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Aiden Williams Feb 2013
To touch the skin of one,
To match the touch of two.
A reciprocated heat,
a touch of two flesh,
With the creation of one body.
Fluids of love,
Digging deep,
Whatever treasures lie beneath the waters.

A rhythmic click,
with each deep dive,
Perfect synchronisation
Creating the sweetest sensation,
With no hesitation.
No rest,
Full concentration.
Aiden Williams Feb 2013
A sweet nicety
Though only tasted by those who deserve it,
Sharp as a thorn
If you ever mistreat it,
Then there is no way
that you can receive it.

Sweeter still.
You'd strive to feel.
Only one can taste.
For only one's embrace.
A blessing,
Just to see her face.
Her eyes,
Of the purest light.
To wake up,
Within her sight.
A lift,
Akin to the highest height.
Aiden Williams Feb 2013
Beauty found in imperfection
Disdain sometimes found in a reflection,
Often segregated into their own section,
Behind these defects
Many are afraid to mention
The attraction they possess
Even under the skin.
Deep in the mind,
One may yet find
A heart yet to be signed,
Sealed or delivered.
One can only hope this tree of life within
Does not end up withered.
One with the eyes of a wise man
Is where the beauty lies,
One with the eyes of a bigot
May one day behold a surprise.
Aiden Williams Feb 2013
Wisdom is key,
To be closer to He
Who created this Earth
For what we are worth
is much more than gold
For our very mould
Came fresh from His hand.
All of this land
The Sea and the sand
the trees and the skies
still can be our prize.
Knowing of evil
our hereditary curse
with ease bends our will
till we take the last ride in a hearse.
Wisdom is key
for our time will soon be
that our Father comes to take with Him
Maybe you
Maybe me.
Aiden Williams Jan 2013
Dynamite, dynamite
Put the light out.
The pigmented ones
for their freedom devout.

Dynamite, dynamite
Douse these flames
Years they have tried,
Converted their names.
Though we are the same
but differently tamed
to put out the fire
is their only desire.

The fuse shortens,
Heat ensues
Fear protrudes.
Douse the flame
before dynamite explodes.
Aiden Williams Jan 2013
As the moon rises and the sun hides,
With a promiscuous man in the night she rides.
Man of no merit
Man of no sight
Man who knows not how to do right.
His magnetism?
His wealth.
His mind not kind,
and nothing of worth.
But this woman finds him her way off this Earth.
Though not off of this planet but off of the ground
for she wishes for life not of the barrels end.

Her ascent not long-winded,
her mind led astray.
This man she once lived for
Gone as the moon in the middle of day.

As the dusk leaves and the dawn sits in place
she, found in another's embrace,
removes the tears that sit upon her bruised face.
Her mind is now broken,
her will is now gone.
Too often she thinks
He can do no wrong.
No lessons learnt
No wisdom gained.

In her mind in a desert she dwells,
all alone with no comfort,
No water, no well.
Aiden Williams Jan 2013
higher still
touching the sky,
on towers of finite currency.
How long does it last,
what is it worth
to be a member
of the bourgeoisie.

Head above water,
just getting by
ascribed or achieved wealth,
still living a lie.

Wealth above others
a sacrificial chamber
not what it's portrayed to be
but filled with lust,
loss and danger.

Faces of dignitary,
Laugh as they're spent.
While you invest in the world
and compare what you rent.
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