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Tell her I know now what I should have said
But I took the words and wrote sad poems instead
I show them to strangers
But Iā€™m always writing to her
Inspired by Bruno Major's song "Tell Her"
You hate everything that surrounds you. You think the universe betrayed you in so many ways. You feel hate underneath your skin, and so you hated yourself more than anyone. But I won't let you, will you let me?

- karen, 08.04.17
Her French name means rare excellence and precious stone and I will tell you how she's the rarest of them all.
She's the "I know it will break your heart picking fresh flowers so I built this Lego sunflower for my love will die the moment they wither".
She's the "I know you're a better cook than me but I still make you cookies".
She's the morning walks, the deep talks, the laugh for corny jokes, the simp for anime boys, and the cry over Taylor Swift songs.

It feels amazing how things so little, so seemingly insignificant, could have such an impact.
It's comforting, reassuring, unwavering, safe, and compassionate.
It doesn't matter if I have known her 20 seconds or 20 years for her little things filled the gaps and with her kind and gentle heart - makes her my greatest love.

- karen, 02.18.2022
Your ocean is way too deep,
I don't want to dive in,
not because I'm scared of drowning,
but because I don't know how to swim.

- karen, 07/22/17
What if I tell you a word
that can describe a feeling
of abundant happiness
that's been bursting
inside my chest like fireworks?
What if the word is so simple,
I've been secretly saying to you
this whole time?

ā€” karen, 01.02.18
I've read several proses and stories,
on what first kiss feels like
or how true a kiss from true love.
I've been there a lot of times
but I can't remember
what it actually feels like.
But then that one night,
that one night is everything.
I have felt everything,
those weird feelings I read in books,
the unexplainable spark,
the head above clouds,
stomach filled with butterflies.
I think the universe added too much spice
How suddenly it felt everything nice.
And I can see in her eyes, I can still feel her lips
And how in split seconds, I'm frozen like ice.

-ā€” karen, 03.17.18
When did you decide it was a race?

How dare you say you're tired
when I just wanted to hold your hand while watching the sunset.
How dare you say you can't breathe
when I told you a thousand times to stop smoking cigarettes.
How dare you say I'm too fast
when I always follow you from behind.
How dare you say you're thirsty
when I pour to you everything that I have.
How dare you say you're falling apart when I always pick you up.

When did you decide to cut your race
without reaching the finish line?

ā€” karen, 2021
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