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Feb 2014 · 2.0k
Dinner Time
She feeds those chickens everyday
And the rooster struts and crows
As the steam  rolls from the ***
Plucking feathers for dinner she knows

Your wife sho taste good to me
Mister rooster chest puffs up
Sitting at the dinner table smiling
She fills up her drinking cup

Yall chillen leave those chicks lone
They might think their meal is a little pet
She keeps them away from the chickens
She is planning on wringing their neck

Bow yo head and thank the Laud
For this here chicken wez bout to eat
The children all obey their mother
To them the chicken is a real treat

Sitting at the dinner table
Smiles would shine from within
Now the children tell all their children
How everyday Granny fed them
This was very fun to write
Jul 2013 · 859
Roses are red, violets are purple
And these roses stink so bad
Even humming birds fly away
The bees don't want the pollen
Poor Roses forgot who they are
Violets forgot their purpose
And you walked all over them

Now that they are gone you cry
Missing the difference in them
What made them special to you
The stench of their inner perfume
The one thing you hated the most
They were there for you to walk on
They chased away all the bees
Just so you would not be afraid
Would not let the humming birds
Sip their nectar that was for you
The redness an purple for you
To get noticed by you only
They were there for you alone

Roses are red, violets are purple
And these roses stink so bad
Even humming birds fly away
The bees don't want the pollen
Roses know who they are for
Violets live up to their purpose
And you walked all over them
Jul 2013 · 890
With everything that was taught throughout  history
Have we truly learned  all our lessons
Do we as one people come together
And fight for our rights as human beings
No matter race, religion, economic standing
We have forgotten we are the same
The intelligence the Creator gave
It's like it has been taken away
Can you see what is in front of you?
How many hearts have to be broken?
If we all just wake up  and realize
What is real was imbedded in mankind
From the very beginning of time
That in the face of one and others
We are  looking right in the mirror
At what we are, have been, and can be
Realizing what we have given and know is right
The love we have toward each other
Why not ask questions that are tougher?
Where are moral, intellectual, and responsible beings?
Who will take responsibility?
Will you stand and say it was all me?
So we all can say the me's have it
And let all the votes be all counted
Maybe the children of God can be known
Creating a history not so cold
Raising children who are humble and strong
Who being all they were created to become
Believing dignity is man's right
And hard work is God's gift for man to thrive
Jul 2013 · 728
I Got A Secret I Keep
Off in the distance, never being seen
Loving you for so very long
My love for you wasn't foreseen
Hiding these feelings, that are so strong
Imagine your lips so close to mine
Never getting notice in that way
Thinking about you all the time
It is almost like,  I'm being betrayed
Knowing how you feel, hurts me inside
Never saying anything to you
Rather be friends, than even try
Afraid if I told, you I would lose
Maybe you will see me,  like I see you
We would be close to each other
Change your heart, fall in love with me too
Take our friendship a little further
Someday I will meet someone new
All these feelings then would be gone
Someone to love me, and be true
And we will live as though we are one
For now, I got a secret I keep
And if I tell, the price is too high
So I will just keep being discrete
Pretending our friendship isn't a lie
Jun 2013 · 758
What Creation Sees
Sometimes I think about what Creation  sees
Like the beauty of children playing in mud streets
There snow fakes, never fall where they run and play
Playgrounds are unknown, and the roads are not paved

The wisdom, in the face of the elderly
Their eyes, where knowledge is carried gracefully
Each line tells all of  their life's untold stories
Gray hairs are given as a crown of glory

Or when ocean waves crash down on shorelines
The majesty of them, given by design
And the power in them, as they come rolling in
Yet there is life that finds safety therein

How from little tiny seedlings, big trees are grown tall
And new life is given when they die and fall
But birds, make a home in them as they grow up strong
Raising a family as if they belong

Or a couple getting married, all the love in their eyes
The wedding ceremonies meaning that's implied
How before everyone there they make their life decree
To love each other throughout eternity

So very much more than these things have come to be
Even me, all these things, given the chance to see
May 2013 · 748
I often sit and contemplate and think
God in all his righteousness was right
He gave this earth to mankind as a sigh
Of his unmerited love from above
Saying have rule over all then the great fall

When will I ever feel set free
Will you be the first to relive me

Your approval is my master
Chaining me with silent laughter
Making forgiveness my greatest enemy
While my guilt grows stronger in me
There is refection of success
All the while striving endlessly without any rest
Knowing inside what could have been
The realization of my sin
I see myself true reflection in the mirror
And I ask myself once again
Today will I see myself win?

