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4.8k · Sep 2013
AC Sep 2013
I took a deep breath
Ready to face the world
Suddenly strong
As this new girl
2.5k · Jan 2014
I am yearning to go
AC Jan 2014
I am yearning to go
to meet the people
behind the passion
to set foot on a plane
and have no fear
but only expectation
of what greatness is to come
I am yearning to go
to see the
and lost
I am yearning to fight
to seek justice
for the oppressed
a home for the homeless
a father for the fatherless
I am yearning to be apart
of their lives
even though they
do not know my name yet
I am thinking
night and day about them
and when I see their faces
my world will be complete
and I know the yearning
will be replaced
with a hunger
and a thirst
to be a part of their lives
until I am called elsewhere

1.5k · Mar 2013
AC Mar 2013
Sitting here with him
There is nowhere else
I would rather be.
Listening to his steady heartbeat
As I see the sunbeams dance on his hair.
The rays catching the corners
Of his blue green eyes
And my soul is in awe of the beauty
That he possesses.
If he only knew that at this moment
When I see him,
My mind is overwhelmed
By the simple extravagance
And exquisite wonders
That he carries so humbly within him.
1.4k · Mar 2013
AC Mar 2013
The waves of life
Will throw you.
The sea
Will drown you.
And the wind,
Will carry you places
You never meant to go.
Come darling,
Climb aboard.
We can stay afloat.
1.0k · Jan 2014
AC Jan 2014
823 · Mar 2013
Beautiful Abuse
AC Mar 2013
These weak knees
And battered knuckles
Cannot take anymore.
The bruises speak for themselves
And the scars have their stories.
After all this time
I cannot bring myself to end
This beautiful abuse.
822 · Jan 2014
AC Jan 2014
Do you ever
just take the time
to break down
to just release everything
that you've been holding
with clenched fists
for days
To just scream to anyone
to no one
to just explode
with rage
and loneliness
and fear
to let the tears run
and the objects fly
as your vocal chords give out
from the body shaking screams
To just lie on the floor
and breathe
wishing someone was there
but also thankful
that no one ever has to see you
like this

797 · Jan 2014
i am defenseless, i am his
AC Jan 2014
your fingers slide over my skin
like razor blades
burning on my wrists
struggling away
the weight of your body
collapses on me
you grab tighter
hopelessness penetrates me
as you do
finally i only can hear
your words that choke me
"you're mine now"
and lying beneath you
under the weight of more
than a body
i cannot muster a scream
i am trapped
i am defenseless
i am his
735 · Sep 2013
Fight this
AC Sep 2013
I can no longer resist
You smother me
With words
And flesh
Before I can protest
My heart weakens
And I melt against you
Because it is no use
I cannot fight this
623 · Sep 2013
AC Sep 2013
I am waiting
For the day
When I find him
When he looks
Into my eyes
And I know that
I am all he has been
Waiting for
566 · Mar 2013
Higher and Higher
AC Mar 2013
Higher and higher
I can float away,
Dismiss the struggles
Forget the pain.

I can be taken somewhere
Where I am breathless and light.
Shed the bitterness
And finally feel right.

The brittle bones of mine
Will eventually brake,
But it is no matter
Right now I'm awake.
542 · Jan 2014
June 18th
AC Jan 2014
I find myself constantly replaying
the events of June 18th in chronological order;

"Goodbye", she whispers.
Then dial tone
I feel my fingers go numb
I drop the phone;
I try to carry my legs
to get to my car
to get to her house
to get to her room
to get to her
listening to music
and writing in her journal
because she changed her mind;
I scream
I call back
I run to my car
I sob so hard I cannot see
the road
only red and white streaks;
Praying its not too late
Finding Hickory Bluff
Finding 213
Finding red and blue flashing lights
Spilling out of my car
Hearing a wailing woman
Hearing chatter from surrounding neighbors
Collapsing next to a sheet covered gurney
Screaming through asphalt covered bleeding hands
Hearing "goodbye" on repeat
Hearing the hum of a dial tone in my hears
Feeling myself slipping
Seeing black
Feeling nothing

532 · Sep 2013
AC Sep 2013
I may not be strong
But I wont be called weak
I may have lied once before
But I wont be called a liar
I may have failed today
But I wont be called a failure
Im tired of
To be loved
Im tired of
I cant change the truth
But the truth can change me
513 · Jan 2014
Take hold
AC Jan 2014
How is it that the things we cling so tightly to are often the things we lose?

We spend so much time focused on a tight grasp
Careful to not let the moments, the treasures slip away
Yet somehow we look back and realize that our hands have been empty all along
That the tightened fist has been enclosed around air
Empty promises
Empty moments
Empty memories
No matter how hard we try to make it last
We realize we've wasted so much time preserving the moment
That we are devastated when it has passed
We did not stop
Breathe the moment in for all it is
And it is gone
Right through a clenched fist

