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Oct 2012 · 813
Come Over
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
C**ome to my terrace
i’d make coffee
and listen to you
While you pour
your emotions
into my heart’s cup
i’d keep it a secret;
all your pains
i’d wonder over your smiles
and look after the tears
i’d talk too
although little and slow
i’d tell you stories
that the sky conceals
i’d speak about
things i feel
we both know
life is hard
but i have heard
life cannot sustain
too much hardships either
so we two
deep in hurt
would laugh away sorrows
like two brave hearts
you can sing your song
i’d scribble my words
and years later
we’d smile on those
few moments such
we’d treasure in us
whenever on my terrace
the winter would come
i’d remember your face
in the warm sun
and the smell of coffee
would be high on my nerves.
Oct 2012 · 715
frog heart -- haiku #41
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
My heart is a frog
The moment clouds arrive
It just leaps out
Oct 2012 · 538
A Deal -- haiku #40
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
deal it is, this life
some part here, some part there
thus we part our strife
Oct 2012 · 631
Clink -- word sonnet #4
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
Oct 2012 · 878
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
half is the heart
that beats fast
until two halves
stop the time
and go slow
Oct 2012 · 2.1k
Once I was a God
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
Long back once
I was a God
I painted some lovely birds
on the greenest trees
which stood by the most beautiful river
that had vivacious flowers
all along its grassy banks
I brought all this to life

people saw all of it and admired
then they thought it'd be
the sweetest, purest water
and they built a bottling plant by riverside
as if their thirst was deep rather than large
they plucked flowers and adorned houses
as if their paints were not bright enough,
they brought flowers to weddings and parties too
as if the mood and purpose were never up to mark,
they caught the birds and put them into cages
as if their free wings made people resent own servitude
they cut down trees to make skyscrapers
as if their life spans were ever eternal

and when they distorted whatever was all my hard work
they came with gloated hearts to temples and churches
they sang glorious hymns and offered construed prayers,
and in almost a state of self-praise they told me how noble I was
for I endowed them with capabilities none could ever fathom
Oct 2012 · 1.4k
Some Poems
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
some poems,
they are not metaphors
they are not similes
nor they are alliterations
some poems are emotions
simple, pure emotions
they trickle in one clear line
like a sincere tear drop
whose single strength
finds the road ahead
to console the weeping heart,
to remedy the ailing soul
some poems are just emotions
they just flow inside along the veins
to touch each single cell and tissue
to caress the body with wanting warmth
Oct 2012 · 745
who am I?
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
i was a great will
and a brave heart
i was a real hero
and a rejoicing hart
i was a noble soul
and a belief strong
i was a lively mind
and a love song

until i saw the malice
that was in their sighs
until i saw the hatred
that was in their eyes
until they despised
for all that i was
and grew jealous of me
with loathsome laughs

who I am
i don't now know
my original faith
or their empty sorrow
Oct 2012 · 1.9k
if I were a banyan
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
if I ever were a banyan
I would have soared high
enough into the blue sky
higher than any proud eucalyptus
grounded stronger than any other root
heavier than one hundred elephants
I would have grown upward
not in meters, but a couple of miles
too outreaching and lofty for men
for that might have been one reason
for nobody to chop my trunk
for no bird to ever become homeless
for then, men would've sensed and feared
the grand weight of my life
Oct 2012 · 1.1k
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
remind me again how wilting pain can prove to be
tell me things that my body had forgotten awhile
my simper has gone and so have my quips
there's just pain, a sea full of it, deep down
my armor a wreck and my senses diminished
i know the nobility is nothing more than wisp
i can look into the mirror and find surprise
the sincerest effort of a man is to just survive

(for Mae, our dear fellow poet. get well soon.)
Oct 2012 · 1.3k
I am an Ocean
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
i am an ocean
you don't know all
you can break the brine
you can see underworld piscine
you can reach to the corals
and collect few shells, pearls
you can pump out petrol
but you don't know all
i am an ocean
you know what you see
but that's not all of me
i am more than tide
i am more than water
i am deepest secret
i am fullest crater
i spin clouds far away
i talk to the sun night and day
i tell rivers to move on
i am every mountain's dungeons
i am the currents of wind in summer
and the cold waves by the autumn fall
i am an ocean
you don't know all
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
Oct 2012 · 1.5k
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
dad never scolded the butterfly
which wandered all around all time
he never complained to the birds
why they chirped about, strolled high
he never flanked these guys as he did to me,

i wish, instead of books to study,
i had those wings to flee!
Oct 2012 · 767
a plea
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
O collector,
what adorns you
as jewels garnered
upon tender pickings
of beaded words
and knitted faith,

was once the pulse of my heart!
Oct 2012 · 865
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
Each day
There is a sea of faces
Strangers walk along
And then away

