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 Mar 2013 Aila Natasha
ivy jubjub
halfway to infinity,
three quarters 'round the sun,
one of the many things she said to me
after she was gone
she said that's where you'll find me, love,
and breathed a slow slow smoke
halfway to infinity,
love, that's where i'll be
and with her words
her strange, strange words
she only could confuse me
and her charcoal lips would smile
as she said such strange and unreal things
yet paradoxically wrong, they sounded
or maybe halfway right.
right, i'd say, and where is that,
halfway round the sun and moon?
you'll find it someday, silly love,
but i can't tell you how.

halfway to infinity, she said,
three quarters round the sun,
i wish i knew what she meant by that
for now she's dead and gone
 Mar 2013 Aila Natasha
Jessica M
I didn't ask much of you.

On the wings
  of summer winds,
I tried to breathe you out of me
seal my lips tight round their own solitude

  but (and I learned this one the
hard way) you
can only hold your breath
              so long
   before the body takes control.

I didn't ask much of you at all.
     I only wanted you
     to let me believe-
     even for just a moment-

that you liked me best.
Do not stand at my grave and weep..
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awake in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft star-shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry..
I am not there. I did not die.
 Mar 2013 Aila Natasha
 Mar 2013 Aila Natasha
christ! it's nearly three
you raving insomniac
stop thinking of her
a haiku
 Feb 2013 Aila Natasha
Imagine we but two ships lost at sea,
Adrift betwixt the turbulence of time;
Cast out upon such waves set crashing free
To be the pioneers of our prime.
What wind hath set its weight upon our sails?
What rain hits hard to drown that starboard side?
The wreck of broken hearts and falling hail
Sits shrouded by thick fog of turning tides.
Forsworn to sail through tempests near and far,
And map uncharted waters on the breeze;
We press forever on towards the star
That shines its light across the open seas.
Though waves will roll and bells will toll before the morning sun,
When two ships lost at sea decide to madly come undone.
 Jun 2012 Aila Natasha
First it’s, “I don’t have time”, and then it's, “can I talk to you for a minute?”.
But if I say yes, will you tell me your regrets?
Will you switch the song tune, can I sing along with you?
How about we harmonize your precious lies, that intricately constructed my hearts demise?
Let’s add up all the seconds that you didn’t have, put them in an hourglass and go back the past.
The past you told me to leave alone, because it’s dark outside, and you want to come home.
It wasn’t me, it was you.
It wasn’t you it was us, so I let go and now you’re looking for my trust? 
So now I’m supposed to look past your flaws and into your eyes? 
Isn’t it funny how time flies?
Don’t tell me about myself, or who you think I’ve become. 
I’m not mad, I’m not spiteful, the only thing I am, is done.
 Jun 2012 Aila Natasha
Lain Ender
If I handed you a Rose petal
What would you see?

The thought behind the effort
or the action so pristine?

Would you miss the other petals
their beauty never seen?

And what of the forgotten thorns
That pain you'll never feel?
Its been a while. I haven't been writing much but I hope to remedy  that
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