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 Aug 2013 a j w
Oscar Wilde
As often-times the too resplendent sun
Hurries the pallid and reluctant moon
Back to her sombre cave, ere she hath won
A single ballad from the nightingale,
So doth thy Beauty make my lips to fail,
And all my sweetest singing out of tune.

And as at dawn across the level mead
On wings impetuous some wind will come,
And with its too harsh kisses break the reed
Which was its only instrument of song,
So my too stormy passions work me wrong,
And for excess of Love my Love is dumb.

But surely unto Thee mine eyes did show
Why I am silent, and my lute unstrung;
Else it were better we should part, and go,
Thou to some lips of sweeter melody,
And I to nurse the barren memory
Of unkissed kisses, and songs never sung.
 Aug 2013 a j w
Where no human lies awake
                                     a dream state                                                            ­      
                                                    One other
                                                            Shar­es this place
                                                           ­                    but it is on a murderous rampage    
                                                                ­               Wrapping its fingers around your throat
                                                          ­                     Til your breath is no longer all you hold
                              It takes your prized possession                     
                                           Not your life
                                but the happiness that hides
I had this poem up a bit ago but removed it for certain reason's that I barely remember. I changed it a tiny bit and here it is again.
 Aug 2013 a j w
Brittney Anne
I'd ask you if you're
but I do not want to be
more of a bother
I'll leave you be and
maybe you'll see how terribly
sorry I am

Hurting you is never
an intention I
would make
I told you the
truth when I said
I loved you,
I did
I did
I did

I promised id always
stay true
and darling,
so did you

I use to get lost
in thoughts of
but the thoughts of
you have faded
and now im getting
lost I'm someone
else's eyes

You are no longer
my own true
and that is why I
must go
we are not friends
nor foes
just ex-lovers

I gave all I could
but it still
was not enough
and I was no longer
with myself and
who I became being
with you my

But darling,
I have high hopes
for you
and there will be another
who could love
more than I ever

always and forever
 Aug 2013 a j w
Brittney Anne
 Aug 2013 a j w
Brittney Anne
Those long summer
night we spent
hiding in the sheets
smoking cigarettes
until our throats
would bleed

We spoke of old lovers
and past
the memories we have
become quite fond

Telling our deepest
secrets and sharing things
we've never spoke of to
afterwards crossing
pinkies , promising to
never tell

It's not the first
time we've made
but from the look in
your green-hazel
you wouldnt call this
'making love'
now would you?

I've grown quite
fond of
you but I
wouldn't call this
skinny love because i
know when we are
making love she
is the one you wish
I was

and I suppose
you could say this
isn't right
but if you were me
then you would
understand I would
rather have you pretend
I am her then
at all.
 Aug 2013 a j w
Craig Verlin
you were merely
a passing fancy
a nice bouquet
in the front
of a flower shop
I enjoyed you
I employed you
while you
were fresh
while you were new
but wilting is inevitable
even the freshest flower
turns to dust

and that good side
you told yourself
that you saw in me?
a magnificent lie

so please stop
with the poems
keep me out of it
I don't need the attention

I'm not here to be
your friend
I'm not here to be
a good guy

I'm sorry
 Aug 2013 a j w
 Aug 2013 a j w
I've never really
Been much for
 Aug 2013 a j w
Isa Nutria
I saw you today
oh love that broke my heart.
As I walked away
I thought of our days apart.

I bet you thought my heart would race,
or bear some feeling of doubt
as from you I turned my face,
and turned my self about.

But, I fought the urge to laugh instead,
I promise my dear, it's true.
Because the new lover in my bed
is better, by far, than you.
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