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Abigail Apr 2022
I think I'll make the prettiest butterfly
With gemstone wings of blues and purples
I'll flutter around with a newfound grace
and feed on the most gorgeous of flowers

In the evenings, I'll be the beautiful sunset
Bringing a close to the day
People will look at me
and thank God for his amazing grace

Soon, I'll be a shining star
Space has always been my idea of heaven
I'll dance in the night sky
Illuminating the world down below

Maybe, my without will be better than the with
My absence shall bring you peace
I hope that after I go
You'll realize I was never meant to stay
Abigail Jan 2020
When I was little,
I used to be able to see in the dark
I would sit on my sister’s bed with the lights off
and point out all the objects in our room
until I had her convinced that
I was magical

Now, we’ve grown up and
I am no longer a magician
I can’t see in the dark anymore

It has occurred to me that
life is a series of dark tunnels
with light poking through the cracks

When I was younger,
I used to make everyone so proud
all I do is ***** everything up

I sit here in darkness
as they list off my faults
They name me a failure, a disappointment
a waste and a disgrace
They think of me as a traitor to their beliefs

Every time I prove them right
It’s another shake of their head
another nail in my coffin
another inch the darkness closes in

As I struggle to find my way out of the black
I grasp back towards my younger self
and her night vision
Hoping she can help me see the exit with her gift
Only to realize,
I could never see in the dark to begin with

I had worked so hard to convince everyone
I had this superhuman ability
To see in the dark,
That I had managed to convince myself of my magic too

I’m blind and alone
while the darkness has consumed me
It’s suffocating and frustrating
and I can feel my panic rising

Unsure of what to do,
I remain stuck in this darkness
I cannot flee
Abigail Aug 2021
I wish I was gold
Elegant, extravagant, fun

Gold is the colour of beauty, royalty
It loves to be the center of attention

I think I am grey
Muted, boring, faded

I used to be white,
but I got ***** over time

I am stuck being grey
Always in the background

I don't think I know how to be gold
With its shiny adventure

Gold is perfection
Grey is an unerasable mistake

Gold is bold, confident
Grey is unsure of its purpose

Grey can't even be silver,
with sparkle to grab your attention

Grey is storm clouds on a rainy day,
the fog that envelops the road

Nothing good is grey,
while everything good is gold

I am grey, but
I wish I was gold
Abigail Jan 2020
They say
Be happy, Abi!
You do remember what that means, right?

You, with a vocabulary that never ceases to amaze,
Little Miss Gifted wearing that God awful lipstick
Can you even comprehend this elementary task?

It means every day
when you go put on your face
never fail to paint on a grin

No matter how fake
always keep this smile on
It doesn't take a genius to know no one cares about your feelings

Look at you!
Do you know how selfish you're being?
All these opportunities and yet you still choose to be sad

If you had half the brain people say they'd **** for
you wouldn't be so somber
You'd accept you have no right to be this upset

I don’t understand how someone they say is so brilliant is actually this stupid
Other people have actual problems while you’re wondering why you can’t be glad

Maybe it’s all the nights you’ve stayed up late studying but it’s clear your aren’t at you best
There’s no point trying to cover up by using your superficial knowledge

It’s a hard fact to erase,
That the brainiac’s grades are dropping and you can’t bring them back up

Who gave you permission to feel depressed?
No one, so **** it up buttercup
It’s a very simple concept to grasp
Just smile and
Be happy
Abigail Sep 2021
I think it's cute, really,
that you think you can live without me

Look at all we've done together!
You can't do that on your own

Darling, I am the only one who cares about you
Everyone else abandoned you

You've tried to leave before
What makes you think this time will be any different?

Love, I think you forget
I am inside of you

I don't just control you,
I own you
You are nothing without me

If you don't listen to me
I will destroy everything you love

You cannot stop me
Our affair has gone on so long
now we are one

There is no separating us
Seeing as how you always come back

Just remember, honey,
If you try to end me,
I'll take you too
This is more for spoken word and is based on Kevin Kantor's "A Letter from Cancer".
Abigail Feb 2021
I think it's time for an official introduction
Young things like you tend to call me "Mia"
It makes me seem friendly,
hides what I truly am

Don't get me mistaken,
I am your friend!
You made the right decision,
coming to me for help

Tsk tsk poor baby,
you really are in a sorry state
I say this with all my love, but look at the size of you!
You're enormous!
Honestly, I don't know what took you so long
to come seek my guidance.

It's okay now sweetie,
Mia is here to save you!
Together we'll show them exactly what you can be.

I promise, my love
We can even make your parents proud
I've seen first hand how a mother's scorn affects her child

But not to fear,
for I will be your mother
until you are fit enough to send back

However, my promises do come with harsh love
I will make you despise food
until food is all you can think about,
until food permeates your dreams

You fat cow,
you don't deserve to eat
Put that down!

Look at you
They're right
You are disgusting
You were supposed to be strong enough to resist this temptation

Now what?
You're just sitting here
in the remnants of your binge

You look so guilty and ashamed, darling
Good! You should be sorry
You're weak
and you've ruined all our progress

Go, rectify your mistake
See if you can earn back my love
Reach back as far as you can
And maybe you’ll find my grace

Purge yourself of all your failures
Then come back to me
I'll see if we can start anew
Abigail Sep 2021
Mia says look
at everyone around you
See how much bigger you are?

Mia says come
let's compare
Do you see what I see?

Mia says listen
to those who love you
Can you hear their concern?

Mia says stop
put that back
Do you really need it?

Mia says no
you may not eat
Can't you see me working?

