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Sep 2013 · 1.2k
Self love.
No one can truly ever know the pain one has felt.
For so many things in ones life can cause ones pain
All one ever really hopes for is to find and be truly happy
As a child happiness may seem like it comes from one thing.
As an adult happiness may seem like  it comes from something  totally different.
But in the end true happiness is what we all seek.
And we all seek it in some form of love.
For ever since i was a little girl all i dreamed if was this:
Finding this most amazing love.
Someone that would love me more then anything.
Ive been sad for as long as i can remember. Longing for this one true love. Needing it craving it longing for it. But i think today i finally realized all the pain and hurt i have caused myself in hopes of finding it. That truly in order to find the love i so badly want and crave. I must learn to love myself. Or i will never be able to trust that another could every truly love me.
Sep 2013 · 905
Angel with broken wings.
❤I walk alone this lonely road
My heart is strong
My love never grows old
Even when your love is gone
Ill walk this road alone

Im an angel with broken wings
But my love will never fade
You love me, you need me, you hurt me
And when this angel is gone youll beg her to stay

Ill be the air that you breath
Just when you start to have doubts
Im all that you'll need
Im the one thing you cant live without
our souls were once complete

Im an angel with broken wings
But my love will never fade
You love me, you need me, you hurt me
And when this angel is gone youll beg her to stay

You were all that i need
Even with all of your doubts.
Im broken and its so hard to breath
And i know this will never work out.

Im an angel with broken wings
But my love will never fade
You love me, you need me, you hurt me
And when this angel is gone youll beg her to stay
Sep 2013 · 774
Pleasure and pain
❤I can't get you out of my thoughts, your everywhere I turn. The way
you look, the way you smell, I wonder how you taste.
You're always in my heart no matter how far you are
We can take it further in the bathroom at the bar

We go together like pleasure and pain
I'm connected to you like the needle in my vein
When I'm inside you, my darkness turns to light
We both become creatures of the night

When I'm with you it's hard to think, the way you make me feel is so
I wish we could have just one night,
The thought of you inside of me just feels so right

We go together like pleasure and pain
I'm connected to you like the needle in my vein
When I'm inside you, my darkness turns to light
We both become creatures of the night

Sometimes all I can think about,
Is the chance of one more night
All I'm left with is words on paper and you dispersing in the moonlight

We go together like pleasure and pain
I'm connected to you like the needle in my vein
When I'm inside you, my darkness turns to light
We both become creatures of the night

I want to lick you and take you far
As I watch while you play your guitar
If you only knew what you do to me
What more do I need to do
To make you see

We go together like pleasure and pain
I'm connected to you like the needle in my vein
When I'm inside you, my darkness turns to light
We both become creatures of the night

If you were to drink my blood like it was wine
Would it mesmerize you to be totally mine
When I think about you and your body there is just so much
Of you I want to taste and touch

We go together like pleasure and pain
I'm connected to you like the needle in my vein
When I'm inside you, my darkness turns to light
We both become creatures of the night

I wish there was some way to make you see
Just how talented you are and how you motivate me
I just want to always be in your mind
Like your always in mine
Sep 2013 · 1.4k

Like you
Iike me
Like everything that we wanted to be
Like love
Like us
Like our souls as they turn to dust

Love you
Love me
Love everything that we wanted to be
Love love
Love us
Love our souls as they turn to dust

Lost you
Lost me
Lost everything that we wanted to be
Lost love
Lost us
Lost our souls as they turn to dust

Hate you
Hate me
Hate everything that we wanted to be
Hate love
Hate us
Hate our souls as they turn to dust

**** you
**** me
Kil everything that we wanted to be
**** love
**** us
**** our souls as they turn to dust

**** me
**** everything that we wanted to be
**** love
**** us
**** our souls as they turn to dust
Sep 2013 · 1.0k
Your kiss
❤Your kiss is a shadow of fear that
surrounds me
The blood of that fear consumes me
You've become the air I'm breathing
As I've become the song your singing

We run through the door
Throwing our clothes on the floor
We jump into bed
And pull the covers up over our head
We cuddle all through the night
Nothing else has ever felt this right
As long as it's you by my side
I will never feel hurt inside

Your love is like a poisen that keeps running thru my vains
I know I shouldn't taste it but my life would never be the same
Blood is the bridge that binds us together
While the past is what keeps us

We run through the door
Throwing our clothes on the floor
We jump into bed
And pull the covers up over our head
We cuddle all through the night
Nothing else has ever felt this right
As long as it's you by my side
I will never feel hurt inside

Every time I look into your eyes
that is when I realize
Your as much a part of me
as I am of you
Without us in eachothers lives
A part of our soul would surly die!

