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362 · Jun 2019
Under the surface
Frodewolfe Jun 2019
Can you see her, that woman there?
Standing tall with her head held high?
Lo, can you see the truth of one so fair,
Hidden beneath all her beauty and grace?

Alas, she stands tall to hide her fear,
She only barely keeps her head up,
Her eyes defiantly hiding all of her pain,
Her hands clenched in doubt and anxiety.

Hiding under all of her strength,
She is as delicate and fragile as a flower.
Beneath all her beauty and grace,
She's as sensitive and poised as a bomb.

Lo! Heed this warning I give to thee.
Do not mistake her strength as a facade,
Nor believe her fragile state as weakness.
For that is where her true beauty lies.

Hark! You should not simply judge a book
By its cover, nor by what lies within.
You must look at it all as one,
For only then will you find the beauty hidden within!

~ Wolf
237 · Apr 2019
The Elements
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
Twisting, playful Wind,
Skipping around me with a joyous feel
Caressing my skin in a way that
Only Wind can.

Dancing, blazing Fire
Burning bright like a star
Warming my heart in the way
Which only Fire can.

Flowing, shifting Water
Guarding and protecting me
Surrounding me in comfort
That only Water can.

Solid, everlasting Earth
Steadying and supporting me
Giving me a basis as
Only Earth can.

Serene, peacful Spirit
Calming and securing me
Removing any fears
As only Spirit can.

These are the five elements
That support and aid me in my struggles.
I call upon thee now,
Come to my aid yet again.
213 · Apr 2019
A Knight
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
My Armor is Worn and Beaten,
My Helm is Tarnished and Dented,
My Shield is Nicked and Pierced by Arrow and Sword Alike.
But My Sword is Sharp and Keen,
My Spirits are High and My Heart Strong.

The Wear and Tear of Life May Damage and Scar Me,
But My Love for You Will Never Fade,
And My Sword Will Defend You from All Harm.
I Will Be Your Knight in Not So Shining Armor.

And if I Were to Die Protecting You,
Then Know That I Will Always Protect You From Above,
As an Angel from the Heavens,
Where Our Wonderful Lord Reigns.
211 · Apr 2019
Falling rain
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
Patter Patter.
Can you hear the rain?
As it falls against the window.
Patter Patter.

Curious joy.
Can you hear the thundering of my heart now?
Boom Boom.
As you lay against my chest.

Patter Patter.
The storm continues on,
Thunder and lightning fill the sky
But we are right here next to the fire,
Warm and close to each other.

Crackle Crackle
The wood burns in the fire.
Crackle Pop.
But its almost like my love for you,
Burning so hot.

Let us stay right here,
Warm by the fire,
Away from the storm.
But right here in each others arms.

Patter Patter.
Let the rain fall,
Just hold me tight.
Let the thunder roll.
As the storm rolls on.
Let the Lightning strike.

For as long as I am with you,
Patter Patter.
Nothing else matters to me.
I love you with all my heart.
158 · Apr 2019
Tick tock
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
Tick tock, tick tock
Time goes by without hindrance
As easily as a breath
Without care to anything it affects.

Tick tock, tock tick
There is no escape from time
Lo, make the best of it.
For your time will end someday.

Alas, let this not be a burden.
For with time comes wisdom,
With each second you gain experience
And slowly learn who you are.

Tick tock, tick tock
People come and go.
Only those worth your time stay
Those that are not fade.

Tick tock, tock tick
Cherish those that are
Love with all your heart.
For your time will come.

And when your time is up
Become the memory for those
That you loved without hinderance.
Be as steady as time.

Lo, may your heart last forever
Cherished in the hearts of those
For time never waits.
Nor should your love.

Tick tock, tick tock.
150 · Apr 2019
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
The days grow ever longer,
Yet I only think of her.
The link that binds us,
Has me in a great fuss.

Alas, this is not a bad thing,
Nay, it has such a sweet ring.
The only thing that keeps me away,
I am trapped to my own dismay,

The distance is too great,
Held by a twisted fate.
I want to break these chains,
And free myself of my pains.