Something I am proud to say
I choose to no longer live that way

It's the ultimate challenge that I had to face
Finding a life of balance I fought hard to gain
I learned to live a new way, finding the real me
And I love my life today living life as free

I still sit and contemplate and think
How God in all his righteousness, yes, was right
Giving earth to mankind as a sign
Of his unconditional love from above
Saying in the earth have rule over all
Then took the time to forgive us for the fall
May 2013 · 974
When children cry day and night
Raising themselves all alone
Not old enough to know what’s right
Having to live life as if grown
Mommy and daddy out of sight
Hearts become as if made of stone
How can you say these are bad kids,
Living on what they were left with?

It’s like addiction has control
Not just the addict’s life style
But the child pays a high price
Their hearts raked over like coals
Never getting life as a child
Like they were born a sacrifice

No time to think about goals
Controlling anger is a trial
Need someone else to take control
And let this person be a child
And fill all the hearts holes
And walk with them a few miles
Apr 2013 · 936
A Childs Prayer
Dear Lord
I am praying this special prayer to ask you
If you would consider letting Mommie come there with you
I know that Grandma and Grandpa are happy in heaven
So is it ok if Mommie comes there and start living?
Lord I know that I didn’t eat my peas yesterday
And wouldn’t share my toys when I went out to play
When I shouldn’t in school I talked to my friend
I know these things have to end
Lord I take all of the blame
Will you Lord forgive me of these things?
I promise I’ll do better next time
But Mommie doesn’t have any crimes
Last night she tucked me in bed
Said good night then she kissed my forehead
This morning she came and kiss me to wake me
She had breakfast on the table so we could eat
I helped her clean the table  of dishes
She said I was a good helper and called me a little Misses
She helped me get dressed  as she sang a song
Then tickled me the time seemed long
Then she put me in the car and took me to school
She dropped me off then watching over her I gave that job to you
They say that the man was drinking and driving his car
I’m not mad at him deep in my heart
I know it was  truly an accident
Hurting my Mommie wasn’t what he meant
I am just praying this special prayer to ask you
If Mommie can come and be one of your angles too?
Apr 2013 · 826
Joy from Pain
Being able to bring joy from pain
Comes from the depths of the soul
It is not an easy thing
Something few people know

It’s like with in tranquility
And there is the one thing
Of an inner sanctity
That can bring joy from pain

Something Mother's understand
When giving a child life
And all the birth pains at hand
Then baby catches Mommy’s eye

Fathers know it also
With their hearts open wide
As they watch their children grow
Into adults that bring them pride
Apr 2013 · 1.2k
He Was A Real Life Genius
He was a real life genius
And didn’t even know it
With simple things he struggled
He wouldn’t give up and quit

They said he was *******
I think they were being mean
To them he shouldn’t  of listened
Smartness he never conceived

At school he always got bullied
Laughed at, kicked, and beaten down
Then he was really quiet
Because he’d been pushed around

His heart broken in the end
He was sitting all alone
Thinking how life was unkind
No one to see falling tears shone

His best friend found him hanging
He put a rope around his neck
His friend not understanding why
He never said that's how he felt

Wondering what he could have done
Now his friend’s heart is hurting
Telling about being bullied
So began the job alerting

Our differences are proper
That is how we were created
Just accept each other like we are
Because bullying  is time wasted
Apr 2013 · 721
If the Lord loves me why did he leave me this way?
Was the question she used to ask
As the drugs took over more each day
She felt her life was leaving her fast
On a normal day as she sat and got high
Death was close, but she could not stop
As tears ran down her face from over drugged eye
She wished this life for a new one she could swap
Then God reached out for this child of his
With love and compassion he spoke to her
And told her this is not the way you have to live
God searched her heart and knew what she’d prefer
Knowing this had to be about the Lord
The voice in her head she answered
And told it not to speak another word
Not knowing death was the hazard
She thought to herself out loud
He knows nothing about me and God
So what you are saying is disallowed
Don’t question me or go to far and ****
Not forgetting her drugs she picked up her head
For just one moment to wipe away the tears
From the drugs that to herself she overfed
The thought of death upon her was clear
At that moment standing before her was a man
She did not see his face as she looked
She only saw the holes in his feet and his hands
“I understand”, he said, “ I know what it took.
I died for you. So you don’t have to die too.”
She fell on her face and prayed for forgiveness
And told the Lord if my life you will rule
From this day forward I will be a living witness
To this day she does not do drugs
And helps as many get clean as she can
With a lot of love and even more hugs
Believing that all the while this was God’s plan
Mar 2013 · 831
I will hold on to my peace
When everything is falling apart
All my happiness has ceased
And I am hurting in my heart

