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Drown out the thoughts
Blow the speakers
Damage your longterm
For temporary sensation

To stay sane
Bite your tongue
Hold your head up
Waist thin
Hips wide
Cheeks flushed
eyes piercing

what really classifies as beauty
when there are so many rules?
Three paper cranes
three thoughts
that my mind created
in a conversation
three times
I wished to
end it
So simple
so swift
you cut with the blade

Severed any hope
severed any dreams I had
severed everything

Despite effort
despite trying to understand
despite accepting flaws

It wasn't enough for your worth
it wasn't enough for your effort
it wasn't enough for your love

so what's one more cut
what's one more scar
whats one less heart to beat

Despite pleas
that fell on deaf ears
despite the blood
covering your hands
You still had
to crush my heart

watching the ashes crumble
and blow in the wind

but it wasn't my light
that you blew out
but the only candle lit

That was yours
your light
your heart

so goodbye Trickster
maybe you can
trick another soul for your sick game
So what's another cut to the body that refuses to die?
I see you
I see a life full of love
I see a life full of passion
I see a life full of possibilities

but at the same time
I see you
I see a life full of pain
I see a life full of torment
I see a life full of anger
and rage
and frustration
and ignorance
and pure hatred

so all I ask is
is this simple question

that night under the stars

was it passion you had
full admiration
full of hope
full of possibilities

or was it lust that made you look at my body
lips savoring the taste of skin
moans bringing joy to your ears
your eyes longing to see vunerablitliy

So which was it, Trickster?
once a little devil, now just a trickster
My little devil
So kind your hands
So warm your heart
So sweet your words

But though I can see a future
A wonderful amazing life
And beautiful children

You only focus on my flaws
The edges that cut you
The parts that fight you

I try to see your point of view
But it feels as though
You never give back what I give onto you

So sweet
So caring
So devilish

Harsh with words
Brutal with actions
And break me any chance you can

So I must ask
The time we spent
The glimps of my life you saw
The vulnerability I gave to you

Was it all for something
Or were you just wearing a mask
To see how much you could trick me instead?
I can sit here
trying to find every good thing
Trying to count my blessings

but yet all I want to
is nothing
no breathing
no thinking
no heat beating
just nothing

Despite life telling me no
I still have hope
I hope your going to get better
hope we won't have to let you go

Please pull through
or pass quickly
no one wishes to see you in pain

and I want to do
is just give up
as well

please stop holding on for her
she'll be ok
I've always made sure
despite my heart breaking as well
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