I am captivated by her eyes,
They take me higher than the skies.
My heart beats with excitement,
Hoping to finally catch that moment.
143 · Apr 2019
Day by Day
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
Broken, tired, and ******.
Staggering from the heat,
His armor dented and slashed,
His sword full of nicks and dents.

His shield shattered and discarded.
Comrades lost to sword and arrow.
Eyes piercing and steady,
Even as his body tries to fail him.

None can understand his battles
In which he has fought,
Won and lost, or even draws.
Only those that survive at his side can.

A wolf howls at the moon,
In her full beauty.
Time to move on,
Heal, and prepare for the next battle.

He knows that everyday
Is a battle fought.
Won or lost, it goes on,
Day by day, until he dies.
138 · Apr 2019
When I Think of You
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
When I think of you,
My heart skips a beat.
The chaos of my mind,
Suddenly falls still and silent.

The moment I see you,
I stumble over my words.
My stomach turns in knots.
I even forget to breathe.

Your beauty leaves me breathless
I lose myself in your eyes.
Yet i stay distant from you,
Nervous and overly shy.

The moment that you smile
My heart melts in such joy.
Woah, I want to be yours,
Hold me tight with your love.
138 · Apr 2019
Take Me Away
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
Take me away,
To a place I know not.
Sweep me off my feet,
Show me to a new world.

I want to feel numb,
Shocked to a new life.
I want to be alive,
In a new way.

Bring my heart back,
From the frozen depths.
I want to feel your warm,
Healing embrace against me.

This pain is so much,
And very tiresome.
I want to be happy again,
Because of your love.

Your smile is like no other,
And it gives me hope.
A hope that I have forgotten,
What is this feeling?

You give me reason to live,
And the will to give my all.
Just to see that smile,
One more time.

Just one more smile,
Before I leave,
Never to return,
Never to see it again.
137 · Apr 2019
Star Above the Rest
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
Stars dot the skies
In the innumerable range
But interestingly enough
People are like the stars.

Innumerable, as well as
Unpredictable to one such as I,
And yet, somehow
I found that one star.

That one star that stands out among the rest.
Can you guess where or how?
Even I could barely tell you
But I do know one thing.

That one star is you,
Hidden among the rest
As if camouflaged in plain sight
There you were, waiting.

Such a surprise.
A diamond in the rocks.
But I would have it no other way.
I finally found my diamond,
Hidden among the rocks.
130 · Apr 2019
Hidden Emotion
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
I feel a great pain,
Yet it does not show in my eyes.
My tears fall like rain,
Yet i do not cry.

My body shakes with thunderous sobs,
Yet i do not move an inch.
My screams strike like lightning bolts,
Yet you hear no sound escape my lips.

You may see a happy person before you,
But that is just a facade.
A broken man sits before you,
Yet you are blind to it.

I am full of Hidden Emotion.
Do you know who I am?
Or do you see just the facade of happiness?
I am but a simple, tenderhearted man,
Filled with Hidden Emotions.
130 · Apr 2019
Crazy Addiction
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
As every second passes,
All I can think of is you,
You're my angel,
You're my addiction.

I don't know what I would do,
If I did not have you,
My crazy angel.
You're my addiction to life.

Every time I look at you,
My heart starts to pound,
My stomach twists with the butterflies,
Those crazy butterflies.