I will keep my peace strong
At times when alone I am facing trials
When everyone has turned and gone
My peace will be my survival

I will let my peace guide me
In the chaos of a decaying society
Stripped of being truly free
Dictated to by economics bounty

I will hear my peace call
When all around me is war
And in battle men die and fall
On mothers' hearts  battle scars are bore

My peace I will walk with
Looking to God in my heart
My spirit His love will lift
Knowing He’s the master of this art

I will hear my peace call
When anger wells up inside
And I feel like I am in a freefall
Because of all injustice applied

I will let my peace guide me
When life's journey becomes unclear
I question my moral quality
Due to lack it causes fear.

I will keep my peace strong
Standing up for what I believe
When my differences seem wrong
Stay the course and just be me

I will hold on to my peace
This is my heart’s desire
This is how we all should be
Peace makes us so much kinder
Nov 2012 · 966
Only One Gift
If you could give only one thing?
Most people would say they choose love.
Love is like a day in spring,
when the birds soar high up above,

from the south to the north fly,
also waking form sleep creation,
telling the winter's cold good bye,
and the earth starts resurrection.

If love was the chosen one
this simple gift how would you give?
Would there be attached conditions,
with self serving motives,

or could you give it freely,
not expecting a reward?
Would that be hard or easy,
needs to be consider before.

Some would choose to give money,
thinking that would solve some needs.
I think this thought is funny
their character can be seen.

Not that this is a bad thing,
we all can use some money,
but the gift of love is lacking,
and can fill all needs completely.

So what gift is in need of more
is something to think about,
digging deep in ones core
choosing right without a doubt?

Remember one gift can be passed,
that is all you have to give.
Want it to forever last,
or for a moment let it live?
Nov 2012 · 944
Drawn into a darkness of peace
An overwhelming sense of caution
There is in the mind much despair
But the heart is searching for healing

Not knowing where it comes from
This demon inside is drowning hope
While taking away the breath of joy
Feeling smothered in a pit of gloom

How does one overcome the unknown
The shadow of darkness as a friend
That has created chaos, a gift with a smile
Sinking deeper than comes escape

Physical pain being a reality
The screams that are being screamed inside
No one looks in the eyes to hear

Drink to escape
Drink to escape

Still the day comes once again
It starts over and over and over.............
Nov 2012 · 1.1k
New Beginnings
As the sun comes up over the horizon
A new beginning is offered to all mankind
The same beginning that has been offered for eon's

How you chose to use the day is like a vision
Being created one long sequence in moments of that time
Each step taken is part of the one created caption

One wrong step leads you down a path to  collision
Colliding with all that is in the world unkind
That can be like going to hell's jail, just a dungeon

Of the smoke being breathed by the owner the dragon
Or you can choose to walk the path in a straight line
Remembering everyone falls, but is not done

Because the path keeps going like it is being chosen
And guiding like this has been given and assigned
Picking up, shaking off,  and healing you often

Just remember that you are not the only one
No matter the path walked because you have chosen
And there is room for change, the path is not defined
So consider the things that define your action
And live as if this beginning is your last one
I just wrote this on a whim
Nov 2012 · 1.6k
The Wind Blows
The wind blows like God is walking by
The trees reach so high in the sky
As He gently runs His fingers through them

The green grass lays so fast and springs up again
Like His foot print was there then gone

The feeling He sent came and went
Along with the wind's movement
I want it to come back and never leave

The birds in the trees sing a Hallelujah melody
Full of praise and worship

God’s glory surrounding His love abounding
As the wind is gently howling
In one slow motion moment