We were so fixated on not letting go
That in our blindness
We forgot to take hold
490 · Mar 2013
Plagued by passion
AC Mar 2013
I am cursed by love
And plagued by passion.
The fire in my heart
Intensifies with each day
As I am consumed
By my longing for you.
482 · Sep 2013
Bad in me
AC Sep 2013
What I've built myself on
Is nothing but lies
And I'm left in brokenness
And empty cries;
The memories and truth
I used to know
Have faded away
Because you let them go;
I couldn't stand
Under what you knew
Drawing lines
You found what was true;
It will be too late when you see
There's not enough
Good in you
To erase the bad in me
477 · Mar 2013
AC Mar 2013
All of these faces.
All of the lives around me.
Each holding a different story.
A collection of moments;
And Failures.
All clasped delicately together
With one thing in common,
An unknown future.
All of these people
with  secret struggles,
violent pains,
or uncontainable joy,
Each with a past,
And each with a future.
Not one person
Knows what their future holds,
But no matter who they are,
There is only One
Who holds their future.
475 · Dec 2013
AC Dec 2013
All because
Of one small mistake
Everything I once knew
Has become so fake

And now
I cant figure out
How to escape
When my thoughts are so loud
It must be too late

It seems
That something has died
I wish I could take back
Every time I lied

But you just cant
Re-learning to love
But you're not ready yet

So now
I face it alone
All for nothing
I wish I had known

And then
I'll be standing here
Swallowing my pride
Shoving down every fear

Now I wait
For a thread of hope
That you might see this
And come running home
457 · Jan 2014
The boy that broke me
AC Jan 2014
To the boy who broke me;
I cannot bring myself to forget
The way you cupped my face
Only to tell me
I could never be happy again
I cannot bring myself to forgive
The countless hours
Of your fingers searching me
Of your hands restricting me
Your words choking me
I cannot bring myself to accept
That this wasn't my fault
That I can choose to leave it behind
That I can start over
I cannot bring myself to put away
The memories of threats
Of fingernails digging into ribs
Of dark circled eyes from
Quiet and secret tears
I cannot bring myself to realease the pain
Of the boy that broke me
450 · Sep 2013
Be heard
AC Sep 2013
I want
I need
I must
Be heard
But my tormented cries
Always blend
Into the background
422 · Mar 2013
AC Mar 2013
Time and time again
I find myself
Waiting with anticipation
For the same lies
To roll so gracefully
Off of your tongue.
I linger on every word
In hope
That beneath
All of the misconceptions,
There is truth.
400 · Mar 2013
To save you
AC Mar 2013
I wish I could save you.
I want to reach my hand
Into your heaped up heart
And scrub out
All of the burdens and
Broken things.
I wish to see you smile
So deeply
That the joy in your soul
Peeks through
The corners of your mouth.
I dream of seeing you
So delighted in the life you live
That your eyes can tell the story
Of your first love.
I strive for all of these things
To make you truly happy,
Even if I am not the reason.
381 · Sep 2013
Push me
AC Sep 2013
I tell you goodbye
With the eternal intention
That this time
Would finally
Be my last
But there you go again
Telling me that you love me
You don't even know it
But you keep this moment
From coming
I try to push you away
So that maybe
I can finally push myself
To the edge
But the words
"I love you"
Ring in my ears
Louder than the pain ever will
381 · Sep 2013
Death had come softly
AC Sep 2013
Death had come softly
like a cool subtle breeze
My heart on the ground
My head in my hands
The trigger in motion
And before I can change my mind
I am flying up
Where I think no more
374 · Mar 2013
AC Mar 2013
Shuttered awake
From my deepest sleep.
An episode
Of horror
Where I am lost
In my darkest memories.
I cannot lie in peace
Or return to a vacant rest.
My heart becomes full of fear,
So crowded and full of darkness.
AC Sep 2013
Nothing good
Can come from darkness
I have learned this the hardest way
I searched and grasped to see his face
But in the darkness he got away.

Nothing good
Can come from darkness
I didn't know where to look
From every angle I felt a sting
And my innocence was what he took

Nothing good
Can come from darkness
And now I've a price to pay
Maybe if he had seen my face
He would have walked the other way
372 · Mar 2013
AC Mar 2013
Heart on my sleeve
You have received my all.
I cannot offer more
Than what I have brought forth.
But somehow
All I can give
Is never enough.
370 · Mar 2013
I love you.
AC Mar 2013
Forgive me
For constantly
Letting these words
Escape my lips.
I say it with intention
That you never
Live a day without knowing;
How honestly,
How dearly,
And how unconditionally
I love you.
354 · Mar 2013
What if?
AC Mar 2013
What if the light at the end of the tunnel
Has faded?
What if the last glimpse of hope
Has disappeared?
And what if the knot at the end of your rope
Has frayed?
353 · Sep 2013
What do you do
AC Sep 2013
What do you do
When you are your own
Worst enemy
What do you do
When your battle wounds
Come from your own hands
What do you do
When you cannot say no
What do you do
When the truth has come out
And destiny is in control
348 · Sep 2013
AC Sep 2013
Same ol' story
Same ol' place
I've found myself
Falling from your grace
When time runs out
I'll still be here
Waiting like this
Was my biggest fear
Losing you
Has become real
I've become so broken
I can't seem to heal
You're out of love
And out of time
I did what I could
But you're no longer mine
343 · Mar 2013
Best of me
AC Mar 2013
I cannot give you
What is already gone,
The pieces of my heart that
I have already lent away.
No matter what I attempt,
Even the best of me
Is no use for you.
335 · Mar 2013
AC Mar 2013
All I wish for
Is to be called beautiful.
To hear those rare words
Pass into my ears
And sink into my soul.
I yearn for the sound
Of those words
Because maybe
If I hear them
I may be convinced.
315 · Sep 2013
AC Sep 2013
There is pain behind her smile
There is torment in her eyes
All have the power to see
Few have the desire
To look
302 · Dec 2013
AC Dec 2013

— The End —