They tell me that I want you,
That I need you.
You are my Addiction,
My crazy Angel.
129 · Apr 2019
Against the Flow
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
Lifes a *****
Like a slap in the face
We stand with clinched fists
Against the tied
Against the wind

We will not conform
You can't change opinions
You cant touch the mind

Like psychopaths we live lies
We fight the way life attacks us.
There may be paths that others choose
But we pick our own path

How can we go with the flow
Why bother
Go against the flow
And be that which you want
Life needs to get her own life
128 · Apr 2020
to you
Frodewolfe Apr 2020
You are a man of unique qualities,
Both masculine and feminine..
The mix of the two, slowly changing with time to create something almost perfect.
The face nicely drawn as if on paper, not too thin, nor too thick.. just enough to have sharp edges, enough to just turn a head or more...
The body of a finely chiseled Adonis....
Not perfect or unflawed.
Just enough like the softest of clay, working with it, sculpting it to its desired shape.....
a bit of scars, a unique mark, an off color, only defining its character...

written by Faust, all credit goes to them.
a snippet of writing by a friend who decided that i need to feel some love today. <3
124 · Apr 2019
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
The darkness is lit by the simple radiant moon.
Though, when clouds come calling,
She disappears like a shadow,
Not to be seen.

When the storms come crashing along,
She hides, letting only the flash of lightning
Light the night sky.

I miss her simple Luminescence,

Lighting the night with a gentle tone,

Chasing away the darkness,

And giving hope to the scared.

The gentle caress of her light,

Is like that of a woman's caring touch,

Gentle and yet strong,

Calm but shaking like a leaf in the wind.

If only somehow the clouds would fade,

And the storm go back to the winds,

Revealing again to me the Luminescent Moon,

Calming as she is.

Reveal to me you beautiful Luminescence once more,

Calm the raging seas,

And remove the stormy black clouds,

Bath me in your light, My Sweet Moon.
124 · Apr 2019
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
You see me there quietly
Waiting patiently for something
But you know not what it is.

Silent tears touch my cheeks
But still you know not why.
You do not even care.

But why should you care?
Your eyes are turned elsewhere
As you look to the one you like.

My head hurts.
My body trembles.
Am I to be always alone?

Its all because you don't care.
You just pushed me aside.
And now  I sit alone.
122 · Apr 2019
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
A bleeding, broken heart,
Torn apart from the start,
I gave it to you in trust,
You destroyed it with one ******.

Here I lay, shattered,
Beaten and tattered,
My mind wondering why,
As I look to the sky.

Now I come to realize,
All you did was antagonize,
Planned from the beginning,
My blood thinning.

I rise from the ground,
Not willing to be bound,
Shedding your broken shackles,
Laughing at your hackles.

My teeth are bigger
My mind is like a hair trigger,
My heart is free
My will is stronger than a tree

My determination knows no bounds,
You have released the hell hounds.
My pack is at my side,
Like a rolling tide.

You started a fight,
Blackness against the light,
More like a poison
And I found an anti-poison.

Now it is my turn
To give a good burn,
To rid your vile presence
From my life essence.
120 · Apr 2019
In the Grey
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
And as I fall into darkness once more
My mind wanders off again.
My thoughts drift towards you.

I linger there, somewhere between light and darkness.
Why do I wait there, you wonder.
I only have one reason to linger here.

My heart only has one thought
One reason to remain here.
The only reason is you, my love.

The darkness calls to me,
But my heart knows you are near
My heart denies the darkness for your light.

And yet, until you make a choice,
I still linger here, somewhere in between
Waiting for you to call me back, or let me go.
118 · Apr 2019
Night and Day
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
Distant darkness, being chased by the sunrise,
Fading away with the bringing of a new day.
As the moon dips below the mountains,
With a final caress of the earth.

The sun brings warmth and life to the day as it rises,
Bidding adieu to the Moon, as it dances its way up
Into the sky, bringing joy to all. The very heart beat
Of life dances with its arrival in the mornings.

And yet as the day wanes, so does the joy.
It fades back into the moon, and again she caresses
The earth lovingly, like its her child. She smiles softly,
Bringing love to those of us that prefer the night.

I can never get enough of her smile.
Every time she looks down upon me its like looking up
And seeing my mother checking up on me.
I can never get enough of her love. She makes me feel so safe.

