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2.1k · Aug 2013
abigail Aug 2013
endings are weird.
you cannot practice an
and you cannot
anticipate a beginning.

endings are bitter,
because you don't want
to look for that silver
lining everyone is trying
to point you towards.
you want to sit in your
**** and be mad and sad
at bitter endings
and nonessential

why can't good things just stay.

why are endings so
dismal and heartbreaking.

why is it so hard to let go.

why do we lament over conclusions,
more than we rejoice the birth
of new eras,
of fresh starts.

why is it that nothing gold can stay.
1.3k · Aug 2013
insatiable sadness
abigail Aug 2013
you know that kind of
sad where you feel
like you're
dropping down
to the bottom of
an empty

that all encompassing
feeling of hopelessness
that swallows you
and makes you feel hollow
and forgotten and
838 · Jul 2013
abigail Jul 2013
whiskey is my boyfriend.
he's never clingy,
never demanding,
never threatening.
he keeps me warm at night,
and throws my problems
in a little locket i keep around
my neck.
"let the morning deal with those,"
he says,
and i never object.
why would i?
whiskey and i have been
friends for years,
but i never knew how much
i needed him until the courts stepped into
my life and stuck a **** cup under my ******* ******
with a small time bomb that
has lasted a year but
feels like a millenium.
nine more days and i think
i'll tell whiskey we need a break,
just some space.
nine more days until i can
reunite with mary and molly and all
those delicious bitter pills that my nostrils
have missed so much.
i'll always love whiskey,
and i know he'll always love me,
that's why he won't be mad
when we part.
he'll just wait for me,
he always has,
and i imagine he always
733 · Aug 2013
the party of 1991
abigail Aug 2013
i stopped by a party in 1991,
just to see what there was to see.
i told my friends i must
be getting home soon,
because it was late and i was
drunk and i was tired.
"we're just stopping by,"
they told me.
"we'll be here for 5 minutes,"
it was a new years eve party,
the date was January 1st,
i had too much fun at this party,
everyone did.
all my friends were there,
and some strangers too.
everyone seemed to be
having the time of their lives.
i was enjoying myself so thoroughly
that i lost
track of time.
lost touch with
when i left the bottles
and pipes and rolled up
dollar bills to find the bathroom,
i asked a passerby what time
it was,
they told me,
it's 2:32 p.m.
August 7th,
727 · Jul 2013
the idea of you
abigail Jul 2013
i'm slowly digesting
the reality of you.

i still think of you
when i'm drunk.
i still stare at your number
in my phone,
my heart trying to convince
my brain to dial,
but my brain always winning,
reminding the heart
of how that number has
hurt you and hit
you and made you ashamed
to be who you are.

today i'm not ashamed
and i'm not afraid
and i'm not angry,
not unforgiving
not naive
not sad.
not even a little
not even at all.
abigail Jul 2013
you're tactless,
and mindless,
i would forgive you,
but i'm fresh out of

and i never understood your
obsession with those tin foils and straws,
just another bullet point on your
long list of flaws.

i heard you mumble something under
your breath,
sorry, what was that?
i can't hear you,
you're so close to death.

i try to quit you,
but i don't know why.
whenever i think about you all i
can do is ******* cry.
706 · Jul 2013
abigail Jul 2013
I looked deep into her glossy green eyes
And saw the words on her lips
Before she spoke them.

"Get out," she said.
"Get out, and don't ever come back
to this house."
What could I do?
I left.
Put a few things in a bag,
And I left.

And then i got high.
So inconceivably ****** up that I forgot
those glassy green eyes and small nose
And perfect white teeth.
I forgot my mother's face for a few hours.

