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 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
W. H. Auden
At ***** ****'s and Sloppy Joe's
We drank our liquor straight,
Some went upstairs with Margery,
And some, alas, with Kate;
And two by two like cat and mouse
The homeless played at keeping house.

There Wealthy Meg, the Sailor's Friend,
And Marion, cow-eyed,
Opened their arms to me but I
Refused to step inside;
I was not looking for a cage
In which to mope my old age.

The nightingales are sobbing in
The orchards of our mothers,
And hearts that we broke long ago
Have long been breaking others;
Tears are round, the sea is deep:
Roll them overboard and sleep.
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
George George
Once just Two little people
Now all grown
Far from me
All on their own 

Years fly by
Like a buzzing bee
Only 5 minutes ago
Both were Half the size of me

Now they're adults
Out in the big world
My handsome boy
And my baby girl

Always on my mind
And forever in this heart 
Regardless of how much
Distance apart

I look at a Map
Great distance I see
Of where they are 
And where I be

They're always with me
Their smiles give me mine
My Two little people
Are doing just fine 

I'd give anything
And then give even more
For my calendar to read

Until the time machine
Is finally real 
I'll carry some sadness
That sweet memories kinda heal

If I had three wishes
I'd only need one
I'd wish a long lifetime of love
For my daughter and son
Come now
Lie in my arms
I'll stay here
With you
I just want
You to be okay.
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Sasha Scarr
I cannot produce,
I cannot be used.
I sit here in dryness,
I call this abuse.

Seeds fall into me,
as they always do,
I cannot grow roses,
& flowers won't bloom.

My purpose stands nowhere,
I cannot see.
Why oh mother Earth,
would you do this to me?

I want to make tulips,
all lusciously aglow.
But there is a feeling,
I will never know.

Soil infertile,
Soil inebriate.
Why must I suffer,
such horrible fate?

Bring me winter,
Bring me spring,
bring all of the beautiful birds,
for them I want to sing.

Let me grow tulips,
let me grow roses.
As the sun shines,
on the children's noses.

Give me a beautiful,
wonderful garden.
Let me grow wood,
Let the tree's roots harden.
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Claude McKay
I must not gaze at them although
Your eyes are dawning day;
I must not watch you as you go
Your sun-illumined way;

I hear but I must never heed
The fascinating note,
Which, fluting like a river reed,
Comes from your trembing throat;

I must not see upon your face
Love's softly glowing spark;
For there's the barrier of race,
You're fair and I am dark.
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