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Frodewolfe Apr 2019
Under the stars he waits,
Wondering when the one who loves him
Will come to be by his side.

But he wanders, Lost and confused.
Should he wait for her?
Is his heart in the same mind as hers?

Lost, he waits, for her.
Does he hold the same feelings?
He looks to the stars, confused.

She looks to him, and asks him to wait
For her to return to him.
But is he even worth the love?

He sighs softly, torn between
The very feelings that he doesn't even know.
He glances at her, so far away, and wonders.

He will wait, and see where it leads him.
She needs him by her side,
And he needs her as well.

With a final glance to the stars,
He begins the hardest time in his life,
Waiting for the one who loves him to return
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
The night slowly falls
As I gaze upon the sky
The setting sun casting
Its final rays outward
As if reaching for the moon.

I stand alone, silently hoping
And wishing for someone
To be by my side.
As my eyes stare to the moon.
My own dreams wandering through my head.

I wonder truly, if there is anyone
Out there waiting for me.
And yet, it never seems to be true.
Every turn and every step seems to
Lead in the same direction,
Casting me down a path I know all to well.

I close my eyes as I make my choice.
Those that might find their path
Entwined with mine, will seek me out.
And so I shall wait, and stare to the moon.
Let her light lead the way.
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
Stars dot the skies
In the innumerable range
But interestingly enough
People are like the stars.

Innumerable, as well as
Unpredictable to one such as I,
And yet, somehow
I found that one star.

That one star that stands out among the rest.
Can you guess where or how?
Even I could barely tell you
But I do know one thing.

That one star is you,
Hidden among the rest
As if camouflaged in plain sight
There you were, waiting.

Such a surprise.
A diamond in the rocks.
But I would have it no other way.
I finally found my diamond,
Hidden among the rocks.
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
As i sit and watch the rain fall
It just doesn't feel the same as it used to
Without you nearby.

I want to dance through the rain,
But when you are not here,
It seems pointless, to even think about it.

It falls so fast, and I love it
But at the same time I sit here and
Wish there was some way you could be here.

The Rain makes me think about you.
And as i close my eyes,
I can see you there, as if you know.

Only when the rain falls,
And you are right there with me
Will it feel the same.
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
Distant darkness, being chased by the sunrise,
Fading away with the bringing of a new day.
As the moon dips below the mountains,
With a final caress of the earth.

The sun brings warmth and life to the day as it rises,
Bidding adieu to the Moon, as it dances its way up
Into the sky, bringing joy to all. The very heart beat
Of life dances with its arrival in the mornings.

And yet as the day wanes, so does the joy.
It fades back into the moon, and again she caresses
The earth lovingly, like its her child. She smiles softly,
Bringing love to those of us that prefer the night.

I can never get enough of her smile.
Every time she looks down upon me its like looking up
And seeing my mother checking up on me.
I can never get enough of her love. She makes me feel so safe.

What can you see when you look to the moon or the sun?
Which do you prefer? What brings you such joy?
Each person has their own choice.
Would you rather fade with the night or rise with the day?
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
How can I learn to trust,
When my own friends are
Stabbing me in the back.

How can I ever learn to love,
When every time I turn around
Someone is trying to push me away.

How do I even know how to survive,
When even my own choices
Cost me everything?
Frodewolfe Apr 2019
Every day seems like a year
When you aren't around.
Every second my heart hurts more.

My mind tears itself apart
In its own confusion every time
My thoughts come back to it all.

I seem to go numb with each day
Each hour seems to take less time
As time goes by like a routine.

My heart aches for some reason
That I can't comprehend anymore
When I think about my past.

Every ****** day hurts as time passes
My present turns to the past.
The future turns to the present.

And still, nothing makes any more sense
Than it ever has in the past.
What am I supposed to do

I am lost in my own thoughts anymore
And I can't seem to get my self away
Back to my present. To where I Belong.
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