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Adam Long May 2016
I could drown,
Within those eyes
A deeper blue,
Than all the skies.
For a single Kiss,
I'd tell a million lies

For a cold glance
Glacial blue.
There is no thing
I would not do

Contradicting hands
Which feel so warm.
For one handshake
I'd **** a swarm.

I was never yours
And you, never mine,
But for your presence
I'd give my mind.

I'd sell it,
I'd **** it,
I'd change.
Just so you,
Would feel the same.

My love,
You don't love me.
I'm not blind,
But I couldn't see.

When you said friends,
That's what you meant.
But I know, no effort
Was ever spent.

I paid the price,
Of my sanity.
Though I gained a love,
For all eternity.

So suffer I may,
And die I might.
But the law of love,
Only tells us what's right.

And that law tells me,
There will never be a we.
And accepting that,
Allows me to be free.

So move on I will
And for you
I will never ****

For we weren't,
Meant to be.
So I will move on,
Happy now, with just me.
Clearing through some old poet freak stuff and i found this, very nostalgic in a sad way. Tell me what you think :)
Adam Long May 2016
It’s my fault, she’s moving on,
Openness just isn’t a trait of mine.
That doesn’t mean I wanted her gone,
just that I needed more time.

Sorry I ******* things up,
I guess that’s just my skill.
I don’t realise I don’t talk much,
I thought we had time to ****.

Honesty I gave you,
This much is a fact.
Only misery I imparted,
I guess you didn’t need that.

If I could go back to when we began
Take back all my history.
Just enjoy the time,
leaving my pain a mystery.

So as to nurture your smile,
Of such inviting fuchsia.
Fight harder for what we had,
so this would be a brighter future.

Sadly no, there she goes,
I love her more than she could know.
My stupid inch thick armour,
caused me to watch her go.

I will see her again,
I’ll see those lilly white eyes.
I’ll sink inside myself,
and wish I’d told you lies.
Adam Long May 2016
The fragility of life
Witnessed via passing time.
Where physical strength once was rife
Now only the strength of mind

The passing of life
Witnessed by those younger
Than we, audience to strife
Seeing lifes hunger

And how avoraciously it eats.
Glutting on human flesh,
And all other meats.
To time, all life is fresh.
Adam Long Apr 2016
If your not chasing a dream,
Your living a nightmare
Don't want that?
Then give chase, get out there!
Adam Long Apr 2016
Emotions are like bullets
Hitting faster than thoughts
They are fraught with danger
and by design cause wars

But battles are not won
by rashness and impulsion
it takes calm and collected thought
which wont bow down to coercion

feeling this
wont help you feel that
feeling this
means your actions are no act

so think if you feel
but don't feel cause you think
promoting false emotions
causes truth to sink

did this make you think?
or did this make you feel?
and if it did both
which one was more real?
Adam Long Apr 2016
Your worn our mask it slips,
Your tired our act it shows,
Faltering occasionally,
To reveal a you which nobody knows.

When I say nobody,
I truly mean that,
You’re not even aware,
You ever learned to act.

The mask you wear,
Is part of your face,
You change it all the time,
you have masks for every day.

Its not your fault,
It’s a blameless act infact.
Which is a shock you,
For theres always be those you’ve had ,

In your search light,
The epicentre of your passion,
For being made to feel,
Your happiness is a wartime ration.

So to spread it out you change,
For each of your companions,
Don a different face,
And become that someone’s champion.

You be what you think they want
While all the while you’re not

Your selfish inability
To open your eyes, to truly see,

That all people want from you
Is for you to be true.
To scrap the masks, quit the act,
It’s hard as hell, that’s a fact,

You’ve worn so many that,
You have forgotten what.
The real you Is
And is not.

But that’s ok, just make another face,
But if you do,
Can you keep up the pace?

It’s easier to make,
Than just to be,
Which in my eyes shows,
for all we have, few of us are free.

We are put on a stage
But given no lines,
And god forbid
We say something, honest in our eyes.
So keep acting, I won’t tell you stop,
The saddest thing is,
I don’t know if I wrote this or not.

— The End —