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The ground was a beautiful war
Floral and fauna competing for space
Everything was a perfect balance
The machines ruined it
Concrete suffocated those trapped
the steel frame made the ground impossible to dig
The building created an everlasting darkness

Time made cracks appear.
Rust made hole in the metal.
Light started to shine for the first time in decades.
The machines came once again
but took away the building that killed so many
and once again
on the barren land
The wildlife took it over once more
Have to find everything once more
Need to make sure it's all packed
The anxiety the night before
The nerves on fire

Have to make sure its all ready
Have to make sure its all set to go

The same rush
but this one is sweeter than the rest

Second last to go
then freedom comes
She was perfection
A goddess in mortal form
The definition of beauty
and had such a fragile heart

A heart that I dropped
A heart that I cracked
A heart
that I shattered

she watched in horror as I pushed her away
I screamed at her to go away
I told her I didn't need her

She used to come back.
She used always to be there
She used to support me

Once I shattered her heart
She left and didn't come back
and I was alone once again

I broke her because I hated myself.

She carries her head high now
her smile gleaming for miles
her energy filling up rooms full of joy
Would never know I shattered her heart

A million pieces it broke
but in the end
it was my heart I broke
A million pieces
a million tears

and none will bring her back to me
Repetition of those before us
A guide to what will come
So pure and beautiful
Yet can be callous and harsh
A simple thing
So small in the world
But can change it
Even still
An echo of past
An echo of the present
An echo of time itself
Simple yet powerful

Life is but an echo

So what is your echo?
The story is there
The conflict is perfect
The ending will be a page-turner

but why do I struggle to write a single paragraph
I use to write pages
Stories just flowed off the keys

Now it's like a burden to type a single letter

Am I ready for the story
or is the world not ready for the tale?
I was once innocent
Pure hearted
Kind at all costs

Innocent till I was alone

Alone they made me
I was a poison everyone hid from
A poison that only hurt myself

A poison that planted a seed

A new environment soon came.
And for once I could make friends
Friends who didn't run away from the sight of me

Yet the seed was growing.

A new environment with friends was a first
First time I wasn't an outsider
That I finally had a place in this world

But the sprout finally emerged from the soil.

Pain filled my memories.
Growing with uncertainty
Friends not able to understand how much I was hurting

Blood watering the plant

I screamed silently
I begged for help
trying to find reason in my upside-down life

The plant only growing more with every drop.

I wanted to be told I was insane
That this was just a bad dream
and I would awake from this nightmare

But the plant started to strangle me.

My secrets came spilling out before my eyes
This is just a nightmare, I thought
A nightmare and nothing more

The plant tightening its hold on me

Then I was alone
Alone with my thoughts
and trying to escape the self-created prison

The plant loosened me enough to breathe.

A new environment
Trying new things
People understanding what I was going through

The plant slowly weakening.

I thought I was better.
I thought the nightmare was over.
I thought I was free.

The plant quickly suffocated me once more

.I screamed for help
I begged people to see the damage I was enduring
I prayed, but no one came

The plant slowly killing me with every second I couldn't breathe.

I was fighting a war
that everyone saw
but no one wanted to help

Every drip of blood fueling the plant more.

Was I too far gone
I thought
or would I set the example of what not to do

The plant draining every bit of life I had

my vision went blurry
and all I saw was the plant I created years ago
slowly winning its fight with me

"One last breath"
the plant hissed
"one last breath"

As I felt my body giving up
slowly growing numb to the pain
the plant started to die

Leaves wilted
Stacks grew limp
and the remains of my plant buried me

I crawled from the remains.
watching as the blood that once gave it strength
gave birth to a fire at its core

A fire that burned everything it touched
everything turning to ashes
burning bright in the night sky

Soon my fire ate its self to death.
but I was not cold anymore
I did not need its protection

I was finally free
free from the plant I created
free from the fire I made
free from myself
I sit at night
writing in ink
hoping it lasts the test of time
Quill and ink
every drop
a purpose intended
The only place I feel free
Free to look at myself
and question thoughts in my head
but is this freedom really free
When no one sees the words I write?
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