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Nov 2023 · 144
Never Say Goodnight
Jimmy Kudo Nov 2023
I do enjoy the reactions
The sporadic moments of passion
The aurora borealis reflecting the northern hemisphere of your shiny forehead
The subtle moments of laughter followed by
The frustration of a lost conversation
We morphed into swans! But our vision remains myopic
Stuck on 90’s music and the people that bop it
But I ask you
What would you do if there were a Yeerk invasion?
And suddenly I was replaced by a man who craves for more varied stimulation
A host of my own present day born with
A constant fear of hospitalizations…
Will we stand tall the like broken lights in Huber heights
Or sit short, like a February photo of a Concorde cohort
We’ve come a long way from steak and shake
If only I met you before you left
Salisbury road  
Perhaps we wouldn’t feel as pressured  
A young crazy couple clinically betrothed  
The Bronze mark
Of our missed altruistic assignments
Briefly compliment the warning hue
Of Buick brake lights.
After all, without signals
How can you tell
When it’s time to turn in
If you never say goodnight
Oct 2023 · 253
Fluffy’s Harp
Jimmy Kudo Oct 2023
I don’t like speaking anymore
Words fall deaf on ears, the inaudible bark
As she lays on me I feel the weight of her problems! I can’t pretend
These Puppies don’t make my lap sore
Or like high notes from a harp
to subdue a beast, so solemn and heavy
As Fluffy over a trapdoor
Jun 2020 · 141
The Second First Date
Jimmy Kudo Jun 2020
Why do the crashing cups of a clumsy waitress
make me feel so warm inside
The broken clasp.
Takes attention away
From how scrambled I feel within
This must be how
Trees fighting for custody
Feel losing their children to the wind,
What does it take, to replace a mistake
& make you to believe in a second first date?
Can we overlook
How long that last lap took
And pretend I caught a second wind-
I never meant to make my first impression
My last without any context.
After all why would I probe the whole planet
Find the sight of a lifetime!
Just to never again make contact
Jan 2020 · 127
Not quite sunrise.
Jimmy Kudo Jan 2020
You are my beacon of light
Mixed and scattered amongst the seams
Of the bedding that belies my tranquility.
I know you prefer to be in his dark room.
But please don’t wake me from these dreams.
Jan 2020 · 73
Imposter syndrome
Jimmy Kudo Jan 2020
There isn’t an assessment
On how not to fail a patient who needs you

There isn’t an evaluation tool
For the disabled little girl who’s afraid of your genetic makeup

There isn’t a chart review
To administer to the higher ups who doubt you

There’s only experience.
And the judgement from my peers that comes with it.
Dec 2019 · 228
Sleepy Theo
Jimmy Kudo Dec 2019
The blue soul of a black lab
& I was once trapped in a misogynist crate
Your presence became my release
Your smile is the radiance of sunlight I haven’t felt since my capture
And your laugh is the code that unbolts my shackles
Dec 2019 · 222
Peanut Butter Shake
Jimmy Kudo Dec 2019
Hey baby
I put the kids to bed,
I got us Beautiful Darkness on 4K! But first We got to finish our sweet potato’s and mojitos
Only after I finish picking up your order from Sephora
And returning your Jessie Reyes shirt
Since it didn’t compliment
Your third Fenty bracelet like I thought
It would.
All the assorted scrunchies
And all these distorted thoughts
Match so well. They colorfully hold back
The chocolaty and scrumptious fullness
our perfect blend depicts.
Because there’s no HydroJug
Nor may the skies above
Contain this milky goodness of a mix.

My Peanut Butter Fudge
Turning you from a Tinder match
Was the ignition to the fire I needed
Churning you
From Mr. WhatsHisFace
Is the only type of disrespect I believe in...

Watching you.
do that.
Was like hanging,
His self esteem.
Watch me
Acquire a chess set
Just to hand you ALL the queens.
The once and the future king
Has nothing on our story.
Nov 2019 · 191
Come Let’s Play, Garçona
Jimmy Kudo Nov 2019
Even with two incredible degrees.
I still lack warmth & knowledge
If the heart is over my heart
Can I still don it on my striped sleeve?
My pet peeve.
Nov 2019 · 150
What exactly transpired.
Jimmy Kudo Nov 2019
And that's why you rob so much
A funny convo toward the end of the party
She said black people bob too much
So she stays away from builders wielders & Marleys
I said crazy Caucasian girls grin too much
So I stay away from Harley's
Hope I did not lose you
But I don't Quinn too much,
Try to sing with Glee
She couldn't afford studio time so now she trying to sing
On Me.
Nov 2019 · 227
The Quick Concert
Jimmy Kudo Nov 2019
Remember when I?
Picked you up at the Cole concert in Atlantic city
Back then I wasn’t strong-
A tale of two cities
Thank god that song wasn’t too long.

— The End —