A fickle thing
Showing me
what I already knew
We were supposed to celebrate
We were supposed to have fun
I was supposed to let go
Instead, people avoided me
not giving me a second glance
because of how I look
I'm not short
I'm not thin
I'm not anyone's choice
But she was
able to move her hips
to catch their eyes
You can see she savors the looks
only fulling her view
despite being with another
They ask for her hand
Buy her drinks
never give me a second look
A hard truth I already knew
I'm not pretty despite being smart
and I'll never be the first choice
If I'm in the top 5
I'll be lucky perhaps
top 10 is more likely
One spoken to
when the first said no
and not thought about afterward
I will have no love
because who could love
a second thought girl?