And when I looked in the mirror,
There she was,
Staring back at me with those glossy green
Eyes, small nose, and white teeth.
510 · Jul 2013
abigail Jul 2013
your face floats around my mind,
day in and day out.
like lingering cigarette smoke in a room
with no doors or windows.
i want to ask you how much you're paying
for that space in my head,
but i now you wouldn't understand the joke,
and i'd never hear the punchline.
i'd only feel the the blow of your words as they knock me
flat on my ***,
just like they always do,
just like you always do.
there's something about you i'm so insatiably drawn to,
and maybe it's the fact that i can't have you,
or perhaps it's because i can't remember what i see in you,
and i want to find out what it was.
you smoke pills like it's your job, you drink like a fish,
and you're hardly interested in me.
only when you're totally wasted do you want me;
and not one second sooner.
****, this poem is ****.
It's just word *****.
I don't even know how to say what i feel about you.
485 · Dec 2013
abigail Dec 2013
how do you explain
that feeling that only
another human being
can give you.

that inconceivable,
intoxicating, volatile
feeling that some people
refer to as love but
that word doesn't accurately
depict just how
that unseen entity can
make you the happiest
and most miserable person
in the world all at one

no word or any number
of words could spell out just
exactly how this feeling works,
but here's something i can tell you,
that loves is like a flame,
and once someone ignites
that feeling,
it spreads like wild fire
and it won't stop until
it consumes its host entirely.
485 · Jul 2013
Fuck you too
abigail Jul 2013
Who are you, again?
I saw you once when I was drunk,
Who are you, again?

I'm drunk again, just
Like I was when we met.
Who are you, again?

I want to meet you when I'm
Sober, but I know that wont happen.
Who are you, again?

I miss you, just like
All the girls miss you.
But it's a little different this time,
Because we both know who we are.

You're a player,
I'm a player,
We're both taken by other
But we will always hold
Each other,
Even when our special halves
We'll always be there
For each other.

Who are you, again?
464 · Nov 2014
abigail Nov 2014
i can no longer wait.

i have stood in the cold
for a year,
waiting for your promises
to show up.
I thought they would come
******* in beautiful ribbons
and bows, but they
never showed.
"They'll be here," you promised.
"Any day now.."
but we're out of time,
my dear.
I can no longer wait
for the love you promised to give me.
Not for love that speaks,
but never acts.
Not for love that stirs and yawns,
but never stands and soars.
I can no longer wait.
Not for someone who hands me
an empty promise everyday
as he walks through the door,
promising the love will
surely be there tomorrow.
452 · Jul 2013
to my brother
abigail Jul 2013
when i saw you,
lying there,
in that black box,
where you would sleep forever,
i though you were asleep,
but i knew better.

people came,
people cried,
people smiled,
but only for a while.

and when everyone left,
even me,
i still felt like i never really
said good bye.

mom says i'll join you
if i don't change my ways,
i say i'm too smart to lie
in some big box forever.

although sometimes i long
to lie in some big box forever,
maybe the trees and flowers would
have time for me,
if i could sleep forever.
451 · Dec 2013
abigail Dec 2013
it's such
a terrific secret,
come a little closer
and i might just
out line it for you
434 · Aug 2013
abigail Aug 2013
we were sitting in our place, in the place that we silently claimed as ours. the joint is dim, and we always order the same thing. we go here when one of us is going on a trip, or if it's the weekend and we want to go somewhere familiar but never boring. we go here when we're sad or happy. to celebrate or to console each other. we've been going here for as long as we've know each other, but tonight is different. i'm not very hungry and neither are you. small rain cloud hangs over our booth. the music is playing louder than usual and it's some stupid love song that makes me choked up, but i swallow it. and then when we're leaving, we both sigh, not knowing when we'll return here, to our favorite spot, because i'm going to california and you're going to college in northern minnesota, and by the time i return, you will be in college. and i'll be in this town we grew up in, missing you. and i suppose it's fair. because i left you and went to rehab for three cold long months and you had to wait here, in this ******* town. and now i have to wait, in this town i refer to as home, but it won't feel the least bit like home when you're gone.

and then i ******* cried.
413 · Aug 2013
take it all back
abigail Aug 2013
you can have it all back.

you can have the memories
of us together in
your bed.
every kiss and sigh
and smile and yawn.

you can have it all back.

you can have the feelings
you left in my heart,
and the confusion
you left in my head.