We run through the door
Throwing our clothes on the floor
We jump into bed
And pull the covers up over our head
We cuddle all through the night
Nothing else has ever felt this right
As long as it's you by my side
I will never feel hurt inside

Your blood is like a poisen I know I should not taste
With every breath I breathe, it's become something I don't want to waste

We run through the door
Throwing our clothes on the floor
We jump into bed
And pull the covers up over our head
We cuddle all through the night
Nothing else has ever felt this right
As long as it's you by my side
I will never feel hurt inside

Im tempted by your poisen even though I know what's in store
With every day I find myself always wanting more
My soul has become very fragiel
If you touch it, it will break
Sep 2013 · 473
This place in my heart.
Where noone has ever been.
Our first kiss
Our first night together.
Nothing will ever compare
I love everything about you

The thought of us
And what we have
Is more perfect then
And you're everything
Ive ever hoped for

Ive never opened up
To anyone like i have with you
You comfort me just with your love
I feel so secure knowing i am yours and you are mine
And that our love can stand all test of time.

The thought of us
And what we have
Is more perfect then
And you're everything
Ive ever hoped for

Just know that if i tend to seem a little sad now and then.
That its only because i just love what we have. And it means so much.
But know that i can deal with any sadness i might ever feel. Knowing that one day we will be together and im all you'll ever want or need.
Baby just don't ever give up on me.
Sep 2013 · 460
My words
My words they don't always come out right
So I should probably just say good night

You pour your poison on my open wounds Just to see me scream
Every thing we thought we knew was a dream within a dream

All I need is for you to help me see
For your the only one to make me complete

So when you close your eyes please think of me
For your the only one who can truly set me free

Take me away to our far away place
To a land where the only thing I see, is your face

You've completed me in a way that seems so unreal
And the only one who has ever helped me deal.

Baby I love you and I know you love me
And together as one soul we will finally be free.
Sep 2013 · 548
Lie with me
Would you end your life
If ment you could be with me
Would you slit your wrist
If it ment we could be free

Close your eyes and
Lie with me
as we drink our poisen
Take our last breath
As our souls are set free

For this is not the first time
This has happened to us
And it will not be the last time
For all things to be just

Close your eyes and
Lie with me
as we drink our poisen
Take our last breath
As our souls are set free
Sep 2013 · 664
Your kiss is a shadow of fear that
surrounds me
The blood of that fear consumes me
You've become the air I'm breathing
As I've become the song your singing

We run through the door
Throwing our clothes on the floor
We jump into bed
And pull the covers up over our head
We cuddle all through the night
Nothing else has ever felt this right
As long as it's you by my side
I will never feel hurt inside

Your love is like a poisen that keeps running thru my vains
I know I shouldn't taste it but my life would never be the same
Blood is the bridge that binds us together
While the past is what keeps us

We run through the door
Throwing our clothes on the floor
We jump into bed
And pull the covers up over our head
We cuddle all through the night
Nothing else has ever felt this right
As long as it's you by my side
I will never feel hurt inside

Every time I look into your eyes
that is when I realize
Your as much a part of me
as I am of you
Without us in eachothers lives
A part of our soul would surly die!

We run through the door
Throwing our clothes on the floor
We jump into bed
And pull the covers up over our head
We cuddle all through the night
Nothing else has ever felt this right
As long as it's you by my side
I will never feel hurt inside

Your blood is like a poisen I know I should not taste
With every breath I breathe, it's  become something I don't want to waste

We run through the door
Throwing our clothes on the floor
We jump into bed
And pull the covers up over our head
We cuddle all through the night
Nothing else has ever felt this right
As long as it's you by my side
I will never feel hurt inside

Im tempted by your poisen even though I know what's in store
With every day I find myself always wanting more
My soul has become very fragiel
If you touch it, it will break
Sep 2013 · 621
Im still here
Why did you have to go
You've left me all alone
There's no one home but you
What am I supposed to do
Everything reminds me of us
All others have turned to dust

But I'm still here
I fall into your arms
I become lost in our fear
I fall into your arms
The scent of you is near
I fall into your arms
You wipe away all my tears

I never want this to end
Please tell me, when did it begin
All I ever want to do
Is to be near you
Don't push me away
I'm on my knees begging you to stay

But I'm still here
I fall into your arms
I become lost in our fear
I fall into your arms
The scent of you is near
I fall into your arms
You wipe away all my tears

As I lay alone in my bed
Images of you run through my head
I can't stand this hurt inside
Every day you ask me to live a lie
When the night turns to day
All my pain will go away

But I'm still here
I fall into your arms
I become lost in our fear
I fall into your arms
The scent of you is near
I fall into your arms
You wipe away all my tears

I would gladly sell my soul
If it ment you'd never go
Your a part of me now
As we take our final vow
I would sacrifice it all
Just to be by you side
through the long hall

But I'm still here
I fall into your arms
I become lost in our fear
I fall into your arms
The scent of you is near
I fall into your arms
You wipe away all my tears

