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 Jan 2014 aeb
In the darkest night,
I take flight.
In the brightest day,
I dance & sway.

Outside these walls,
everything is false.
Outside the coves,
stumbling on troves.

Nothing more,
this is a bore.
And yet,
everything is met.
 Jan 2014 aeb
b g
steal the pause that stops me from bleeding all over your poetry
i am a misplaced smiley face at the end of a horrible message, he
is the sun, his eyes--
(eyefuck me with your deepest brown, autumn-eyed boy)
--he is all.
he is a lunar eclipse and i the ******* who stared unprotected anyway because **** me
if i was going to be blind i'd prefer to be blinded by him
if i was going to get hurt i'd prefer to get hurt by him
(sleep, he said)
 Jan 2014 aeb
Before the night begins to appear
I dont grab a cigar or beer

I pick up a cigarette to chase my Jack
I dont do shots, I poor a cup
After I smoke one I pull another out of my pack
My thoughts are slowed now that my stomach's filled up

When the moon is out
I'm drunk stumbling about
Waking up with strangers because I blacked out

So tonight I'm turning off my phone
Ima smoke & drink my whiskey alone
Please don't judge me, I'm grown.

(yea, I **** myself just a little bit everyday with these poisons to live, ironic?;)
 Jan 2014 aeb
b g
i never really liked that new haircut
or the way you smelled like her perfume
or the way you looked at me
like you were a crimescene and i the criminal
i tried to talk to the monster under my bed
i grabbed its ankles and dragged it from beneath the mattress so i could study its features
it was your face i was staring at
 Jan 2014 aeb
chamomile flute
lipstick smudged in rotten cherry hue
the feelings when i know
you're getting better
bruised the sentences in my hand
hollowed summer hollowed air
why can't you be there.
 Jan 2014 aeb
chamomile flute
sometimes I write letters
and get lost in lines of black ants

sometimes I write letters
and blow out a fresh breath of meadow daisies.

sometimes I wonder
how will you read my letters
in silly wisp of smile
or bottle of stars twinkling in your eyes.

will you, will you?
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