Have we thought just for once that we live in a jail?
This jail is not so large though we deem that it is.
Looking down, we see earth; looking up, a blue dome.
They surround this small jail which we can't go beyond.
Sometimes sad, sometimes pleased, we can't change our mood.
It's imposed by the stars that stand there as strong guards.
We look far and aspire to escape from their force
and get free from their eyes that stare from endless space.
But we can't go outside the blue dome, firmly locked,
Where no man can escape as the walls are so thick.
We sit still, trusting none but the soul which is free
as the walls and the guards can control just the flesh.
Sight goes far, souls can fly, but the knot is man's flesh.
It remains in this jail, looking up but can't reach
What eyes see, where souls fly; only it stays on earth,
Looking up into space waiting for souls' new birth.