God would invest without rest
This gift so freely given
Nov 2012 · 1.7k
I once met a little girl named Tank.
At five years of age,
Her old soul wasn't fake.
I asked her how are you today ma'am?
With big brown eyes
She peered up at the sky,
Then looked at me
Opened her mouth up wide and said

I thought to myself
Yesterday I wonder how she felt.
The next day came.
I asked her the same.
How are you today ma'am?
With big brown eyes
She peered up at the sky,
Then looked at me
Opened her mouth up wide and said

One more time
I'll give it a try
So the third day was here
My words very clear
How are you today ma'am?
With big brown eyes
She peered up at the sky,
Then looked at me
Opened her mouth up wide and said

All at once the mystery was revealed
I knew it was real.
What was said long ago
When poetry was first told,
Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babies.....
This was published not to long ago in The Poetic Bond II
Nov 2012 · 949
A Poetic Dream
I want to be a great poet
Make you think and ask questions
Seek the answer to know it
Beautiful poems I want to write

Deep in your heart I want to touch
Bring what I see into your site
Can I get you to laugh and cry
Write my poetry on your mind

I want to write with conviction
To be able tell stories of rhyme
That makes me have to consider
How to write every line

With words new things I will try
Invoke an emotion inside
So you have an experience
Lay it all out on the line

To all the poets of the world
The masters of this very gift
I want to learn  to write from you
And give my poetry a lift

So Edger Allen Poe will teach
Shakespeare will educate too
Wordology I will seek
Till I am a master that's new
Nov 2012 · 2.2k
In A Golden Desert Field
In a golden desert field  sparrows played.
The sun beamed down from heaven, there was little shade
While the ravens circled over keeping watch
The sparrows kept right on playing, they didn't stop
Along came some chipmunks to join in the game
Two squirrels in the distance wanted the same
So they came over and started a fun chase
Four brown bunnies set up to investigate
While the wind softly blowing carried the voice
Of the robins singing their song of choice
I sat there and watched in amazement
Thinking have I died and to heaven went
Nov 2012 · 643
The Word
The Word
Logos in the Greek
Mental faculty
Something we speak

Not a set of rules
Or a law to be broken
It is the way you think
Or the words that are spoken

Some call him Jesus
He said He is truth
What you think or speak
Well I leave that up to you

Belief in the Word
Is a choice people make
Believe you think and spoke
What is not fake

I like the word Jesus
I believe the truth
It is so easy
I speak it too
Nov 2012 · 1.7k
I remember when people left their doors unlocked
Today that is how you get robbed
I remember when neighbors took care of all the children on the block
Now neighbors are too busy to get involved
I remember when children knew not to talk back
Today children accused parents of child abuse
I remember when Fathers made sure their children didn’t lack
Today fathers can't find a job
I remember when Mothers cooked meals from scratch
Now meals come ready made
I remember when Grandmothers would sew all the school clothes
Today Grandmothers party with their children
I remember when Grandfathers would take their grandchildren to the fishing hole
Today Grandfathers are hard to find
I remember when at school children pledge allegiance to the flag
Now pledge allegiance to the flag in public is a crime
Look at the trade that was made
I remember when
Nov 2012 · 2.6k
The energy put into negativity
Is something I don’t have.
With the way things are today,
I spend my time looking for laughs.
So laugh with me, have fun.
Enjoy the time you’ve got,
Because there is enough misery,
And much time we have not.
When positive energy is given,
It spreads like wildfire.
Life becomes so fulfilling,
And is something much desired.
So smile with me, feel good.
Let all the walls fall down,
Because there is a smile for you.
Yes, there are plenty to go around.
Nov 2012 · 952
The Christmas Gift
On Christmas day the best gift I got
Through the door my brother walked
See he had to go fight in the war
He came home we thought to stay
Santa Claus gave me my wish that day

Singing Christmas carols was so fun
Favorite songs we sang as one
My mom and dad were really happy too
Joy and laughter filled the air
With my brother home the world was fair

Later that year another war came
And they call my brother’s name
He left again to do his duty
A soldier he was truly
He gave His all so I could be safe
No one will  take his place
For love of country he had to go

