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 Sep 2013 a j w
Jay Bryant
I feel so high when I'm with you.
Happier than a fien with his fix.
Feeling like I took my first hit.
An everlasting high you give me.
Nothing can bring me down.
No gravity I'll never come down.
Your voice boosts me like a
Black n Mild Way past cloud 9 I lost count.
They all look alike yet feel different.
When I saw you I felt different.
Not lust but love that's different.
Our thoughts are similar.
Your body is never unfamiliar.
My kiss brings you close,
And my touch makes you moan.
My body makes you hot,
But my love keeps you warm.
 Aug 2013 a j w
Siegfried Sassoon
I knew a simple soldier boy
Who grinned at life in empty joy,
Slept soundly through the lonesome dark,
And whistled early with the lark.

In winter trenches, cowed and glum,
With crumps and lice and lack of ***,
He put a bullet through his brain.
No one spoke of him again.

You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
 Aug 2013 a j w
Terry Collett
She called through
the cloth of the tent
are you in there?

you replied
I'm not
and she laughed
and said

thought we were going
down to the beach?
thought you wanted
to see the sunset?

sure I do
you said
just getting dressed

she said
you are naked?
not now
but I was

a few moments ago
she said
should have just

unzipped your tent
and poke my head in
too late now Mamie
you said

and you unzipped the tent
and climbed out
and stared around
the camp base

at the bar
and other tents
and the odd
palm tree here and there

thought you were going
to come over to my tent
this afternoon?
she said

didn't know if Fussy Annie
was still there
you said
didn't want to crowd

you both out
she laughed
she's off someplace
looking at mosques

you said
wish I'd known
I could have come over

and we could have done
some exploring
of our own

she said
but there you go
that's life

come and go
if you miss out
you miss out
anyway let's go

down to the beach
and see this sunset
and so you followed her
down to the beach

her hand holding yours
her fingers gripping
you tightly in case
you ran off

what's she like
Fussy Annie?
you asked

Mamie said
all the time
she's on about
something or other

not being right
or someone having
did such and such
and o God

the toilets
you should have heard her
ranting about
the two bricks

you have to stand on
to do your business
yes comes as a bit
of a shock to see

those two **** bricks
you said
the beach was reached
the horizon

was like a world
on fire
she kept close
to you

her hip
touching yours
full of unexplored
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