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Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
forgive a man
for he has nothing left;
he gave to you his all,
his heart and his soul.
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
I know it would’ve been great
But i am a li’l late

And it seems you have moved on

I wish i could go back
To where last time we sat

And never leave you alone

But that’s the way it is
You said you wanted it to be

Something more

Had you waited longer
As you once promised to me

There had not been a regret tomorrow
Of what today we’ve come to be

I so wish all could be undone
I am so alone on my way

Strangers again we’re
as you walk away

I know it’d have been great
But i am a little late

And it seems you have moved on
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
The last romance
Of the green leaf
Keeps it pecked
To the stem
for some last moments
In all waking memories
Of the long love
That the lost time
Once brought.

The last song
Of the green leaf
In half-raised emotion
Makes the plant half-cry
When it can just half-hug
Its near-gone resuscitator,
Though with twice the emotion
And a promise to live on
Without any grief.
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
the helpless, the poor
i often walk my dream lane
to make a world for
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
blank world mine
many colors of the many skies
what a world!
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
playful silence
dance of the dark night
Aditya Bhaskara Sep 2012
a morning
free of our demands
is all it wants
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