This day the whole world will know
The high price my brother payed
For our freedom life my brother gave
So this Christmas I take time to thank
All those soldiers in the war
And the soldiers that came to home shores
Just know your sacrifice and your pain
Is not something done in vain
Nov 2012 · 1.2k
I didn’t have to let you know who I truly am
I can pretend I don’t care if you laugh at me
I hate being alone is something I don’t admit
See I pretend to keep my face like stone
Truly I search day and night to be happy
My pretty invisible mask lets me hide
From the world keeping all my secrets
It is always the same this feeling
That way there is not regret
But today I make this clear
And I say I am here
Right over here
Do you see me now
Nov 2012 · 803
The Voice Of God
Have you ever waited to hear the voice of God
Knowing you have tried everything you can
When all strength is gone, no will power to stand
Pleading your case for things to change
You know that what is wrong lives inside your being
Spun out of control praying to stop feeling
Caught up in a loss of self-control
That sinful pleasure starts playing its role
Leading you deeper as you follow
A flesh made shell that is hollow
Down the path of life that is a slippery *****
To the point where you feel you have only one hope
Realizing the line between life and death is there to provoke
You to wait to hear the voice of God
Nov 2012 · 1.6k
Will Work For Food
I will work for food
The sign he held in his hand
As the cars drove by
Giving nothing in his can

Thinks of his children
At school learning ABCs
Wondering tonight
What food will we have to eat

A passer by yells
Get a job you piece of crap
Times used to be good
Then economic mishap

Tears well in his eyes
Because he did think the same
Now on the corner
Wondering who is to blame

It will be simple
If the sign says I will work
The pain is the same
Makes him want to go berserk

All day he holds it
He tries to think how to change
Things for his children
Get things back to being plain

Time to get the kids
Tonight they have a burger
Reaching the shelter
He looks after their hunger

Tomorrow looks bright
He has money to start with
Looking for a job
Gone is his faith in the myth

The myth that is told
If you keep on working hard
Life will be better
Living without being marred

No matter stature
Could happen to anyone
Have it all today
Tomorrow it could be gone
This is one of my poem that was published by the Society of Classical Poets
Nov 2012 · 6.0k
A Jack Of All Trades
A jack of all trades and a master of none
That is what people called him
Always tinkering with a smile on his face
Helping others seemed to be his place
So when the last chance came to say goodbye
Many people wondered why
Had such a man as this
Who touched all walks of life
Have to die

As busy as he was he always had the time
To stop and talk with the town drunk
On the corner where he stood
Often about a wonderful boyhood
Then in his pocket he would reach
Without a judging eye
Give the man some money
Shake his hand and say until next time
So when the last chance came to say goodbye
Many people wondered why
Had such a man as this
Who touched all walks of life
Have to die

Always willing to share his skill
If you had the ear to learn
Teaching how to do a thing or two
He would give that value
With anyone who would listen
He would make it his business
To share his knowledge as if he was a chieftain
So when the last chance came to say goodbye
Many people wondered why
Had such a man as this
Who touched all walks of life
Have to die

A husband and a father
His wife and children miss him the most
He was a hero to them
Through his children his story will never end
Nov 2012 · 1.3k
I don't know if this will ever reach your desk
But I'm a child of God I must confess
I've never in my life met anyone with the pain you have
But I know what it feels like to hurt, and in the back be stabbed

I've been across the country a time or two
I've been in high and low class places while on the move
I've eaten with the rich and eaten with the poor
The excitement in my life made me want more

Strung out on drugs for many years
I thought the drugs could take away all my fears
I've had the houses and the nice cars
Listened to the lies of love, only for a broken heart

Then the truth was spoken and Jesus came by
He told me who I was, and made me ask "why?"
Why do I have all the material things in life,
Smiling on the outside, but inside misery was my hype?

I know you are thinking this crap's not for me,
But really don't stop reading, I guarantee you'll see.

When the Lord told me all about my life,
I got so mad at Jesus, I wanted to fight.
I realized I was mad because He spoke the truth.
So I studied the Word, what did I have to lose?

Slowly, but surely, my life began to change.
The Word cut so deep, I couldn't stay the same.
I've learned one thing to my surprise.
Jesus Christ is the Truth, the Way, and the Life.

