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1.4k · Apr 2019
Obsessed flesh
Xileblue Apr 2019
Obsessed with my flesh you seem to be. Ruin seems to follow me. Through these trees I look for you. You're stalking me and I'm stalking you too. Addicted we are to the things we cant have. I cant explain to myself why I want you so bad. You say you cant shake me, black magic I have. But Its love you see that poisons us now. It tugs at our souls and for it we'll drown.
309 · Mar 2019
Mountain peaks.
Xileblue Mar 2019
You spoke to me about a forever kind of love and into a forever kind of love I fell. Then at the peak you walked away forgetting the chains you forged that bound me to you. Unbreakable i hope, and so I must remember that mountains have more then one peak.
218 · Apr 2019
Lets pray
Xileblue Apr 2019
As I ascend higher now into the light the ink the surrounds me blackens to night
When will I reach my zenith a high note followed by a somber bass a diamond forged by trouble pasts. You must be stronger now you hear they are not strong enough to do what's feared. A lonely road to walk becomes you. You'll die if you speak I'll die if I stay that time is over now so come and let's pray.
191 · Mar 2019
Xileblue Mar 2019
Can you feel it?
Feel what?
Have you looked?
Not in awhile.
Can you try for me?
Yes I can try.
Do you feel it?
What does it look like?
The sun shining in through old glass.
What does it feel like?
Like the first breeze that whispers to your skin summer is coming again.
Are you going to be ok now?
I hope.
151 · Apr 2019
Night Dance
Xileblue Apr 2019
Demons dance around my bed

Just as they dance inside my head

If soon I do not fall to sleep

They'll dance too close and grab my feet

Down I'll go under my bed

And if I'm lucky I'll soon be dead.

— The End —