I'm still here
I'm not kissing you goodby
I'm willing to live a lie
I'm still here
I'm still here
I'm still here
Sep 2013 · 859
Today i finally realized
Today I finally realized
With tears in my eyes
Everything that we have done
Must some how end
And we can't even be ****** friends

Slit my wrist
Watch me bleed
Pain and pleasure
It's what we need
I need this drug
It a pleasure I love

How did it come to this
Something I knew could never exist
This ****** phase has got to pass
We knew something this good
Was never gonna last

Slit my wrist
Watch me bleed
Pain and pleasure
It's what we need
I need this drug
It a pleasure I love

I had never felt this way befor
You always left me wanting more
Everything is a ****** reminder
Of what you told me we were

Slit my wrist
Watch me bleed
Pain and pleasure
It's what we need
I need this drug
It a pleasure I love

Everything I ****** do
Was all because I wanted you
Did we really think it could work
Sep 2013 · 480
You keep tearing me up inside
No matter what I do
All you think is that I lied

There is nothing I can do
Nothing seems to be
good enough for you

With every day I seem to loose
a part of me
Always trying to make you see

I just want this hurt to go away
But no matter what I do
It only wants to stay

Can't you see what your doing to us
Every pain Ive ever felt is nothing comared to this
I trully feel like my heart is about to bust

If there was ever a time when a little girl
needed her grandma that time is now
Grandma if you can't be here
Can't you just show me how
Your the one who always made me
feel so good
It's like there was no one else
Who ever understood

For the first time in my life
I have started to feel strong
But it's like someone or something
Needs to prove me wrong
Sep 2013 · 602
My obsessions
It's keeps effecting me in a way I've never felt before
Ripping and cutting me right  down to the very core

My grandma was always telling me I was the peacemaker
More then ever I wish that she was here when I needed her

Things that use to cause me pleasure
Are starting to cause me pain
Is the obsession of wanting to be pretty making me only seem vain

If I teach you anything I want to teach you to learn from my mistakes
Do whatever you can do whatever it takes

I don't want my children to go through what I've gone through
That is why every choice I now make I'm alwasys thinking of you
Sep 2013 · 385
New vs the old
Lately I ve felt tattered and torn
Like I'm two people
One trying to forget all the bad from the past
And the other wanting all the good things to last

How can I get both
While still holding on to me
Or do I just let go
And what will be will be

All any of us ever want
Is for the good to surive
And all the bad things
To be buried alive

I know i need to let you go
But it is so hard
So many of these things
Have made us who we are

Who will conqure in the end
An will you still want to be my friend
Sep 2013 · 691
Beauty and the beast
❤Shes been told all her life
how beautiful She is
she starts to believe that thats all she has to give
And that nothing else matters.
She longs for the one that can see past the beauty.

Somewhere between beauty
and the beast
Is the place she calls home
all they see is her beauty
And all she sees is the beast

She once was married to the one she thought she loved
But his love was only real
if she stayed weak
So she closed the door
Wanting so badly to finally feel complete

Somewhere between beauty
and the beast
Is the place she calls home
all they see is her beauty
And all she sees is the beast

Someone see my beauty is from within
Its more then this shell you see
Her soul is whats her beauty
I need to feel loved from the inside
Someone please rescue me

Somewhere between beauty
and the beast
Is the place she calls home
all they see is her beauty
And all she sees is the beast
Sep 2013 · 639
She resides in a castle
❤With a pen in her hand
She starts to write
Of a world she wants
But has never seen.

She resides in the castle,
While I'm in hell
Does she remember our love long ago
Could she still save me, ill never know Because I'm not within her sight
Please hear my cry this cold dark night

The words flow like rain
In the midst of her thoughts
Her journey has just begun

She resides in the castle,
While I'm in hell
Does she remember our love long ago
Could she still save me, ill never know Because I'm not within her sight
Please hear my cry this cold dark night

She dreams of rainbows and unicorns with a thorn in her side
never giving up hope
Sep 2013 · 1.4k
One step from her breakdown
❤Shes one step from her breakdown
She just needs someone to pull her through
All the lies keep growing stronger.
She slowly looses sight of what shes suppose to do.

For every tear shes cried
She continues to hide
All the pain and damage
Thats buried deep down inside

She longs to fill safe needing someone to save her
But its just easier to turn her back and slowly walks away
Part of her is slowly dying
Shes lost hope for a better day

For every tear shes cried
She continues to hide
All the pain and damage
Thats buried deep down inside

As she continues to look for the one that can set her free
All she has is her words and her eyes that tell the story of her pain
And with each day always struggling
more then the day before
Is every sacrifice shes made all been in

For every tear shes cried
She continues to hide
All the pain and damage
Thats buried deep down inside

She needs to stop holding on to a dream of a love that shell never have.
She just needs it all to disappear
But she feels he's still out there
Even though his face is so unclear

For every tear shes cried
She continues to hide
All the pain and damage
Thats buried deep down inside

— The End —