i want you to have the
sound of your laugh that
still sits in my ears,
and i want you to
take back the words
you spat at me while
you were high or
drunk or just
****** up.

and i want you to
take back your scent.
take back the way
you kissed me and the
way we touched and
how you made
me feel.

take it all the **** back,
because i can't hold onto it any
394 · Feb 2014
1:34 a.m.
abigail Feb 2014
she pulled my arm across
the center console,
examining it.
trying to find an entrance
to that beautiful unseen interstate
of veins that ran through my body.

about five seconds after the last
drop hit my veins,
my head was spinning.
my whole body in ecstasy.

"this is what we came for,"
I said.
"this is what we pay for."
391 · Jul 2013
abigail Jul 2013
the 28th day of july
is my mother's birthday,
although i wished it

i hate how she ages,
how one day i won't
have her here to show
me how to do this
or that,
but today i didnt care.

i was burning in hell
some place south of montana,
nothing lives here.
i tried to swim to the surface,
but something kept
pulling me back under.

i should have called,
should have stopped by,
or sent flowers,
but i was burning in hell
someplace south of
montana, where nothing
grows and nothing lives,
and i think she knew
why i couldn't
call or stop by
or send flowers
because i was drowning in the hell of myself
372 · Jul 2013
abigail Jul 2013
i think of you at night.
when the world gets quiet,
my thoughts get loud.

you occupy my mind.
i drown in memories of you
every ******* night.

the way you smell,
the way you taste,
the way you feel.

you're what i think about when i'm trying to sleep,
why i can't sleep,
why i never
354 · Jul 2013
abigail Jul 2013
i came home,
per usual.

what else is there
to do,
in this forsaken world.

i tried to wake you,
but your body refused to be
i understood.

so now i'm awake,
and sad,
trying to figure out,
why i'm blessed with you,
when i don't even deserve you.
348 · Oct 2013
get out and go where?
abigail Oct 2013
you keep repeating that
simple but ominous phrase.
           get out
                get out
                     get out.

           get out of this town,
           out of this state,
           out of this life.
she wishes i could transfer
universes, if at all possible.

           drop everything and
           go before you can't leave.
she meant before i was too
strung out to function,
but would never say it.

she offered me a ticket out,
one that never expires,
to go to any college in any
state to get any degree and
i wouldn't have to pay a cent.

but i have to quit drugs.

who the **** am i anymore?
348 · Dec 2013
abigail Dec 2013
i heard once,
that when you give
your heart away to
someone, but
they don't want it,
you can never get
it back.
316 · Oct 2013
nothing at all
abigail Oct 2013
do you ever look around
and realize it's all over.
it's all gone.
there's nothing here

nothing in this town
is keeping me here
because you're gone and
it's so cold here and
nothing sparkles
like it did when you
were with me.

you've gone away
without me.
i never asked you to
stay, and you never asked
me to wait, so i'm
going to leave too.

i can't stay here.
i've seen what happens
to people when they do.
306 · Nov 2013
abigail Nov 2013
i hate how you
do this
i hate how i
allow your constant
walking in and out
of my life
and whenever you get
around to
apologizing to me for
breaking my heart again,
which you will
undoubtly do,
i just forgive you
like i can't imagine
ever not accepting an
apology i no longer need
to hear but you still
say it so you can feel better
but it doesn't make me
feel better
because you talk
better but you
don't act better
302 · Sep 2013
abigail Sep 2013
sometimes i swear i don't even
******* exist.
to anyone.
297 · Jul 2013
nothing is real
abigail Jul 2013
my life is one big joke,
and sometimes i think i'm
the only one

people frown at my life,
say they fell bad,
say they wish they could
but i don't know why.

humans take life so seriously,
but i don't know why.
i think this life is all one big dream,
one big lie,
one big movie,
and all the people i know
are the actors.

none of this is real
to me.
my life is one big joke,
i laugh so hard i almost choke,
when i think of my life.
those last three lines are maya angelou's, not mine.

— The End —