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"Why are you out there
Your gonna fall"

He's all I look for
All I wish to feel
Just a moment of forever
Once more upon my lips

The gentle caressing
The secrets we shared
The laughs
And the tears

All perfectly chaotic
In the sympathy we called love

But his love is no more
On its way to me
But my body refuses to accept
My heart longing for hi.
My mind racing for a way to be his once more

"Would you let me?
Would you let me fall?
If it ment I was finally with him once more?"
A small treat
A little moment to be a child
A small smile
And spring in my step
Only help hide the pain

For you it was a small act
Something you did
Because I was being a pain
But you continued
And it became our habit

A small habit
"Have a good day"
kiss on the cheek
Passing of a 6 pack of oreos

Despite being a cookie
Just a simple mass produced cookie
They make me smile
And be a child for a moment

A moment where I was young
A moment where life was easy
A moment where you were mine to hold
The concept simple
The reality much different
It was suppose to be a new start
A new chapter of invention
A new road being paved
But the chains still hold
the obligation of blood
The concept of staying

I shouldn't be bitter
I shouldn't be upset
"Enjoy the time you have"
but when its holding me back
is it still worth it?
The roar of the crowd
The flashing lights
My voice horse from having fun
My body bouncing to the beat

As the song plays
As my voice swings the melody
The tears streamed down
And I thought of you

Wishing to have you as mine
Once more
Wishing you sat
In the empty seat next to me
You thought you were smug
filling the complaints
hoping it would be a slam dunk on my failures

you didn't realize I still had proof
or the evidence
or the gift to show your issues
without confusing my truth

So swift you came out swinging
and all you did
was ink your fate
as the villain you are

so thank you for the inspiration
where your always shown
as the monster you truly are

and the world moves from your lies
and only remember one name
So careful you walk
Up above the white clouds
Dance on your tightrope

Your wings
So beautiful
So elegant

Swift you fly
Up above heaven filled sky
Along with winds we hear

Do you ever
Miss the ground
Or the ones who walk it?
It's been years since I've seen you
Years since we kissed
A lifetime since we embraced in love

Despite the statements
Of how I'm fine by myself
Or how I don't want to share my space

I miss you
Despite the years
Despite the venom of your actions

I still long for you
I still miss your embrace
I still miss you

Is what love is
The emptiness
The ticks of a cupid struck mind

Is this where you sit?
The corner of my gaze?
Right out of reach?

Will we ever have our
Happy ever after
This lifetime, or is this one just in passing?
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