What can you see when you look to the moon or the sun?
Which do you prefer? What brings you such joy?
Each person has their own choice.
Would you rather fade with the night or rise with the day?
115 · Apr 2019
Emotions Fly High
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
Darkness flows across the sky like the grim reaper, Stars burning bright, to tear into your heart like a scythe. One orange eyes touches the sky, while one white eye touches the other edge of the sky. Hands clench around my heart as i gaze to the sky, feeling the pressure of my own emotions trying to pour out, Trapped within my body. How do you let them go, to let them soar across such a sight? it is almost impossible to say. But you have to, to let yourself think with an open heart, and not one hidden and manipulated by everything and everyone around you. I let those emotions go, calming myself to the world, and scream above, challenging the world to bring everything it has against my strong heart.
114 · Apr 2019
Tug of War
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
Though I wallow in hatred at myself,
And my own anger flows like the water pounding on my back,
My heart still screams at me to listen.
My thoughts drift back to you.
I love everything about you.
And though my mind tells me to leave before I hurt you more,
My heart pulls me back towards you,
Tearing me to pieces within the tug of war. I love you.
Can't you see that? Maybe just maybe,
I begin to wonder if you would forgive my faults like no other.
113 · Apr 2019
Let It Fall
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
As i sit and watch the rain fall
It just doesn't feel the same as it used to
Without you nearby.

I want to dance through the rain,
But when you are not here,
It seems pointless, to even think about it.

It falls so fast, and I love it
But at the same time I sit here and
Wish there was some way you could be here.

The Rain makes me think about you.
And as i close my eyes,
I can see you there, as if you know.

Only when the rain falls,
And you are right there with me
Will it feel the same.
113 · Apr 2019
Return to Me
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
Under the stars he waits,
Wondering when the one who loves him
Will come to be by his side.

But he wanders, Lost and confused.
Should he wait for her?
Is his heart in the same mind as hers?

Lost, he waits, for her.
Does he hold the same feelings?
He looks to the stars, confused.

She looks to him, and asks him to wait
For her to return to him.
But is he even worth the love?

He sighs softly, torn between
The very feelings that he doesn't even know.
He glances at her, so far away, and wonders.

He will wait, and see where it leads him.
She needs him by her side,
And he needs her as well.

With a final glance to the stars,
He begins the hardest time in his life,
Waiting for the one who loves him to return
112 · Apr 2019
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
Abandon all hope,
As blood rains in the night sky.
Every second passing by,
Relents to the sound of the sword,
Tearing through skin and bone.

The crunch of a mace, shattering a skull,
The ******, half-hearted screams,
Of a man missing his throat.
All of it sends a chill down my spine.
The glorious battle raging around me,
Fills my senses.

A man torn in half by a ballista,
Organs and blood spraying all over his comrades.
Screams of terror, and rage, filling the air.
A whistling sword distracts my thoughts,
And a rage filled cry fills the air as i rip my enemies heart out,
Staring in wonder at the way it fits in my hand.

Blood lust fills me as I move forward,
Tearing the heads, limbs and anything that
I could get my hands on.
Ruining each man as I pass.

The Glorious moon fills the sky,
As if she is watching us, proud at our ferocity.
Blood drips from my body like I just stepped
From a river, or a lake.
The taste of it touches my tongue,
Sending me into a deeper rage.
No sword seems to rip my life from me.

And yet i tear the blood from my enemies
Like i was using magic.
A pool forms around my feet, slowly beginning to turn into more of a stream
Filling the land around me.
The snap of bones fill the air as each body
Complains of the torture it is feeling.

What a painful life, a warrior lives.
To fight and die for what they defend
But why do I care?
I simply live to ****. It is who I am.
Let my sword cleave you into ****** pieces,
Whilst my hands tear through the body of your ally,
So that I may serve my true master.
111 · Apr 2019
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
Words spoken like a poison
Drifting through my veins
Eating away at every wall
Burning through my heart

How can I stop it?
When will it end?
Is my pain that valuable?
Is it so worth your enjoyment?

Anger fills my mind,
How much more will you say?
Then I realize that there is
No point to dwell on it.

Why let it get to me?
Why am I letting your words
Affect me like I am?
Say what you wish now.

