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Creaseless warm bed
Soft pillow under head
Sleep tightening noose
Just then hell broke loose.
Breaking through that spell
A remote warning bell
Prised open the eyes
In streaming rhymes’ disguise!
Day’s stress though immense
Mind strained in patience
To find from maze a clue
For images one or two!
In that poetic trance
Sleep lost all its chance
In an agonizing dingdong
Clock said night was long.
The bed became one of thorn
Sleep died poems were born
Some trapped some were gone
Like night lost at dawn.
 Sep 2013 AhhhWhatdoIdo
 Sep 2013 AhhhWhatdoIdo
And slowly closing eyes,
And slowly closing eyes
Painted behind temples,
Smathered colors upon white and inviting canvess,
Monastic Lisa and her friends,
Filling mosaic and print,
Surety of smile,
A thousand nothings to do,
Weeping a single tear,
Causing heavy paint to elude.
 Jul 2013 AhhhWhatdoIdo
We, stayed up late;
Saw his shadow cast away
a distance. Sung his song.

We, rise alone:
Clutching the fruits of
imaginings. Sated of hunger.

We hear birdsong
& bees, pollinating the blossom,
in everlasting harmony.

We watch steam
form clouds around us,
alighting over our morning cups.

We stir, refreshed, tasting nectar anew.
Oh... qui

stayed up late,
watched the moon
... an apple & Americano for breakfast,  
whilst baking a cake :)
 Jun 2013 AhhhWhatdoIdo
As the sun set on the vast turf plains,
the last ride form the dense town came,
it was as if I could finally breath,
a precious place with no hurt,
the heaven of earth with no cares,
a breath of fresh air.

An Angel led me there,
So beautiful no normal man would dare,
to follow her from the hellish pits of the the town.
she took me by the hand,
and showed me the world through open eyes,
she gave me her gorgeous wings to fly.

We walked bare foot through the land of the dead where we did not disrespect,
as our toes touched the earth she taught me and the dead how to connect,
she showed me where life began,
where the creature crawled out of the sea,
the mud was a reminder,
of life's circles and the dead left behind me and her.

But this place was to sacred for me,
I knew I had to go back the the town where mortals should be,
the dark rider turned up early to take me away,
I longed to stay,
but I was dragged back to the pits,
just left with the haunting touch of our lips.
 Jun 2013 AhhhWhatdoIdo
...Out of the corner of her eye,
a bolt split the endless blue horizon in two,
shattering Neptune's fork and sending the cold king cowering back to the depths,
A new day had Dawned,
and the sun endlessly wrapped her in his,
In response to another poets inspirational work.
 Jun 2013 AhhhWhatdoIdo
I would get down on one knee for you,
but instead I get down on two,
I have a greater need for you,
like no other human could.

You can make me weep,
you hinder my sleep,
you have destroyed my appetite for human meat,
at night I clench my pillow and my sheets.

You have a power beyond compare,
it's in the auburn highlights of your hair,
under the surface I've found it there,
and it's disguised by your smooth tinted skin.

There is something there deep inside,
so beautiful i cant describe,
to most it's unreadable in your eyes,
but me I'll love you till I die.

One third brown of the the earth,
two thirds green of the trees,
an amber twist is what I've seen,
you are the lady of my dreams.

— The End —