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Jan 2021 · 122
ia Jan 2021
I could not see any chance I have to prove to you how much I love you
I could not grab the chance to show to you how much I need you
Is it me or you? The one who close the entrance?
I try and keep trying but I got nothing
Only tears and pain left for me
I do believe in second chance or even third chance
That is why you always, always got that to fix yourself and maybe us too
But seems like you're just take it for granted
Just because you knew that you'll always have new chances everytime you make mistake, that doesn't  mean you can hurt me anyway you like
I keep on giving you because I believe that you're gonna change
And I believe by chance, we will be together
Jan 2021 · 1.1k
That day
ia Jan 2021
That day
The day I took my new path
Without you
It hurts a lot
Tear me apart
But this is for our good
For you
For me
For us
I miss you
On this day
Our day
10 months
I wanna wish you
"Happy 10th monthsary baby"
I love you forevermore
Imissyousomuch. More than you know :')
Jan 2021 · 158
ia Jan 2021
Kenapa kau pergi masa aku perlu kau sangat sangat?
Kenapa kau pergi sedang aku belum tabur semua kasih sayang aku pada kau?
Kenapa kau pergi dalam keadaan aku tengah serabut?
Kenapa kau pergi?

Tapi Tuhan kata lain
Dia kata cukup masa yang dia beri untuk aku pinjam kau dari Dia

Siapa nak dengar cerita aku
Siapa nak dengar mengadu aku?
Marah aku? Gembira aku? Siapa?
Aku rindu kau
Kau rindu aku tak?
It is my language! BAHASA MELAYU!! Happy reading everyone. It is for my beloved bestfriend in th entire world. I miss her so much :)
Jan 2021 · 684
New Year
ia Jan 2021
12 new chapters, 365 new chances
From the previous year, I learn a thing
Every chances you give means you're giving yourself an opportunity to be hurt and to be happy
Is not that you're not choosing happy for yourself but the probability is there
Happy new year peps!! Keep writing, keep reading and spread the good vibes. Be more wise then ever. 2021, we got this!
Dec 2020 · 93
ia Dec 2020
I need my medicine back
That once I consumed everyday without fail
Now I stop taking it
But I'll never forget how it feels when taking it everyday
that medicine refers to you and no other else
Dec 2020 · 74
ia Dec 2020
On this day, I hurt my self again
Also my love ones
Why would I?
Am I insane for hurting my self over and over?
I don't think so
Insane is when  I stop loving you; trusting you
Even if I die tomorrow
My love for you will never fade
And never die
When will I stop hurting this shattered heart?
When All Mighty calls for me
In the moment, I wish nothing
But only happiness for you
the moment when everything is revealed and the moment when i still choose the same path again and again
Dec 2020 · 60
ia Dec 2020
Struggling huh?
Take a break when you are tired
Just for a moment
Look around and appreciate what you see, what you feel and what you have
Everything will be fine
If happiness is the thing you want, it will come in a way you didn't expect
Also it will go without your notice
But in between, enjoy every bit of them
That is how life works
Scratch from my notes on 28/10/2020
Jan 2019 · 203
ia Jan 2019
You're not welcomed
I hate you
I hate all our memories
I burned them all
with your failure
Don't ever come back
Dec 2018 · 142
ia Dec 2018
No one knows how struggle are you,
To face life.
No one knows how triggered are you,
Looking at how wonderful world is.
And no one knows how you badly want that wonderful world to be yours.

You already got it dear.
Everything that you faced,
Is already wonderful.
It is all in God's planner.
Alla the obstacle,  all the pain that you feel,
That is how world works.
Cause at the end of the journey,
After all the hardship,
Rainbow will come to shine.
Chin up & smile
Dec 2018 · 140
ia Dec 2018
You've tried so hard
To be in that circle
You've done so many things
To feed their noise
But still
They don't even notice you
They belittle you!

This time
You should stop trying
And burden yourself
With things that can
Give you colours
i hate this feeling as i am **** at making new friends.  I think i've so much but still i don't know what exactly they want
Nov 2018 · 132
Let me out
ia Nov 2018
Let me out
I want some free space
I need some inspiration

Hey you!
Don't judge me
Without fair play
Cause you don't even
Walk my path

Shut your mouth
Just let me out
Out from your failure

— The End —