I have learned your tricks,
And I will only gain from it
And I shall move on.
I am stronger than you.

I am stronger than your poisoneous,
Slanderous, purposely harmful, words.
This game is over, and It
Is obvious who the real winner is.
110 · Apr 2019
Lost In Myself
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
Every day seems like a year
When you aren't around.
Every second my heart hurts more.

My mind tears itself apart
In its own confusion every time
My thoughts come back to it all.

I seem to go numb with each day
Each hour seems to take less time
As time goes by like a routine.

My heart aches for some reason
That I can't comprehend anymore
When I think about my past.

Every ****** day hurts as time passes
My present turns to the past.
The future turns to the present.

And still, nothing makes any more sense
Than it ever has in the past.
What am I supposed to do

I am lost in my own thoughts anymore
And I can't seem to get my self away
Back to my present. To where I Belong.
105 · Apr 2019
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
A broken and torn heart,
Has no understanding of what its like
To live with someone.

A broken heart only knows pain
A pain so intolerable that every second
Seems like ten years have gone by.

A confused heart has no idea
What it is like to live with or without
Someone of dear importance.

A confused heart doesn't know
Who to like, or who to dislike.
A confused heart knows only itself.

A happy heart knows how to live.
It knows how to love,
Who to love, and when.

A happy heart knows where it belongs
In life and in spirit.
But it is oblivious to the ones who love it.

Each one of them has their misgivings,
And their own good givings.
Do you know how your heart stands?
104 · Apr 2019
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
I Look to the night sky,
So bridled with stars,
And full of life.

My heart aches from words,
Spoken by my own lips,
And those of others.

I shiver as a cold breeze,
Flows along the earth,
Caressing my bare chest.

The clear night offers comfort,
And yet, I still falter.
More words reach my ears.

Each passing second is like,
Another day passing by,
Subtle as the wind.

The beautiful moon,
Shining bright and whole,
Calms my heart in her serenity.

And I realize then,
That everything happens for a reason
And who can stop it?
104 · Apr 2019
What Can I Do?
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
How can I learn to trust,
When my own friends are
Stabbing me in the back.

How can I ever learn to love,
When every time I turn around
Someone is trying to push me away.

How do I even know how to survive,
When even my own choices
Cost me everything?
103 · Apr 2019
Ever Distant Dreams
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
The night slowly falls
As I gaze upon the sky
The setting sun casting
Its final rays outward
As if reaching for the moon.

I stand alone, silently hoping
And wishing for someone
To be by my side.
As my eyes stare to the moon.
My own dreams wandering through my head.

I wonder truly, if there is anyone
Out there waiting for me.
And yet, it never seems to be true.
Every turn and every step seems to
Lead in the same direction,
Casting me down a path I know all to well.

I close my eyes as I make my choice.
Those that might find their path
Entwined with mine, will seek me out.
And so I shall wait, and stare to the moon.
Let her light lead the way.
100 · Apr 2019
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
The stuttering of a torn heart
Is only matched by the fluttering
Of a lovers heart.

How can you describe something
So treasured and yet so frail?
There are truly no words.
99 · Apr 2019
Fiery hearts
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
Fire burns in the sky,
As the sun rises
Lighting the city in golden fire,
Turning morning into day.

The sun's fiery entrance describes
The way i feel
Every time I see you
Walk into the room.

My heart beats faster,
My eyes watch your every movement
The smell of you fills my nose
As you move ever closer.

The touch of your fingers,
As they slide along my skin,
Leaves trails of burning electricity,
Screaming along my skin,
Sending shivers down my spine.

Every second seems to linger on,
Like time is in slow motion,
Even though the beat of my heart,
Betrays every second away.

What can i do?
I feel so lost in our own little world,
Every time I look into your eyes,
That i feel paralyzed until I feel
That amazing electric touch of yours.

Let the fire burn.
Let it burn hotter than ever before.
Let our hearts mingle as one,
Let the fire burn!

— The End —