Everything is circles,
I sit here for nothing.
Someone waved at me on a bus,
Maybe it’s you.
But anyone can be a shadow.
Didn’t realise I was near Leicester Square
Everything’s connected
Like veins, like bones in blood
I definitely feel lost in blood.
Concentrating on the unnamed protagonist’s year of relaxation -
How can you be in New York and just want to sleep?
I guess I get it, I’ve felt similar in London
But somehow I always end up dazed tying my laces, out too early or too late
In a trance on the tube.
Chatted up by guys who I say I have a smile of 1000 stars, who add me as
“Professional reader” in their phones.
I would’ve gone to Camden with the last one if I wasn’t waiting for you.
If I didn’t enjoy looking at pigeons,
The back pain, embarrassment.
Not caring how it goes,
I’d probably do it again, just be smarter.
Just like with life, my raven night.