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475 · May 2016
inis oirr
inis oirr oh inis oirr
I know the reason why I am here.
your double rainbow in the sky
makes my heart both laugh and cry
to feel your beauty, love, and depth
that lifts my heart when I'm bereft.
when man has touched my peace and calm
you sooth me with your healing balm
of crag and rock and goat and stone
I look around, I'm not alone.
these timeless rocks of grey and lime
bring comfort from another time,
when man was humble ,young and wise,
when life was raw, there were no lies.
inis oirr is an island.
406 · May 2016
I looked back, but never turned around.
In the distance up ahead, stood my past
Hovering, swaying, teetering to the ground
Catching up with me at last.
I see its tendrils curling round my body
Chocking me in its grasp.
I splutter and spew its poison out
like a smoker in the morning.
You uninvited guest, now glower now pout
You evil curse, you came without a warning
I have your measure, I have your size
Don't dupe me with your lies.
Gone- be gone,you will not stay here  long.
But wait- stay
How blessed I am to have you
That I may vent all my vitriol
Upon your back and lash you
With my tongue- now take my gall.
361 · Jun 2016
I want absolution
cant find no solution
to problems and cancers
of sadness and rages
I searched for the answers
in pages for ages
but my breathing was laboured
no thoughts to be savoured
my head exploding
the data downloading
my life a confusion
is this an illusion
the prison walls tight
caving in all around me
no room left to fight
just darkness to blind me
no reason, no history
my death is a mystery
to question to wonder
to fell and to ponder
for me and for ye
and for all the rest
this was my reality
and I failed the test.
346 · May 2016
A destiny of longing,
of love and belonging
of long.
Of long and where does it fit amongst the
kettles and the pans
where does it nestle amidst the throng?
right here in the centre.
And from where does it spring
and from where does it sprong
it springs here and where
it does not go or flow
and so
And so it goes
throws and throes
and where it goes
no one knows
Until that day
when oisin  goes
and says
its here
it always was
all along.
339 · May 2016
Mourn not for me when I am gone, Weep not beside my grave, Enjoy the treasures left behind, For you all these I gave, With all my work, and love and thoughts of your deep sorrow now, The tears fall down your cheeks below the furrowed lines upon your brow.  Your alabaster skin of white and cupid lips of crimson red, Hide not the sorrow you must, now that I lie here dead.
289 · May 2016
She didn't like where she came fom
The smell of poverty, the curse of ignorance
Like a cloak draped round her every move
She stumbled and struggled.
But defience and armour were hers too.
From deep within there screamed a voice
These are not yours.
Take back your curses evil witch
You bore no good you stupid *****,
Take back your prattle, rattle
Now within your empty coffin.
For you are gone but I am free
Not tribe not blood not place not kin
Expose the soul that lies within.
244 · May 2016
To lie beneath that tree with thee
a witches curse, we could not flee.
the river gently flowing by,
could not speak, and warn us why
we should run and hide the wrath
of green eyed monster on our path.
too late now, the deed is done
the wound is deep, but love has won.
for cupids arrow in the air,
cuts through anger, lies and pride.
none can hide him, don't despair,
he alone may choose his bride.

— The End —