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Ailish Ryan Sep 2013
Dreams are like the reason behind love
Whispers you can't ignore
Falling through your subconscious
If you ever forget me
my infantile mind might let you fall through every now and then
All I do is wait for the drop
All I see is the in between
I'll follow you through the fall
Ailish Ryan Jul 2013
It takes a lot of love to stop a jump, a fall, a fright.  
It takes too much love to straighten my tie. And tighten it round the door handle.
You can’t imagine how I hate this.
I climbed up the ladder. The top step was too narrow to sit.
I stood till I couldn't
then I jumped.
Ailish Ryan Jul 2011
Living alone in two rooms,
Built on love and shallow fires .

He followed graves for life.

Like his father’s yellow hands strapped to the coffin brass,
He claims the black coat and stained shoes in fertile grass.
In enough time he sits alone,
But he can’t bare the heat.
The goat as he was known was blessed as he descent the street.
“ironic” but what else can it be.
Whispers of this hall reflect on sorry feelings.
To think he lived with death like this and died in a familiar scene

— The End —