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 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
if you left,
to the icy cold waters,
or to the air, to just lay there limp,
or to the numbness,
or to the sinking away emotions, that will never return,
to the edge of the knife,
to the tip of the gun,
i would miss you.
i would care.
i would feel as if i missed out on an amazing chance to meet someone who i wish knew that did i care.
i would run after you.
i would run for you.
i would live for you.
i would try for you.
i would write for you.
i would.
i would.
i would.
mysterious stranger,
give me the honor to read your work,
give me the chance to learn,
to crack open your brain,
give me the chance to help.
let me try to understand
let me care
let the world see you
your amazing,
and something to be proud of.
because you inspire me.
because of you,
i opened my eyes.
I can't remember exactly when the world ended;
I died alongside my fellow heathens.
Our memories are fuzzy.
Some of us swear to recall the flash.
Some say they remember the fires that burned us,
The waters that drowned us,
Or the winds that blew us all away.
Some further say we're still alive,
But that can't be true, can it?
I don't remember anything about it myself.
I remember things from right before.
Or, at least they feel like they were right before.
There could have been months in between, years even,
But I remember the face of a boy,
And his name,
And remembering him makes me feel like I never died at all.
I don't know what happened to him--
Whether he lived or died.
All I know is that he's not where we are.
I miss him a lot,
Especially since eternity feels like one long day.
The true apocalypse is a lonely apocalypse.
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Emma N Boyer
On a hilltop in the darkness,
In the shadows by the sea
Under a cloak of silence;
Hiding in the trees

There wait the silent heroes;
The watchers in the sky,
The darkest of all angels
That guard us day and night

There wait the cold; cloaked warriors;
The ones that hide their fear
The most quiet of the suffering;
The bravest far and near

They’re men that were once living
And men that, one time, cared
About the safety of the breathing;
The hungry, thirsty and the scared

Don’t be fooled, they have no love for us,
The ones who let them die
They love to watch our suffering;
They laugh to see us cry

They **** the ones who cheat;
Take the ones who lay beneath the graveyard floor,
They give no warning but their shadows,
And their whispers at the door

They hide in their stone castles
And lurk among the clouds
They train their golden eyes on us
And their screams drift slowly down…

From a hilltop in the darkness,
In the shadows by the sea,
Beneath a cloak of silence,
Hiding in the trees,

There wait the silent heroes,
The watchers in the sky,
The dead, the done; the dying
Who laugh to see us cry.  

But someday they won’t guard us,
And their hate will wriggle through
The honor of their living days-
The days their hearts beat true

And someday, when that time arrives
You better hide **** well,
Because the warriors fear nothing;
They were born and bred in hell

They will come down from their castles,
And cast darkness through the clouds,
They will spread their rage like fire,
And no mercy will be found

So next time you lay restless,
And shadows creep around your bed,
Watch out for the Fearless Ones,
With eyes so cold and red,

Watch out for the warriors
That guarded you before,
And listen for the tap of feet,
And the whispers at the door.
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