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Adam Long May 2016
The preachers are speaking
Of how all will be fine
If you hear the speeches
Of those so Devine

Follow their rules
Their judgements and rulings
Don't be your own person
It's yourself your fooling

We promise the world
If you just be a good number
Just Do as we say  
So as to enjoy your final slumber

So the believers are free
But only after death
You must follow their rules
But where is freedom till then?

Two lovers can't be
For they shouldn't
In the eyes of he

Don't say what you think
For only the divine one
Can know everything

The atheists are free
In the living realm
But who doesn't wonder
What If there's really a hell

But even if it exists
Our lives are defined
By the memories we make
In this current time

Without godly restraints
We make our own choices
We stand up in crowds
And people listen to our voices

We pride ourselves
On acts of individuality
But don't get me wrong
We still understand morality

So I riddle you this
Who is happiest
The religious or the atheist
Adam Long May 2016
Do you agree that writing is cathartic
A needed release
That stops ones mind from feeling sick

A drug in  a sense
But with few downsides
The biggest drop being
A potential pain to your pride

But if is release you seek
Then care not
Of what others think
Your work is perfect
And is worth reading

It may not travel round the world
It might never even leave your sight
But I know this for sure
The moment you let it leave your mind
you did something right

You helped yourself
To internal peace
You freed your self from mental torment
And for a time the pain will cease

That's why I write
Knowing it helps me sleep at night

And though I care for people's opinions
I'd rather hear criticism
Than keep bottling up
My pen paper mannerisms

I'm finished now
My message wrote
It's not mine any more
Now it's just a quote
Adam Long May 2016
Self assessments are horrible things
Listing the best and worst that you bring
To any given situation or team
It's hard to say what you really mean
Without letting the best sound to good
Or the worst to bad
Just looking for some middle ground
Cause halfway is safe
& is where most people are
So balance your self and
Never go too far
Below or above
The average hub bub
Adam Long May 2016
My words are mine
Your ears are yours
You can use interpretation
To help point out my flaws

But floors can but stood on
In the same way dreams can
So don't stand on people's surfaces
Unless you can withstand

The pain of critique
Or the weight of opinions
I'm not saying don't think
Just consider people's demons
Adam Long May 2016
Anger the red
Fury the blind
Your not yourself when
Rage rules your mind.

Being calm and collected
In some ways are worse,
It means there's no excuse
For your harsh minded words.

You think words are nothing
and pain is excessive
But pain goes away
Yet words need repressing

Pain is a sensation controlled by nerve endings
Words cut much deeper
And leave you suspending
Bleeding from your soul
With hurt never ending.
Adam Long May 2016
My mind electrifies a bulb,
Which becomes, shrouded in dark
My mind a vast cavern
Or an empty Noah’s ark

Illumination reveals, less
Than one would hope.
Further towards the edge
The light dares go.
But light must know
It will never, out run, the shadow.

Though there shall forever be dark
That’s no reason not to lark.
Bask in the light
See, for all the pitch
The dark does not see the night
It hides and seeks yet never finds
Its lurks in the alleys
And the cracks of minds.

It cowers.
Yet, produces cowardice.
So light bulb in my mind
Shine brightly so the dark might find
A place it will never reside.
Adam Long May 2016
I never fought back
I always took what I was given
Afraid that if I snapped
There'd be bodies needed hidden

I keep my cool
Let others stand on top
Allowed them their victories
Knowing that it will stop

A bully feels great
When his victim is broken
But the real victims are them
Their damage is already spoken

They pry on the weak
And pretend to be strong
Relying on a facade
To stop people proving them wrong

I've spoken of acts
And theirs is just another
They act out against others
And hide their damage under covers

It's sympathy I feel
For those to weak
To admit they are scared
And to openly speak

Though as sorry for them
As I do truly feel
I still have to laugh
Cause they think, fake strength is real

So no, I won't hit you back
I won't give you the striking
You probably need
I'll just keep reciting

I'm stronger than that
So I'll continue to take
All that you have
For I'm to strong to break
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