I sit and wait
wait with a heart full of hope
wait for a miracle to happen
wait to see if life can be beautiful
But I have been here before
waiting for others to decent those steps
and lift me off my feet
but no one did
I waited for you
hoped and prayed that you would come
hoped that what we had was real
and not just a figment of my imagination
I waited ever after you said no.
still hoping for a tiny spark of hope
Now I wait again
praying that for once I can gaze upon your face once more
and finally, get to feel your touch
I want to know how sweet your lips are
and how silly you look when you snore
I want to cherish the small moments that mean nothing to you.
but to me
they hold the little bit of happiness I'll experience in life
so I sit and wait
for the chance, I can meet the person who has saved me from