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charcoal grey, midnight black
all around me
no light getting in,
no love getting out.
blue-white, ice cold.
no warmth to be found.
darkness my only friend.
my life.

Peacock brilliance, rainbow hued
now fills my days.
The sun shines
with a sparkling incandescence.
The warmth of a thousand candles
lights my way in the dark.
Your love is my guide, my map,
my existence.
Iridescence in the night.
My life.
My love.
 Mar 2013 A O'Dea
Let me know
When you decide
To leave me be-
I'm dying inside.

Soul ****** away
From empty words
From hopes placed
On foolish desires.

Tired eyes lead to
Tired hearts,
And mine is no

Thanks for the praise,
It meant a lot
Until I realized you
Hadn't given me




© 3/14/13
 Mar 2013 A O'Dea
Sometimes I just want
To throw you to one side
And whisper in your ear
Every single thing I'm afraid
To say, everything that I know I
Wouldn't do if I was in my right mind.
Sometimes I want
To hold
In my arms
And never let another girl look
At you ever again. I'm strangely possessive
Over you, and you don't even know.
Your crowding friends keep anything I might say
At bay. Maybe I'll let myself
Toss them aside, and refrain from any
Feeling of care as to what they
Think or what they say. Maybe someday
I'll sunder your crowd this way,
And let myself grab you by your arms
And whisper what your presence does to me,
Every spark ignited in the furnace
That is my soul, and tell you every single
Feeling I have ever known with a single
Of my lips against yours.


I won't.

Because it's your place to do so.

Because I want to make you feel
Everything that I do, but in reverse:
I want to make you crazy about me.
Without letting you know
My true feelings.

I want you to build up the same
Courage I would have to, to say
Everything I want to hear to me,
And mean every bit of it from deep
Within your

Step up to the plate and swing a couple of times,
But be careful:
There may not be another chance
To play this game
If the umpire yells only
A single more

© 3/25/13
No particular shape nor reason why I centered it.
 Mar 2013 A O'Dea
Yes i can swim
strokes through the sea
but the swordfish is better
much better than me

Yes i can fly
my eager engines burn
nothing to the falcon
simply done, once learned

Yes i can run
toss my legs in front
leisure to the cheetahs
three fold faster on the hunt

Oh but did you know
just how few of these?
When we left the gates
map and guide made me
I sit [and loathe] in church... at least it gives me time to write. :)
 Mar 2013 A O'Dea
A Resonant Soul
Those cuts, the bruises, the burns. It can't be because of me. It can't be FOR me! Doing this is a hateful act. Selfish. For you, and you alone. You are choosing to do it. It's not loving or giving. It doesn't show me that you love ME. What it does show me is that you are willing to hurt others, by hurting yourself. You are truly doing this only for YOU!

Why would I want to be with you if you are doing this? Why would I want to be with you to fix you of this? It only a trap. You want me to be with you so bad that you are willing to trap me in this. You may not even realized it. So sad. I can not fix you, only you can fix you.

I want to be with someone that enjoys life, enjoys others but most importantly enjoys themselves! It might be to late for us, who knows..... But I do know that if the you, you are showing me now, is the you, you want me to love, I DO NOT want any part of that.

Physical pain CAN NOT take away emotion pain. If it did, you'd be cured by now. So a change is needed. I care for you very much and want you to be happy so my advice to you is NO MORE HURTING YOURSELF. Then begin caring for yourself in a way that is loving and nurturing. Start with your beautiful smile. Smile for no reason when no one is around. Smile again making this smile for you. Then smile again, a smile as wonderful as you but do it for others. Smiles are natures medicine. Fill yourself up on them and give them away to others. Fall in love with yourself, beginning with a smile. When you are truly comfortable with you, loving and kind to yourself, you will glow with an attraction that will bring you together with your heart and souls desire.
 Mar 2013 A O'Dea
Josh Morter
 Mar 2013 A O'Dea
Josh Morter
If you have issues with drugs you'd always talk to Frank
If you were having money troubles you'd go straight to the bank
But if you had to vent your anger
To whom would you go
Well here's a little secret from someone in the know

When you have the need to vent
There's no better man to call, than the vent'i'taker - stress collector
Or just for short Paul.

He will take on all your aggression and shred it nice and small
As once he has done that there will be no stress at all.

He can cut up people also...but that's a very bad thing to ask,
As if Paul got caught...he would be straight in jail.
And very very fast.
Poem by Josh Morter ©

a silly poem i jotted down as an attempt to cheer someone up. I think it worked
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