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Y Feb 1
can i just die!
i led my life astray, meandering
im so tired of this awful suffering
ive asking myself over and over again
why? why put up with this misery?
with no course to cross back to,
and no love reserved for me.
did you even see me as a friend?
or just another means to an end.
i think you've left irreparable scars in my heart
you make me question if everything was worth it
you make me wonder if i even deserve it
maybe i should just give up on this life and restart
somehow i'd make amends for my past mistakes
in this situation, all you did was take
and take and take until i had nothing left
and then you left me.
see this pain, and the tragedy of this relationship
something that can't be fixed with a mere  bandage
it just all went to ****.
all the times we spent together,
all the memories we made together
yet i could never be that her, huh?
tell me the truth, im a *****, admit you are.
you only wanted me until i asked for no more
im a worthless pawn in your scheme, your plans, (rit.)
you only kept me until i started to bite
im a parasite that ****** your parts dry
you only loved me until you grew tired,
i'm just a pretty little appendage that fit the bill
wasted my time, what for?
i went ahead and ****** up my life
things started to go awry
now society swallowed me whole, and spit the innards back out
ive been rejected even by the outcasts
shamed and turned away, always outclassed
when you know you can only lose,
when you know you can never win,
kinda makes me want to throw in the towel
and say fin-!
i hate every moment of this torment
i didnt understand why you hated it
this is what you meant.
it's no place for me, this earth
i feel judged for every word that escapes my lips
the world out there is unkind, cruel
its rough on the misled and misunderstood
im coughing the flumes out of my lungs,
and theres something else, on the tip of my tongue
maybe i'd be better off dead.
this toxicity is ruining the creases of my face
im tasting the bitter vitriol.
ive had enough of this horrid place,
surely, i wont miss any of this, right?
yeah. i'd think so.
thus, i go quietly into the night,
goodbye, and goodbye.
(1 February 2025)
Y Jan 28
The first time, it was an accident.
The second time, it was a mistake.
The third time, it was a choice.
The fourth time, it was deliberate, purposeful.
By the time the fifth time rolled around, it had wormed its way into my life, as a hard to break habit.
And the final time, it became my way of living.
(29 January 2025)
Y Jan 24
i hate all contorted words that reek of misery
or how i like to sink, and wallow in boring self-pity
please, make it stop
these thoughts of hatred
questioning why i have lived,
refusing to die, to endure my suffering
i ask myself-
(24 January 2025)
Y Jan 24
staring at the walls with apathy
i cant help but ask myself,
whats wrong with me?

why do i despise the way my mouth moves,
and the horrifying sounds that follow?

why am i unable to speak, unable to think,
unable to meet your eyes?

i feel so small in your presence.
i feel so small in your eyes.
maybe i'm nothing,
maybe i'm worth nothing.

something must be wrong with my way of thinking
and my miserable way of living
or maybe-
there's something wrong with me.
(24 January 2025)
Y Jan 24
i dare not ask if god has forsaken our souls
and decided to leave us to rot for our sins
i find the punishment befitting of the crime
but im afraid of being left alone, to die alone.
(24 January 2025)
Y Jan 24
even if you are not my god
even if you are no longer my savior
because i have nothing left
i will offer myself up to the altar for yoh
and embrace you willingly

even if it hurts me dearly
even if my heart starts to bleed
because i am nothing without you
i will give up my dreams for you
and lose myself willingly

even if i must endure all forms of suffering
even if i must die over and over again
because you have become my everything
i will sacrifice my live and love for you
and pass on willingly
(24 January 2025)
Y Jan 24
the world has gifted us these hands,
to spread love, not exacerbate hate
it has blessed our eyes with vivid colours,
for us to appreciate, not to differentiate
and thus my heart weeps in sorrow
to see these simple rules not be followed
(24 January 2025)
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