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They once were small in numbers
Now they rise more and more

Simple like you and me
Deadly alone

They blend in so easily
Invisible at first glance

Shadows are where they lay
Hiding the blood on their fangs
When you read this
my body may still breath

When you read this
my body may be gone

When you read this
may be the next day

When you read this
maybe centries later

When you read this
hopefully the 1's and 0's stay

When you read this
the cite may be gone

When you read this
Time will have moved

so when you read this
maybe you'll be better then me
In stories I find love
In stories I have life
In stories I have drive
In stories I can fly

In stories I can experience
The pain from a cut on the arm
In stories I can experience
The final breath leave my body
In stories I can experience
What a different life would be

Only in stories do I esapce
Only in stories do I die
Only in stories...
And nothing more...
Will it ever stop?
The sirens scream
The lights flash
And I think of you

A story I believed
A life I was wrapped up in
Gone over night

Too soon I fell
Too soon I trusted
Just to be left alone

Will it ever stop
Thinking of another
As the trucks go by
We were kids then
simple minded
but had it all planned out

You gave me dimonds
I gave you my heart
You promise me the world

The window shattered
the broken shards cutting me
as I tried to pick them up

The scars made it easy
to hold the shards
as I made the pieces into weapons

Maybe now you'll understand
that your simple pleasure
was more then just a wolf in sheep clothing

Time ticks by
you life hanging in the balance
And a single figure over your grave
In a crowded room
So many eyes scan
Each a mind, and a life
But yet they do nothing
For the one creating glass tears
Silent they look away
Hoping they do not stay
Far beyond the grasp on motal hand
In the depths of imagination
We soar high above the cites and trees

Your black wings create shadows
My white ones create light
Once we were enemies
Now friends

Oh my demon
Oh my devil
Would you still feel the same

If I told you what really happened
That cold morning in November?

Would you still crave my touch
Would you still hold me close
Or would you leave

After realizing I was a human
Pretending to be an Angle?
Would you stay or go, little devil?
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