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You're filled with pure ink
Each mark was permeate
the red divider you have is your only color

But you are the second to hold her words
Such power she can create
For both good and bad

The black book that she looked to for salvation
only held the darkness
and let it out when she read

Nothing was happy in that black book
Even when flames struggled to consume it

Now you are here
Holding most of the same
but you are different

You show love, passion, and hope
Where she almost forgot the feeling
So let her ink your pages

scraping your page with metal with each stoke
And one day
Show the world
the words she struggled to say
I want you here
I want you to hold me
and tell the world to leave me alone
I like your arms to keep me at night
and I want your lips to kiss every inch of my body
but as much as I want you here
Next to me
I can't have it

You wake up every day
tired from the day before
and you still find the energy
to run and help at a moments notice

You are there helping people
saving them when there is no hope
Calming blazes till their out
You're a hero to them...

So how can I want you
when it would be
taking someone's hero away
at the moment when they need one the most?
I sit and type
My fingers floating above keys
before words and sentences are created
A story is born
An empty page becomes full of text
and yet I still feel the same


I write to escape reality.
But I end up creating different prisons for myself
Each one has the one thing I want

And I fear
that I am never going to get it
Everyone deserves unending love


I sit and wait

wait with a heart full of hope
wait for a miracle to happen
wait to see if life can be beautiful

But I have been here before
waiting for others to decent those steps
and lift me off my feet
but no one did

I waited for you
hoped and prayed that you would come
hoped that what we had was real
and not just a figment of my imagination

I waited ever after you said no.

still hoping for a tiny spark of hope

Now I wait again
praying that for once I can gaze upon your face once more
and finally, get to feel your touch

I want to know how sweet your lips are
and how silly you look when you snore
I want to cherish the small moments that mean nothing to you.

but to me

they hold the little bit of happiness I'll experience in life

so I sit and wait
for the chance, I can meet the person who has saved me from

Once a breath is given
it is celebrated

Once a breath is taken
it is mourned

However, the time between the first and the last
is nothing at all

looked at with pride or greed
some sorrow and pain

each making history is someone's life

Yet here we sit
reading words
feeling another's emotion

but what if
this flood of words


Her screams are silent
Terror fills her mind
Each day makes her fear the next

The doctors only make it worse
only agreeing to one thing
and none can fix it

Genetics made her special
and now it's becoming her downfall
Each day is worst than the last

No one can see the pain
nor will they ever notice how it affects her

She's a little liar
hiding her pain from the world
and not telling a soul what's going on

"I'm Fine."
the perfect lie
to make them stay away

She enters her prison once again
and isolation takes her
as she stands in the crowd
Another lie
with a perfect smile

She hides so well
under the spotlight

Her world crashes around
as she dances free

No one can see
the tears she hides

Under pressure
Beaten down

   The one happiness
     is slowly killing her now

          She's such a liar
            hiding under that smile

               as her wold shatters
                 right under her

                              and then

                                                               she falls
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