When bright days fade away darkness comes to play.
good days, once bright slowly fade to grey
making good times, once long shorten till they fade.
I've been in places where light doesn't reach and the dark holds me captive for weeks it feels like im bein choked, i can't breathe eat, sleep, speek, or leave.
my screams are muffled more as the pain pulls me deap.
Walking is pointless when you can't seem to see.
asking for help only pulls me further into the deep
Till one day a loved one notices a change in personality..
And for a moment i feel saved, i can once again feel free.
Then later they leave, and you wouldn't believe how fast things change.
When you see a person who's seen as insane remember there in pain.
Its hard to talk to them because they don't see things the same as you and me.
But the saddest thing is that there much more likely to be profits and see earths beauty, understand arts meanings and spend time on simple things.
Life isn't easy and never will be but before you judge me for feeling dark remember you also have a heart.
the mind is a muscle and we work it hard so feel lucky yours hasn't fallen apart.
Billions of people live on earth's yard so how can we discriminate on those who have it hard.
Im sick of seeing grey every moment I breath because people can't except everybodythey meet
Nobody's the same but masses of people still claim harmony and peace are important to believe.
But fame and money drives everybody including me
Sad as it is we've lost lifes simplicity's and continue to pass on our greed to generations of baby's making people into robots as we lose our own thoughts...
Grey is hard to see thru, and i can barely see
I've lost my brighter day,
it may take a life time but when the world burns its money and stops governments from running our lives than freedoms will open our eyes.
We exchange what we know and what we have between one another in return for what we need,
If we can end the greed we can help the hungry to eat
days will have purpose and people around the world will come from the darkness and finally. see