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 Jun 2012 Adam Disser
Nil P
Those things that happen
We all carry stone within
A smile on my face
copyright me
 Jun 2012 Adam Disser
sometimes no work of poetry or art can describe
a feeling of just simply wanting to say*
to know your skin
is to know the turmoil of creation
you are the visceral
the primal roar
urging its way out

i will shape you
mold you out of sand
draw your pleasure out
and ruin your salvation

you've given me a taste
so now i'll sniff out your blood
and crawl my way over
and snarl and scratch at you
and feast on your flesh
Giving up,
giving in
& going down

On the gas.

Oh you know,
not giving a ****
flying down the free way.
Like a bad *****.

Till I crash
into your arms.

The race is over.

— The End —