinching my skin.

But I have no where to run.
My mind is an enigmatic maze, and you are every dead end.
Ailish Ryan Feb 2014
We gather ourselves one more time
Strong with faith that this will be the last time
I'll try harder and you'll be happier.

You're sad again,
I'm not sure why,
We don't say anything in case it gets too warm and you need me to leave.

I'm not sure why I do this anymore,
It used to be love and stolen smiles,
Now all you do is steal yourself away leaving me to wonder when you'll be fine again.

I'm not sure why we do this.
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