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267 · Nov 2014
Untitled IV
a Nov 2014
It's weird now
because there's a hidden meaning behind everything I say
"How are you?" means "I don't care but I'll ask," whilst
"How are you?" means "Please tell me, I wan't you to be okay,"

And whilst I see all those footsteps in the snow and then point them out,
I'm not saying "Look, so many footsteps on top of each other," I'm saying
"Look, there are so many people on this world, and look how they trod on
each other,"

But then again, I am a poet
265 · Oct 2014
a Oct 2014
fill the room
break the bed
Warm breath
on my neck
moonless days
and moonless nights
But there's still a light
Just one glint
much too bright
for me to see
And the river flows
the sounds too far
for me to hear
in the black darkness
some things are not what they seem to be
264 · Oct 2014
Miscellaneous I
a Oct 2014
Little black soul
walk into my yard
tell me the meaning of life
Is it to try and be the best
Or to fall to the ground,
to wither and die?
miscellaneous few liners
254 · Mar 2015
a Mar 2015
For in the darkest of nights, the stars shine most brilliantly,
So let my flaws not disguise themselves as stars
To be worshipped in the moonlight
No longer allow your flaws to be camouflaged as qualities on display
part 1
250 · Oct 2014
a Oct 2014
Absolute silence
Deafening me, I try and slice it
But then the fridge buzz comes again
fridge buzz
244 · Nov 2014
a Nov 2014
I'm afraid of you
And afraid of your ideals
And afraid of your thoughts,
your words,
your shields.
And I'm afraid of what
you think of me
I'm afraid of how much
I think of you
And I'm afraid for when
you tell me the
one is the loneliest number indeed
239 · Nov 2014
a Nov 2014
i try to explain to you the whole system
the way life works, the words and how they hurt
but you just refuse to listen
you don't understand
the way it works, it has to be routine
but you don't know that
and the only way you will is by stopping,
by listening to me
i am the epitome of the cruelty of humanity
as i sit here thinking up deaths of those whom i hate
i may well be the killer,
or will be to cowardly to sin, but allow another soul
to enter into the dark abysses of
and whilst i do that
another is dying
with a load on their back
but i'm much too preoccupied, much too
busy with my pure humanness
doing nothing but trying to sympathise with myself
because my life is so sad
is it not?
i mean, my boyfriend broke up with me the other day
and my pocket money for the week's run out
and as the mascara flows down my cheeks, another
problem arises in the house
with mum having her tooth removed, i'm going to have to look after
and oh
Reflecting on stereotypes
236 · Feb 2015
untitled xvii
a Feb 2015
I want to feel everything;
the soft, comfortable caress
of love,
but not its biting roughness.
Yet, what is one, without the other?
What love can survive without
its demise?
230 · Nov 2014
a Nov 2014
I'm not too sure what to say,
It's been a while, and I've sort of
been hovering around
here and there
In the corners of the vast vestiges
of life and internet
just sitting, watching
actually thinking
yes, hello, poetry.
218 · Oct 2014
Untitled III
a Oct 2014
she screams, he cowers into the corner
she cries, he rubs her back and comforts her
she laughs, he takes her hand and smiles
she dies, he wonders who'll do the same
216 · Oct 2014
Untitled II
a Oct 2014
why do you automatically assume things
it's like you're on a specific mode
that all the ideas swimming in you
must be said out loud and read

the rumours you spread typically aren't true
and as much as i try to explain to to you,
you don't get that people change
what you say too

And the judgments you make are ridiculously and annoying
saying i'm a **** for not wearing a skirt? look who's talking
and don't you dare say i'm trying to steal your friends
those minions follow your assumptions, I wouldn't
want to be friends with them if you paid me
202 · Nov 2014
Untitled VI
a Nov 2014
Today, everyone giggled when Sir shed a tear at eleven o'clock
Calling him an emotional chicken.
But no one knew or cared to know that Mister's grandfather died
Not in action
Not by artillery
But many years later, when recalling past events hurt his mind too much to keep

Today, everyone giggled when I said I missed the soldiers
Saying I was being dim
Not paying attention to know that those noble men were our literal
The ones who experienced such terror for our lives
200 · Feb 2015
untitled ix
a Feb 2015
it was more than just a smile
for his eyes, they filled with light
and the troubles evaporated
for that fraction of a second, bright
192 · Feb 2015
untitled xi
a Feb 2015
oxygen seems to not work
192 · Feb 2015
untitled xiv
a Feb 2015
it has been put into words
it has been confirmed
it has been made sure of
and i cannot defy it.
192 · Nov 2014
i don't know
a Nov 2014
i don't know
and i don't understand
so stop saying "why?"
because i don't have
the answer

i don't know why
she explodes
but she does, and i can't stop that

i don't know why
they hit me
but they do, and i can't stop them

i don't know why
i can't do it
but i can't, and nothing can help me

i don't know why
i feel so sad
but i do, and you can't cheer me

i don't know who
i am
and i won't find out

so you might as well
just go
no more than one should suffer
i'm probably going to fall to the floor
but hey, it might be for the better
but don't you dare fall with me, or try to raise me up
because once i'm down the spectrum, it's hard to lift back up
and only one can suffer, two is much too much
i don't know

— The End —