Just believe in the Son God gave.
Through Jesus you can be saved.
It might sound too simple to understand,
But I'm a living witness, what I can't do Jesus can.
Nov 2012 · 1.3k
Love Rescued Me
Walking in a minefield of self-destruction
Not knowing that I was being watched
On a path that was so uncertain
As love of self was being botched

Bound by images of life’s path
The stronghold of the enemy in me
At every turn releasing it’s wrath
And growing more and more crafty

As I added to the scars Christ bore
Thinking this is the way life will end
Lead me to the gates of death's door
Pleading to start over again

In the middle of my own *****
Sinking in was the reality of my world
I no longer had a say or control of it
Everything in my life was in a swirl

Created for a degree of excellence
Something drew me to find meaning
Love was watching being patient
So close to me just waiting

To say one yes was all I had to do
He took control of the situation
In my life Love came to the rescue
Saved my life and soul for certain
Nov 2012 · 577
If I Knew Then
If I knew then what I know now
Is what my elders would say
Refusing to take their advice
I always wanted to play
Now time had made me grow
I think how life is strange
Because I’m the one with advice
That seems to ring the same
If I knew then what I know now
Nov 2012 · 1.6k
Two Gold Dollars
Pushing a stroller as she walked in a hurry
She was dressed in clothes that were *****
With hair matted and a face of lines that deeply ran
The stroller looked as if it came from a garbage can
Hanging from the handles  were ***** leather bags
Covering something in the seat tattered blankets  like rags
She approached looking like time had been unkind
But in her eyes a glimmering smile was defined
I opened my mouth to speak to her
And see if I could make a help offer
Slowly she lifted her hand and stretched a curved finger
“Shhhhhh," she said while over her mouth it did linger
Then down she reached for the tattered blanket
I knew that spot was special and private
She picked up a change purse from the seat
Opened it wide as she tried to be discreet
She motioned for me to look inside
It was full of gold dollars to my surprise
She reached in and took out two of them
Then grabbed my hand and I knew it was Him
All of a sudden a fear came over me
A soft voice in the breeze began to speak
"Don't be afraid, you know I Am"
Then she put the two dollars in my hand
When I looked up to thank her
Something happened I’ll always remember
She and her stroller were gone as if she had never been there
At the gold dollars I looked and just stared
Oct 2012 · 1.0k
Our Friendship's Love
Never did you tell me I wasn’t worth it
You believed that I would not fail
Made me think I could move mountains
Never saw my imperfections
Said I  was made perfect the day I was born
Even made time to dream with me
Your eyes saw what no one else saw

When I said I can’t you said I could
When I said I won’t you said I would
You said spread your wings and fly
This love I have for you will never die

Now that you’re gone I remember
How you held your head when you smile
And your laughter deep and genuine
When you looked at me you turn to love
Never saw that in a man’s eye before
The way your arms fit around me
Like they were made for me to be held by

When I said I can’t you said I could
When I said I won’t you said I would
You said spread your wings and fly
This love I have for you will never die

Although I miss you deeply
I am glad for the time we had together
Saying good-bye was the hardest
But at least I was blessed to know you
Agreeing to let you go from the beginning
I didn’t think our friendship’s love
Would make such an impression

When I said I can’t you said I could
When I said I won’t you said I would
You said spread your wings and fly
This love I have for you will never die
Oct 2012 · 3.8k
A Level of Misconception
Does a man turn away from right and good
Brought to the fact of humility not being able to provide
Children crying day and night denied everyday necessities
A lack of pride in being a man among men
Perceived lazy by a society that never has been hungry

Does man lack character, ethics, and moral stability
On dark cold chilling nights with no shelter or stillness
Caught up in a fight for mere  wake in the morning survival
Things never perceived when childhood dreams were dreamed

When does enough become enough for you and I
How many go postal events or deaths in the streets
For the norm not to be normal in the sight of us all
Suffered long enough to bring suffering to an end
The level of misconception considered deeply
Oct 2012 · 1.1k
I Just Want To Pay My Bills
I just want to pay my bills
I get so tired of worrying all the time
About where my next meal will come from
I feel like packing up, taking off, and just running

I wish one time, when my phone rings
The bill collector would not sing
That same old melody of how they will take everything

I want to go to my mail box just once
And not come back feeling like I weigh a bunch
Because of all the notices in there

Sometimes I really get scared
How they don't even care
When my check gets lost
And I can't pay their cost

Then they tack on another fee
To let me know I am really not free
And this is how things seem to always be

So I just sit back and think
I just want to pay my bills

— The End —