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Adreanna Hill Nov 2013
The Spirit of Discerning guides me
So I see right through your bullish
Foolishness are you filled with
For you do not know the power of my Lord
You are but a man whom the Bible speaks of
A human being
so I expect
at all from you
You receive only what you give
In return for what you are given
Your worldly values are of no value to me
So keep your possessions I want nothing to do
With you or them
I am awaiting him who us God sent
And I have yet to meet him
I'll continue my wait
But thank you
Adreanna Hill Nov 2013
I write this with tears
Asking to be released from my eyes
And as i continue they make their way
Down my cheeks
Adreanna Hill Nov 2013
I remember how you would caress my hair from behind me
Hiding my face in the pillows because the windows were open
But I can't remember how much you loved me
Yes I remember you loved to touch me
And yes I remember the ecstasy
The way you would kiss my stomach just above it with a flick of your tongue my guard was gone
But I can't recall you ever loving me...
The lust in your eyes I mistook
Whenever you got that that glassy look
When I would look up from the Book
We were no longer humans
Animals running on instinct
And to think
I mistook it for love
So young and dumb
So young and naive to believe I believed
I thought you loved me...
But now I know you clouded my judgement
With sweet seduction
Your lips like suction cups
Taking my breath away
Making me believe that it was worth the stay
I was never worth the wait...
I remember the look you got
And how you taught me new things
I'd dreamed of for my husband
But I can't remember
I can't for the life of me
Remember you ever loving me
Adreanna Hill Nov 2013
To my many worlds if
You are afraid do not enter
For here lies good and evil
Tied with positive energy and negative people
Intertwined with the wise words of My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
And the thoughts of Buddha
Here you will know tales of Love
And catch the tail end of tears cried over Love found
Never lost...
The Truth...
Are you ready...

— The End —