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Dear Lord
I am praying this special prayer to ask you
If you would consider letting Mommie come there with you
I know that Grandma and Grandpa are happy in heaven
So is it ok if Mommie comes there and start living?
Lord I know that I didn’t eat my peas yesterday
And wouldn’t share my toys when I went out to play
When I shouldn’t in school I talked to my friend
I know these things have to end
Lord I take all of the blame
Will you Lord forgive me of these things?
I promise I’ll do better next time
But Mommie doesn’t have any crimes
Last night she tucked me in bed
Said good night then she kissed my forehead
This morning she came and kiss me to wake me
She had breakfast on the table so we could eat
I helped her clean the table  of dishes
She said I was a good helper and called me a little Misses
She helped me get dressed  as she sang a song
Then tickled me the time seemed long
Then she put me in the car and took me to school
She dropped me off then watching over her I gave that job to you
They say that the man was drinking and driving his car
I’m not mad at him deep in my heart
I know it was  truly an accident
Hurting my Mommie wasn’t what he meant
I am just praying this special prayer to ask you
If Mommie can come and be one of your angles too?
Being able to bring joy from pain
Comes from the depths of the soul
It is not an easy thing
Something few people know

It’s like with in tranquility
And there is the one thing
Of an inner sanctity
That can bring joy from pain

Something Mother's understand
When giving a child life
And all the birth pains at hand
Then baby catches Mommy’s eye

Fathers know it also
With their hearts open wide
As they watch their children grow
Into adults that bring them pride
He was a real life genius
And didn’t even know it
With simple things he struggled
He wouldn’t give up and quit

They said he was *******
I think they were being mean
To them he shouldn’t  of listened
Smartness he never conceived

At school he always got bullied
Laughed at, kicked, and beaten down
Then he was really quiet
Because he’d been pushed around

His heart broken in the end
He was sitting all alone
Thinking how life was unkind
No one to see falling tears shone

His best friend found him hanging
He put a rope around his neck
His friend not understanding why
He never said that's how he felt

Wondering what he could have done
Now his friend’s heart is hurting
Telling about being bullied
So began the job alerting

Our differences are proper
That is how we were created
Just accept each other like we are
Because bullying  is time wasted
If the Lord loves me why did he leave me this way?
Was the question she used to ask
As the drugs took over more each day
She felt her life was leaving her fast
On a normal day as she sat and got high
Death was close, but she could not stop
As tears ran down her face from over drugged eye
She wished this life for a new one she could swap
Then God reached out for this child of his
With love and compassion he spoke to her
And told her this is not the way you have to live
God searched her heart and knew what she’d prefer
Knowing this had to be about the Lord
The voice in her head she answered
And told it not to speak another word
Not knowing death was the hazard
She thought to herself out loud
He knows nothing about me and God
So what you are saying is disallowed
Don’t question me or go to far and ****
Not forgetting her drugs she picked up her head
For just one moment to wipe away the tears
From the drugs that to herself she overfed
The thought of death upon her was clear
At that moment standing before her was a man
She did not see his face as she looked
She only saw the holes in his feet and his hands
“I understand”, he said, “ I know what it took.
I died for you. So you don’t have to die too.”
She fell on her face and prayed for forgiveness
And told the Lord if my life you will rule
From this day forward I will be a living witness
To this day she does not do drugs
And helps as many get clean as she can
With a lot of love and even more hugs
Believing that all the while this was God’s plan
I will hold on to my peace
When everything is falling apart
All my happiness has ceased
And I am hurting in my heart

I will keep my peace strong
At times when alone I am facing trials
When everyone has turned and gone
My peace will be my survival

I will let my peace guide me
In the chaos of a decaying society
Stripped of being truly free
Dictated to by economics bounty

I will hear my peace call
When all around me is war
And in battle men die and fall
On mothers' hearts  battle scars are bore

My peace I will walk with
Looking to God in my heart
My spirit His love will lift
Knowing He’s the master of this art

I will hear my peace call
When anger wells up inside
And I feel like I am in a freefall
Because of all injustice applied

I will let my peace guide me
When life's journey becomes unclear
I question my moral quality
Due to lack it causes fear.

I will keep my peace strong
Standing up for what I believe
When my differences seem wrong
Stay the course and just be me

I will hold on to my peace
This is my heart’s desire
This is how we all should be
Peace makes us so much kinder
If you could give only one thing?
Most people would say they choose love.
Love is like a day in spring,
when the birds soar high up above,

from the south to the north fly,
also waking form sleep creation,
telling the winter's cold good bye,
and the earth starts resurrection.

If love was the chosen one
this simple gift how would you give?
Would there be attached conditions,
with self serving motives,

or could you give it freely,
not expecting a reward?
Would that be hard or easy,
needs to be consider before.

Some would choose to give money,
thinking that would solve some needs.
I think this thought is funny
their character can be seen.

Not that this is a bad thing,
we all can use some money,
but the gift of love is lacking,
and can fill all needs completely.

So what gift is in need of more
is something to think about,
digging deep in ones core
choosing right without a doubt?

Remember one gift can be passed,
that is all you have to give.
Want it to forever last,
or for a moment let it live?
Drawn into a darkness of peace
An overwhelming sense of caution
There is in the mind much despair
But the heart is searching for healing

Not knowing where it comes from
This demon inside is drowning hope
While taking away the breath of joy
Feeling smothered in a pit of gloom

How does one overcome the unknown
The shadow of darkness as a friend
That has created chaos, a gift with a smile
Sinking deeper than comes escape

Physical pain being a reality
The screams that are being screamed inside
No one looks in the eyes to hear

Drink to escape
Drink to escape

Still the day comes once again
It starts over and over and over.............
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