Last day
Someone stole
The green of the leaf
Now it looks all pale

And Today
I no longer know
Whom to believe
All seems a dream
Oct 2012 · 958
the waiting
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
hear my silence
bring up
some words upstairs
i shall be waiting
there each night

seedlings these grow
the words
they are vines
holding on
to me and you
as do our dreams
they too ascend
into the blue sky
the moon won't
tell a thing
it is too lulled
into melodies
of words etched
over the dark pillars
and my mind is on you
and my emotions
oh, don't you remember
last time you took 'em
with you
saying you needed 'em
to weave your pearls of memoirs

hence, i'd be waiting
for your string of words,
upstairs, in silence indeed!
Oct 2012 · 441
word sonnet #2
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
Oct 2012 · 477
word sonnet #1
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
Oct 2012 · 865
impasse in motion
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
Newton was wrong about inertia
I know a moving cul-de-sac
A reckless storm of time,
Which i keep up my sleeve
Oct 2012 · 929
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
My trained mind
Had me seated
Or rather sedated
Under drudgery’s spell
I was nobody
I was a mob
I was a failing man
I was a rising chagrin
Day by day
Year after year
Unknowing and unaware
Of my real way
I followed the path
That all did
Nobody comes telling
You in your face
That you are a lost case
Nobody knows what
To say at all
It is rumpus everywhere
As music is unfound
So one day
The bird came
And sat by
My window pane
And sang aloud
Her freedom song
No god set me free
The bird did.
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
let silence settle by my side today
else i'd again be driven
into the echo of her thoughts

into the unfinished talks
into the incomplete memories
into her interim proximity

i summoned her as she left
but it went unheard
renegades often turn deaf

let silence settle by my side today
else i'd again be driven
into the echo of her thoughts

i'd claim it elusive mischance
i'd profess on empty hope
i'd even bridle my despair

'one can ail to no avail,
nor tears'll bring respite!'
these were her last words FOR me

let silence settle by my side today
else i'd again be driven
into the echo of her thoughts
Oct 2012 · 350
to the fish
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
all the world's yours
sea was just the beginning
come sooner than later
i would be waiting by the ending
Oct 2012 · 348
haiku #39
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
hang on the wall
times and memories many
once all was alive
Oct 2012 · 439
my love
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
my love has the shade of dark
for it takes in everything.
both, the light and the murk.

it has the shade like the one
you'd often find with your eyes shut,
faith abound, and strings undone.
Oct 2012 · 758
the heart speaks
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
I am no desire
I am no wish
but courage

do not muddle me
with mind's tricks
or petty strife

i am no slave
but a king
the ever-giving breed

bring to me
no pity
i am brave

come to me
with your smiles
with your tears

both are my treasures
the very emblem
of true strength

not all can laugh
not all can cry
don't you know?

i can just ever be there
silently, as if i was
never ever there

but i do beat,
pause and beat
nothing else does so

but i do, to remind you
of the unfailing promise
of a heartbeat to you

do not dwell
in your mind's cave
but in your heart's nest

it is fragile
but it is whence
love originates

the nest of your heart
that is made up
of frail feelings

meek memories
effervescent emotions
and elements of life

it is me,
your tender heart, whence
the brave you came
Oct 2012 · 1.4k
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
one song
one dance
one story
one chance

i sing in equal joy
i laugh in equal fun
each time in equal bliss
i wonder in equal pun

here is
the day borne
on sleeves
of my heart!
Oct 2012 · 1.6k
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
i spun a magic
and kept it in a round box,
the box made of dew.
look closer,
you would see
each curvy bent
is a smile,
the magic of lips,
the tickler of eyes.
when the dew is done,
its imprints would remain
and every round drop
every elliptical trickle
would remind you
of my smile.
that's the actual magic.
Oct 2012 · 1.1k
who is for whom
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
One day someone asked me a question,
'why not just have fun and live happily?'
I said, 'because that would be selfish.'
He replied, 'everyone is selfish.'
I sighed.

That night, I slept as I always have
In the morning, the sun came out
looked around with a docile stance
he carried in him ember and fire
for some reason

The world was cold and thawed
the chill swept the earth all night
no body sang, no body spoke
no body was awake against the frost
the sun saw it all

Millions of bodies, even rocks and trees
Suckled on its warmth like its babies,
slowly opening their eyes to the morning,
coming awake as the heat kicked out
the numbness of night

The sun burnt its heart to produce
more and more fire for the world,
for many more tomorrows that he had
to tend to, for all that was sought by all
was his ardor

Sometimes, when the sun's heart ails
with its own searing burns and blues,
the blue ocean sends across to it, its coolest
wave, from the deepest corners of its heart,
borne on a zephyr

But oh, the burning world, under the fervency
of its own desires, seizes with excuses each
little effort the ocean puts forth, no consolation
ever reaches the sun, for those who it lives for,
need ever more

