F One day I will share the meaning behind the words I write with someone special, but until then, the meaning will be whatever the reader takes away from it.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CQSM744D?ref_=pe_93986420_774957520 63 followers / 14.9k words
Is the reason it hurts so much to write the story I wish to set free is because I lost myself or is it that I lost the drive to dig deep and find the characters and just prefer to stay suspended in just reading around instead of the dips and strokes?
"Name your emotions" "Take a minute to breathe" "Write down what makes you happy" "Be in a calm mind set"
All the ways to fix a troubled mind and none to fix the uncontrollable feeling of being alone with myself and not being certain if I am the strong willed adult or the scarred child
Time is at our command We walk the same earth and yet record it very different Time moves by us indifferently Yours moving away Mine moving towards Both finally meeting for that single moment
A moment that changed the past A moment that changed the future A moment that changed time Forever you will be intertwined in my mine A blink in yours
Oh the troubles with being a Timelord's wife A promise for ever lasting a secret only one knows memories that will fade but the words in gold
the words in ink done by the hand of a Timelord done with pain and sorrow done with joy and excitement done for Time itself
so the event could be recorded like everything else oh the dilemma of being a Timelords wife
loving one soul one tiny crazy piece of insanity and accepting that your time of joy and excitement together has run its course And further apart you will go on your own timelines once more
Slowly Everything has been slow except a gifted mind and now everything is moving like a bullet train How I keep up is a mystery in its own But slowly just like a snail everything is falling into place the right place and the correct clicks are heard This tower that has been shaky has now the base I needed to launch and hope I can strap in and hold on as it takes off
Because I can't control my past Because I can't stop my spirals Because everyone has left me Because people are scarred of me Because inside I am a total mess Because I barely hold myself together Because I constantly am reminded of what happened Because I was told I have to high standards Because every guy used me Because I don't know how to control myself "Anxiety"
Why must this idea be caged Why must I be tormented with the knowledge Why can I not just let it flow like it did before Why must it be unscalable wall I am faced to see Why must this story be so hard to write Why have I fallen out of love with my characters Why can't I write like I use to
"Why did you do all of this? What was your driving force to create this?"
"I wanted to give my children the world I dreamed and escaped to, because dragons could be defeated with a sword or food, and a kingdom needed a hero to praise."