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 Jan 2012 Abhas
Meagan Berry
“Just write,” they told me.  And I did.
My smooth cursive running over
each ****** page.
I wrote run-on sentences
without any punctuation that ran on for days without
a single breath of air and when I finished
I spleled wrods wrnog
and didn’t even try to fix them.

Then I began to write about you,
and no matter how hard I tried to stop,
the words flowed out of me
like they were meant to be on paper all along.

I wrote of the time you dragged me to your beach house
on Long Island
even though I was sick and miserable.  
You lay in bed with me all weekend until finally
I made it out to the beach.  
I went home sicker and redder than I had been before.
But you loved me anyway.  

I wrote of the time when we tried to drive across the country,
but we got bored somewhere around Harrisburg.  
Aunt Jay’s Pancake House made the trip worthwhile.  
I can still taste your buttery pancakes and
my gooey French toast on my lips.  
I wish we could go back there just one more time.

I wrote of the day you said goodbye-
the first time that is.
I didn’t get out of bed for three weeks,
you know,
wondering why you even called to see if I was ok.
When I finally pulled myself up and out
of the stuffy, black room
I was surprised the sun was still rising
and the world was continuing on without

I wrote of the day you said goodbye-
the second time.
You didn’t call this time
or write
or give one sign that you were hurting so badly.
I could have fixed you.
I could have loved your pain away.

“Just write,” they told me, “And all of your pain will disappear.”
They don’t understand, though.
I’m not worried about my pain.
I want to go back and write away yours.
I've always wondered
what it's like to have a weightless heart
Mine weighs me down to the ground
My back is always hunched
because my heart brings my chest to my knees
And the world tells me to keep my chin up
and to stand up straight
and to be a lady
But all of this is **** near impossible
with such a heavy heart
I need
a stronger back
stronger knees
better posture
and although I'm independent,
I'll admit that I could use a pair
of burly arms to help me lift my heavy heart
so I can keep my chin up
stand up straight
be a lady.
 Jan 2012 Abhas
Melissa S
My Life
 Jan 2012 Abhas
Melissa S
My life my soul faded into what you wanted me to see  
everything I did was to make you feel better.. but I forgot about me
I guess we all lose ourselves from time to time  
Life has its twists and turns and has no meaning or rhyme
The one thing I will never lose touch with is that sweet little face looking up at me
no single word not even love could possibly be enough for what I feel nor will it ever be!

— The End —