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Adrian Alberts May 2016
I am a nomad 
to the desires
of your frosty blue diamonds

Let me put the stars
in the folds of your lips
as we create a perfect universe

I am shaped for your kiss

Soft, magnetic souls
gently transcending 
in the cradled hands of God

Our hearts, simple and true
set firm in the trenches of tomorrow
No masks nor walls 
do we adhere to yesterday's scars

Let the wilderness of June be infinite.
For time should have no existence
while in the light of Love and Magic.
Adrian Alberts May 2016
I'm alive
Not in this world 
But the one before it
The one that mattered

A time when the stars were lit forever
I plucked one from the sky 
And gave it a name 
To carve my pain inside

A locket to hang on the veil of space
My gift to the universe 
For all to crucify and flourish
Adrian Alberts May 2016
Aren't we all
Just waiting for our time to be up?
The day when
Body and soul come undone

When everything that mattered
Doesn't anymore
And you see your years in seconds-
A paparazzi slideshow

Your sins left behind
For loved ones to collect
Like a forensic Easter egg hunt

Then you drift
In the parallel lines
That blur religion and reality

Too late to question
Everything you've ever known
Too soon to regret
Sunday's Idol Eyes
Adrian Alberts May 2016
Our love began
A steady fast
We both believed
That it would last

But then it came
To be the day
When you confessed
Your love ran stray

And as I stood
In heart's torment
Depths of regret
Sank time that spent

Now that I know
We're not to be
My mind can ease
A heart set free
Adrian Alberts May 2016
And yet again,
Bound to the warm barrel
That thrives in the chamber
Of my years

A chameleon heart
Nurtured to beat and play,
Transcends to fleet and flay,
Committing a withering display

To pacify a pseudo stranger:
The ghost behind my eyes

— The End —