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Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
hang on the wall
times and memories many
once all was alive
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
my love has the shade of dark
for it takes in everything.
both, the light and the murk.

it has the shade like the one
you'd often find with your eyes shut,
faith abound, and strings undone.
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
I am no desire
I am no wish
but courage

do not muddle me
with mind's tricks
or petty strife

i am no slave
but a king
the ever-giving breed

bring to me
no pity
i am brave

come to me
with your smiles
with your tears

both are my treasures
the very emblem
of true strength

not all can laugh
not all can cry
don't you know?

i can just ever be there
silently, as if i was
never ever there

but i do beat,
pause and beat
nothing else does so

but i do, to remind you
of the unfailing promise
of a heartbeat to you

do not dwell
in your mind's cave
but in your heart's nest

it is fragile
but it is whence
love originates

the nest of your heart
that is made up
of frail feelings

meek memories
effervescent emotions
and elements of life

it is me,
your tender heart, whence
the brave you came
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
one song
one dance
one story
one chance

i sing in equal joy
i laugh in equal fun
each time in equal bliss
i wonder in equal pun

here is
the day borne
on sleeves
of my heart!
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
i spun a magic
and kept it in a round box,
the box made of dew.
look closer,
you would see
each curvy bent
is a smile,
the magic of lips,
the tickler of eyes.
when the dew is done,
its imprints would remain
and every round drop
every elliptical trickle
would remind you
of my smile.
that's the actual magic.
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
One day someone asked me a question,
'why not just have fun and live happily?'
I said, 'because that would be selfish.'
He replied, 'everyone is selfish.'
I sighed.

That night, I slept as I always have
In the morning, the sun came out
looked around with a docile stance
he carried in him ember and fire
for some reason

The world was cold and thawed
the chill swept the earth all night
no body sang, no body spoke
no body was awake against the frost
the sun saw it all

Millions of bodies, even rocks and trees
Suckled on its warmth like its babies,
slowly opening their eyes to the morning,
coming awake as the heat kicked out
the numbness of night

The sun burnt its heart to produce
more and more fire for the world,
for many more tomorrows that he had
to tend to, for all that was sought by all
was his ardor

Sometimes, when the sun's heart ails
with its own searing burns and blues,
the blue ocean sends across to it, its coolest
wave, from the deepest corners of its heart,
borne on a zephyr

But oh, the burning world, under the fervency
of its own desires, seizes with excuses each
little effort the ocean puts forth, no consolation
ever reaches the sun, for those who it lives for,
need ever more

Each wind that passes by is never enough
for a world that is more esurient than destitute
all steal from the sun more than they need
all rob the breeze of its soothing touch
and the world lives on
Aditya Bhaskara Oct 2012
you dwell in my sight like yesterdays
your voice is a melody upon my mind
your gaze snows upon my heart

melting me each moment
is your warmth, so unknown rather forgotten
i had turned into a rock long back

you swell in my heart like a dear wish
your smile streams in my blood like some drug
your touch still tickles deep into my skin

freezing me every once in a while
are your memories, so indestructible in form
i had no refuge to survive by, otherwise
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