Mia says look
at the mess
you've made now

Mia says come
to the bathroom
Erase what you've done

Mia says listen
to me
It's really not that hard

Mia says stop
you fat pig

Mia says no,
You'll never be perfect now
Abigail Jan 2020
Whatever happened to the
busybody? Always buzzing around like a bee
How have they died?
So young, just upon
adulthood. I guess the
busybody couldn't handle the water.

has happened to his youth? What happened
his dreams, and his
desires? Poor little busybody, what happened to your honey?
So sad, the poor little busybody has left us. No
can bring him back now. Could it be that no one knew?
This is a golden shovel poem using the line "The bee died upon entering the water/what happened to his honey no one knew" from Dorothea Lansky's poem "Become a Person"
Abigail Nov 2022
I've been thinking a lot about butterflies
How they are a symbol of strength and growth
I used to want to be one, a butterfly,
pretty and free,
the whole world's admiration on me.

I think butterflies may be God's cruelest joke
So beautiful and dainty, yet so fragile
The smallest injury could spell fatal
Why give us this gift we cannot touch?

You may think of me as an injured butterfly
Once special, but too broken and weak to be worth saving.
Did you know, in rare instances, butterflies will consume human blood and sweat?
And that like a butterfly, I too will drink your blood if that's what it takes to survive
because I may be broken but I am not weak
I will heal
I will fly again

So, yes, I can see how butterflies can be strong,
Stronger than you can believe
and if that's the case,
then a butterfly I may be.
This is for spoken word
Abigail Apr 2021
Have you seen the wild
men? The wild men
who used to sing about revolution. Have you seen the wild women who
danced to their songs?
All this happiness and yet they were the ones who got caught
Did you hear their begs and
their screams? Now they sing a new song. They once sang
about creating a new, better world. Now the
song they sing is about never seeing the sun
again. They sing in
fear of flight.

Scarred as they are, they have learned to fly and
they have learned
to sing again. Never too
quiet are their voices. They don't realize how late
are. It is too late for their revolution. They are grieved
for they were the last hope. Their song, it
goes on
and on. It's
unforgotten, carrying itself all the way

Heed my warning. Do
lose your voice.  Go
sing and bring back the lost revolution. Do not be gentle
in your truths! Pour your heart and soul into
that melody you create. You have the power. The power that
can bring about a good
and better world. Go, sing. Do not stop for night.
This is a golden shovel poem using a stanza from Dylan Thomas' Do Not Go Gentle Into That Goodnight
Abigail Apr 2021
I am warning you. Do
not tell me to be quiet. Do not
tell me to sit down and behave. Go
on. I dare you to tell me to be gentle
with my words and actions. Tell me to keep all my passion in
my head. Tell me to
ignore the storm in my head that
begs me to scream. To stand up. To speak out against the "good"
rules that you have designed to hold me back. I will fight all through the night.

I will rage
against you. I will speak out against the rage
you have cast upon me to make me silent. Never again! I will speak
the mold you have set out for me. Against the
rules that bind me. I will rage until my dying
days. I will speak of
truth and freedom. I will speak of the
hope of love and light
This is a pantoum using a two lines form Dylan Thomas' Do Not Go Gentle Into That Goodnight
Abigail Feb 2020
Ever since I was little
I’ve been fascinated by the stars
I could rattle off the origins of the names of the dippers, Orion, Cassiopeia, and a dozen more
All while staring wide-eyed at the sky

I remember sitting with my aunt
Pouring over book
after book
Learning everything I could about these stellar luminaries

Sometimes, I do this thing
where I imagine myself alone
Surrounded by nothing except stars
I find it comforting to be encompassed
By their celestial beauty

I like to think of heaven as the night sky
Not the one you see in the city or the suburbs,
but the one you can see if you go far enough outside where no light can interrupt its astral dance
I like to think we become stars when we die

When I’m outside during the night,
I swear the stars don’t look as bright
In my memories,
the night sky was more beautiful when I was young

Now there are too many lights
Their glare frowns out even the brightest of planets
It’s impossible to distinguish the shimmering orbs from towers and planes
As they are dimmed by everything below

If I want to gaze upon the twilight and it’s glimmering gifts
I have to recall my childhood’s sky
I wonder
If I’ll ever see the stars again
Abigail Feb 2020
It's an interesting act,
trying to disappear
Pressed up against some wall
watching everyone go by,
praying they don't notice you

Have you ever tried to stand so still you turn invisible?
It's a hard task for someone who likes to fidget
I hope my silence will fill in the gaps

It's not like I always want to fade into the background
Just when it all gets too much
I've learned to slow my breath,
make it so shallow no movement can be detected

I retreat so far in
on myself
I wonder if there is
any of me left standing

I guess my vanishing act is improving
Not even friends notice my presence
They look so happy, sitting here
Their conversation drifts everywhere
except to me

When I try to speak up
now it is their silence that greets me
I guess
disappearing isn't so difficult after all
Abigail Jan 2020
The Prodigal Daughter
Fallen from grace
Will she ever be able
to regain her place?

Fallen from grace
Quite a task to undertake
to regain her place
There’s no repenting for her mistakes

Quite a task to undertake
Wings, now burned off
There’s no repenting for her mistakes
Onlookers stared in disgust and scoffed

Wings, now burned off
She was destined for greatness, all were in favour
Onlookers stared in disgust and scoffed
Too bad she’s only a failure

She was destined for greatness, all were in favour
So tragic, isn’t it?
Too bad she’s only a failure
All their expectations and  she  quits

So tragic, isn’t it?
Will she ever be able
All their expectations, and she quits
The Prodigal Daughter
A pantoum

— The End —