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Sleepless nights
Early morning
Late night

Endless tasks and lists
A body collapsing
A mind running

Just count down the days
Till this rush slows down
Right before another begins
Oh to tell my story

One of triumph
One of misery

The one where the girl gets everything she wants
And the one where she is left with nothing

The one where I am happy to be me
The one where I hated everything I did

Oh to tell my story
The broken spite fuelled disaster success

Why that would take a lifetime
Are you willing to listen that long?
I thought of the impossible
concluded it was just my fantasy
A wish upon a star
and accepted it would not happen

but as I let the hours pass and the miles fly by
the silence of the lunch hour
the company for the 8 hours

I smile hiding the tears my heart wants to shed
holding up the wall I built so well
despite the cracks that form

I once more found a family
one that accepted me, for me
And allowed my companion to come

I thought to be just a dream
but the early mornings and late nights
the count down till a new change

and I smile
for once being happy
happy at work
happy at home
happy, in general
The roar of the crowd
only for a season

every event timed
every event judged

8 seconds
14 seconds
less then 2

all impressive in their own event
and many forget that the roar of the crowd
is only a tiny part of the lifestyle

Many hours
early mornings
late nights
working through weekends and holiday's

We all bow our heads before
praying we never repeat
that rainy day in Cheyenne

With live breathe and respect our game
but we never forget those that is took
nor the ones who got their start
in the Rodeo
Your body is toned
your mind focused on the moments
you can be at peace
you know how to win the fights
you embrace the idea
of being a walking weapon
because only you can
can protect the little girl we were
and give hope to the teen
who thought the world didn't need her
so I raise my glass to you tonight

the one that is on your own
the one balancing life with ease
the one who knows there is still work to be done
for the dream goal to be achieved
but you go to bed happy
with your body
and soul
Last night was full of pain
the agony of pulled ligaments
broken bone
social battery dead
Accepting that the fail would happen

Early rise
hope in the air
body still healing
but just numb to the pain
Fill the tank
grab a bite
only a $1 left in the account
till next week

The road long
traffic hell
the misty sprinkles
making me aware

Read to keep the mind at bay
Count down the time
act like nothing is wrong
despite the eyes

Put on the mask
same as before
"Hi how are you"
"No thank you, have a good day"
The environment still

but smiles and laughs soon filled the air
Getting a glimpse at what once was
filled the heart with hope
of finding it again

Walk out smiling
happy and fun
not admitting the prayers
that this could be the one

Body exhausted
Lack of food and sleep
sleep the day away
then the nightmares will stay at bay

A single call
clarification on already determined decisions
"We pick you, can you do it?"
Joy beyond compression
the body unsure what to do
after being numb for so long

Is this really happening
is this a dream
has the skipping meals
late bills
and fear of going under

finally found the light at the end of the tunnel?
Your body tensed
your mind confused
something we haven't done
something that was almost failure

But at the last attempt
you stayed
letting me climb
letting me slide on

the old familiar pace
Balancing as you moved
trying to figure out the weight

happiness bursting at the seems
of a moment I thought would never happen
I could feel you smile

With a attempt of control
in a open field with a mare you bow to
fear took hold
and you bolted

some how still aware of me
and the dangers around
trying to bring me to safety

but muscle memory failed
my mind confused
and in one sharp turn
I fell

but through the pain I felt
assesing if a bone broke or not
I was happy

and even though you thought you were at fault
and the boss stood between us
when I put my hand on your skin
you calmed
understanding it was not your fault

but a start of a new chapter
no mater how long it is
we were a team once more
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