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 Dec 2012 å
Bambi (10W)
 Dec 2012 å
You keep finding
Fawning after her
With doe eyes
© Amara Pendergraft 2012
 Dec 2012 å
Meggie D
Noon's end.
 Dec 2012 å
Meggie D
A secret message for only your eyes, which roll into the back of your skull. Cigarette entwined in sinister fingers, it's time to say goodnight.
 Dec 2012 å
Molly Patterson
 Dec 2012 å
Molly Patterson
I'm still holding onto lies
(Lies I've heard a thousand times)
They said, "Everything will be alright."
So then, why is nothing fine?

I'm still holding onto dreams,
Dreams that only you could make come true.
But how is it that I still dream?
I cannot sleep because of you.

I've lost all hope
and lost all faith.
You say it wasn't you,
It was my own mistake.
 Dec 2012 å
Nate Foore
 Dec 2012 å
Nate Foore
Seeing as we are all nothing,
     Seeing as we are all things,

We can not understand until we see as one with the overwhelming  
     We can not understand until we see as one with the overwhelming  


This is not life but living.
     This is not life but living.
 Dec 2012 å
tick. tock. time.
 Dec 2012 å
remember that rhyme?
the one about time?
with the mouse, and the house,
and the tick-tock of the clock?
hickory, dickory dock,
i'm like a mouse,
stuck in a clock.
the time it ticks,
the time it tocks,
and you and i,
we stick,
and talk.
and you tell me about your life,
and how she's hurt you so,
and i sit here and wonder,
if you even know.
you hurt me the same,
in case it doesn't show.
i felt for you.
and hope.
and i held on,
even at the end of my rope.
until my hands were burned,
and my arms were sore,
and i couldn't hold on,
to nothing anymore.
and even then i held, still,
fought against my body,
and my brains will,
because my heart,
would simply ****,
to feel your touch,
to know that thrill.
but eventually time,
it ripped you away,
i could not hold on,
i could not stay,
what could be done was done,
what i could, i did say.
and still you pulled that rope away.
i thought you were my life line,
that one day,
you might be mine.
but you aren't,
and you weren't,
and you never will,
because even though it hurts,
you love her still.
time heals all wounds,
or at least thats what i'm told,
and in the winter nights,
when your cold heart keeps you cold,
i hope you know that i could have been yours,
to have and to hold,
only if i would have told,
if only i could have been so bold.
hickory, dickory, dock.
the mouse ran up the clock,
the clock struck "done",
the mouse ran down,
I worked really ******* this. And I really like the flow of it when I read it out loud.
 Dec 2012 å
Grant Park
 Dec 2012 å
You are very tall, almost too tall.
My neck strains to see your face.
I squint my eyes and ponder
Why there is a bench now in your place.

I look around to find you, where are you?
Sitting on the bench I wonder,
Why was I looking up at you, why didn't I walk?
What was the reason for my blunder?

What was it about your overcast shadow
That made me want to stay
I look around again, to find you
I'm not fond of the games you play

I stand up and put my hands in my coat pocket
And I run a quick hand through my hair
I feel long wiry arms encircling me
Now suddenly you are there.

A bench to a man, and a man to a bench
How are you doing this and why?
I rest my face against your chest
Then you whisper a goodbye

And I'm alone in the cold with a vast
Expanse of snow as far as I can see
Nothing but a bench to sit on
I have a feeling you won't be coming back to
© Amara Pendergraft 2012
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