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I see them close by
Some days they are closer than others
A boy and a girl
Two souls that call me mom

Both are sweet and caring
but only one is mine by blood
both of their fathers are gone

One killed in a war away from home
the other in a war down the street
Both caring
but taken too soon

Even though we all miss them
We try to find happiness.
The only thing we can't run short of

One day I will hold them in my arms again
And when that day comes
I will cry once more
Thanking those above
that I have my family once again
I found myself once again
In the unexpected of places

My mindset on trying to find the impossible
My heart singing only one tune

With a small spark of hope, I rushed closer
Praying I could find what I seek

But soon, my little flame was smothered
and I was broken-hearted once more

A kind stranger saw my struggle
They knew my pain

"A different tune perhaps,
could change your mind?"

Time ticked by slowly
my little candle slowly glowing again

A new melody sang from my heart
as I finally found what I had been missing

With my flame burning like a forest fire
I search for more of the same

Anything to replace the ache in my heart
That I had grown to love

My candle now almost burned out
I looked in the mirror once more

My reflection
My soul

Once more, it was out on display again
True and bright

I felt comfortable
I felt free

and I knew
I was looking at me.
West wind calls
It blows with a force
Each gust stronger than the last
Stopping just enough
To move an inch
Before being pushed back another five

The struggle to fight it
From pushing me over the edge
Off the cliff, I climbed
Is exhausting

Will West Wind ever stop,
So I may move back to where I started?
Ideas swirl around my head
Each one could be a hit
Each one could be a flop
But trying to write it
Proves difficult

I sit
I write
I scratch
I rewrite

Slowly I take a part of my soul
And the melody shows itself

The song now complete.
Time, a wary thing
Full of potential
Full of disappointment
Each second passes
Changes fate as it does

Would lives be different
if I went left, instead of right?
Angle and Demon
Broke the single rule of birth
Love connected them
and brought forth a child
A perfect balance
Of good and Evil
Both proud of the child
But also know
that when the time comes
The child will bring the fall of the world
And pay the price
That they avoided
For falling in love
Broken wings
Golden wings that aren't hers
Time has been cruel
As seen by the scars on her body
The time in the Darkness
Rebirthed her in ways
But left memories that will never fade away

Love has been cruel
The demons playing tricks on her
The men demanding favors
Each taking a part of her away
or killing it slowly

"Will love ever come."
She asks everyday
"Or am I destined to live alone once again?"
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