Each wind that passes by is never enough
for a world that is more esurient than destitute
all steal from the sun more than they need
all rob the breeze of its soothing touch
and the world lives on
Oct 2012 · 12.6k
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
you dwell in my sight like yesterdays
your voice is a melody upon my mind
your gaze snows upon my heart

melting me each moment
is your warmth, so unknown rather forgotten
i had turned into a rock long back

you swell in my heart like a dear wish
your smile streams in my blood like some drug
your touch still tickles deep into my skin

freezing me every once in a while
are your memories, so indestructible in form
i had no refuge to survive by, otherwise
Oct 2012 · 1.1k
sirocco to mistral
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
it's a torched wind rushing into my arms
like a dreary pale leaf that wants an embrace
in dusty minuscules of sullen, sultry soil
i step out, open my heart to the sun-dried soul

glutinously holding back to me in sunk roars
the wind drinks every drop of my fluid state
i shiver in languor, i bear up with strength
and thus is revived the breeze everyday
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
i walk down the road
each morning in the hope

to see you just once more

the dew is still so fresh
tender with dawn's caress

touching it to the core

the sun is yet so red
as it used to be those days

as we walked over sea shore

come back, where ever you are
take back the singeing scars

return the heart that i have no more

what game this life is
why can't you change the rules
no body is so perfect
try walking in my shoes

baby, i cannot forget
i cannot let it go
memories had no inkling
all love you would just forgo

no day is ever replete
without you I feel not complete

take back, all that, which is yours.
Oct 2012 · 435
your voice was it
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
i had no choice
no voice enchanted me
as much your silence did
Oct 2012 · 467
for you
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
Until there is an otherwise
I'd always strive to be the better me
Sometimes for your smiles
Sometimes for your sorrow
Oct 2012 · 830
October arrives
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
it all started this Monday
when no body wanted the Sun
nor anybody wanted the wind

the still is enough
to make us perspire
through our thoughts

inside us we all know
the freeze would rush in soon;
our emotions would look for warmer hearts

all hangs loose in the air
for this is no slumber
but feelings' comfort zone

October is here.
Oct 2012 · 475
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
sanity needs
a yardstick for our minds,
it is time
Oct 2012 · 294
time-divided -- haiku #39
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
same thing
is time-divided
in itself
Sep 2012 · 471
to the damsel
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
forgive a man
for he has nothing left;
he gave to you his all,
his heart and his soul.
Sep 2012 · 479
Strangers Again (a song)
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
I know it would’ve been great
But i am a li’l late

And it seems you have moved on

I wish i could go back
To where last time we sat

And never leave you alone

But that’s the way it is
You said you wanted it to be

Something more

Had you waited longer
As you once promised to me

There had not been a regret tomorrow
Of what today we’ve come to be

I so wish all could be undone
I am so alone on my way

Strangers again we’re
as you walk away

I know it’d have been great
But i am a little late

And it seems you have moved on
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
The last romance
Of the green leaf
Keeps it pecked
To the stem
for some last moments
In all waking memories
Of the long love
That the lost time
Once brought.

The last song
Of the green leaf
In half-raised emotion
Makes the plant half-cry
When it can just half-hug
Its near-gone resuscitator,
Though with twice the emotion
And a promise to live on
Without any grief.
Sep 2012 · 365
haiku #38
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
the helpless, the poor
i often walk my dream lane
to make a world for
Sep 2012 · 294
haiku #37
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
blank world mine
many colors of the many skies
what a world!
Sep 2012 · 383
haiku #36
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
playful silence
dance of the dark night
Sep 2012 · 280
haiku #35
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
a morning
free of our demands
is all it wants
Sep 2012 · 368
haiku #34
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
so engrossed in sound
never knew I
what woods whisper
Sep 2012 · 412
haiku #33
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
wind's invisible hands,
carved a moon in the somber sky
did someone see
Sep 2012 · 278
haiku #32
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
i was blind in the reality,
and now a dream
opens my eyes
Sep 2012 · 381
haiku #31
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
In my eye
stays a black well of existence,
whence all colors emerge
Sep 2012 · 408
haiku #30
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
struggle is a way
hung up in fluid, hues trudge
long night
Sep 2012 · 376
haiku #29
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
i took the fall
from the high ground of love,
into ocean of mirth
Sep 2012 · 743
Looking Glass
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
i am the mirror

i show you
that all
that you cling to
so adamantly
so possessively
so blindly
so seriously,

i also keep within
things you abandoned
things you forgot
things you overlooked

you cannot even touch
nor you can own

i can recast and rebuild
in microseconds
all that you create
in years and years

because i can let it go
when needed
when something else
is my fate

i follow my destiny
and become
what i am asked
to be

so many worlds
i have seen
and nothing
stays, believe me

you laugh i am a mere reflection
and i smile that your reality is so fickle

see beyond
what i show
i have seen
the future, too

i am the mirror
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