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Adrian Alberts May 2016
Dear Society...

I really love playing
with my wooden blocks
I have one block that is yellow
and the other two are red

I played with them
everyday without care
Until one day you asked me,
"Which one doesn't belong?"

I just thought that
the yellow block was different
But now you are telling me
that it does not even belong
because it is not the same

And from this day forward
my perception has been altered
to forever see through your eyes

Dear Society...I do not belong
Adrian Alberts May 2016
I reach to feel your lips 
But the net of night discerns 
So I adore your cheek

My hand at your side 
Strives to pull you in 
Like the moon 
That drags the waves nearby

Your words to me so soft 
They rival a subtle breeze 
As your eyes unveil the stars 
To display them for the first time

I want to say, "I love you" 
And cut the Heaven's floor 
But I know time will not come swift

So I will cast my stillborn heart 
Until the day we meet again
Adrian Alberts May 2016
Eyelids pry to stranger light...
I have not seen this room before
Nor this bed, stained sheets of white
Which may mostly upon the floor

Who is this woman in the mirror
That strokes her hair of red?
Oh, I wish my thoughts were clearer
Avast my dizzy head!

She turns to break my slumber
But steals my eyes instead
I glimpse her hand, a number...
It's mine written in red

For I do not recall our night
Nor the moments that had followed
"Do not heed the words that took flight,
They are all but vacant and hallowed."

"I'm sorry but I have to go,"
I speak with weary breath
She says, "Then you need to know-
I'm the advocate of death."

"What nonsense that you speak!"
In my words I do confide.
She looks at me and smiles
Then slithers to my side.

Although her words I fear,
I am caged by my own choice
She leans in towards my ear
And says in a wispy voice,
"In the alley lays your body...
Your scars missed by the cold."
"You came to me for fixing
And that's exactly what I sold."

"You see now Mr. Bunk?"
"Your body was filled with holes
And every time you shot that junk
It crept into your soul."

With nothing else to lose
I place my feet upon the floor
And no way for me to choose
I walk towards the only door

As the door **** begins to turn
I hear the sound of angels crying
And this pen and paper that burns
Will be missed more
Than the soul that's dying.
Adrian Alberts May 2016
Her eyes of Frost on the evergreen
Piercing through
Like the sun's rearview scene

A voice to cradle
The breath of night
Hair of silk
Taunting flight

Lips of pink
A shimmering tone
A mouth which begs
Not to be alone

Skin of diamonds
White as snow
And still your name
I do not know

Upon her *******
My eyes persist
She traps my sight
But I can't resist

Thoughts imbue
For all this while
She ejects a laugh
And then her smile

She lifts her hand
With "My name is Kate."
But mine's set prone
For it is too late

A restive face
Is now all I wear
My body inert
Except for my stare

Kate fades her smile
And clutches her purse
Walks away briskly
Escaping my curse

Again I stand
With self woven danger
Bound by another
Beautiful Stranger
Adrian Alberts May 2016
Your eyes set passed 
a shoulder's gaze
It is not me 
you wish to see

I watch the mask 
you hang fortified 
on a heart shaped face

Your silent tongue 
fascinates the words 
you defy to nestle in my ear 
which torments more inside of yours

Our love lies still 
Enslaved in pictures 
I aimlessly used 
to adorn an unkept floor

I am leaving 
with my heart, my shield
And you, a stranger, 
to all the voids you wield
Adrian Alberts May 2016
As I melt deep with Earth
Pressed firmly against stone

My eyes they pry
To vultures so spry
for my pulpous heart to be alone

And now my soul, it lingers
A shroud hidden in the breeze

Remnant of another raffled love
Sacrificed in an attempt to appease
Adrian Alberts May 2016
Freedom exists
through fractured glass
and fists like crescent moons
waning on a veil of parallel steel

An orchestration of winter
plays before me
A scene which moves
like toys of God

And the birds
how they taunt me
clapping thunderously 
in their liberation

I do not belong
to these chains of white
My thoughts subdued 
in a brain of cotton

Their pills, my pills!
One white, two blue
find refuge under my tongue
I do not swallow, never do I swallow

One day, I will know peace
One day, I'll thrive in lack of compass
One day, the voices will prevail
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